Devotion to Mary
Mary is the Mother of Jesus and through her motherhood, she receives from her Son an incomparable honor. No matter how many tributes we may multiply, nothing will ever equal the tenderness, the deference of the Son for his Most Holy Mother. Mary is therefore our mother, the mother of our soul, and as our life on earth is only a birth for heaven, She takes care of us with all the loving care of a mother for her very young child. It watches over, nourishes our soul and sustains our faltering life while uplifting and directing it to its ultimate goal. Let us therefore be towards Mary like children.
First of all, from the bottom of our hearts, let us love her, have tender thoughts for her of reverence, gratitude and filial abandonment. Let us talk to Mary, let us explain to her our needs, our sufferings, our desires and all those little things of the heart that we easily share with our close friends but that we forget to entrust to her, our Mother par excellence. To Marie, we must say everything. “If we find in us this loving confidence in our Mother in Heaven, let us thank God because He only grants this grace to those whom He wants to save” said St John Damascene.
We are just misery, and She is mercy itself. Her most tender and strong desire is to spread her blessings on her children, it would be an offense not to ask her for them. In this month when we honor her for her Assumption into Heaven and celebrate her in her title of Queen, let us turn to Her! Every day, let us invoke Mary! ! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)