July 2, 1688: (at the time, day fixed for the feast of the Visitation) Saint Marguerite-Marie (nun of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial) contemplates in a vision the Heart of Jesus, surrounded by the Virgin Mary, of Saint François de Sales and Saint Claude de la Colombière. The Visitandines and the Jesuits receive the mission of spreading the cult of the Heart of Jesus.
July 12, 1977: Birth in heaven of the Servant of God Mother Maria-Angélica Alvarez Icaza, Religious of the Visitation of Mexico, whose beatification process is underway.
July 15, 1865: Dedication by Monsignor Mermillod, auxiliary bishop of Geneva, of the Chapel of the Visitation of Nantes. July 19, 1630: Arrival in Nantes by the boat ride of the 8 founding Sisters of our monastery of the Visitation.
July 19, 1810: After 18 years of dispersion caused by the Revolution, the Visitandines of Nantes resume monastic life on the site of the old Chartreuse, where we have always remained since.
July 20, 1685: First feast of the Sacred Heart by the novices of Paray-le-Monial, on the feast day of their mistress, Saint Marguerite-Marie.
July 22, 1647: Birth of Saint Marguerite-Marie in Verosvres, on the feast of Saint Marie-Madeleine. Memento of the month