This new Spanish book, written by Salesian Don Eugenio Alburquerque Frutos, a devotee and scholar of the figure of the Savoyard saint for almost 20 years, claims to be a definitive biography of this Doctor of the Church, Bishop and Founder of the Visitation Order.
In the auditorium of the Santiago el Mayor Provincial House of Salesianos, around 70 people, including Salesians, Salesian Family, CCS Publishing House and friends, approached to carefully follow the presentation of this book. The event began with the intervention of the Manager of Editorial CCS, Mr. Orlando González, to thank and welcome everyone.
At the presidency table were Don José Antonio Hernández, in charge of the Salesianity section of Editorial CCS; Mr. Joaquín Torres, European member of the ACSSA World Presidency and the author of the book, Eugenio Alburquerque Frutos.
José Antonio thanked, on behalf of Editorial CCS, the full availability of the author with the Editorial for this work. “It is not just a book, it is the great jewel we have been waiting for.”
He stressed the importance of a work that did not exist until now: a complete biography of Saint de Sales. He added that he anticipates the commemoration of the 400 years of the death of the saint, which will be held in 2022. And he stressed that with that presentation began a year of celebrations for the 75 years of Editorial CCS, with several events.
Joaquín Torres made a very detailed presentation of the figure of the Salesian writer, of Salamanca origin. He mentioned the luck of having been able to attend one of the pilgrimages that are organized every year to the places of Saint Francis de Sales in France, in which the author acts as a guide. He insisted that with this work “Eugenio, you make us savor the saint. Don Bosco himself would recognize the Francis de Sales from whom he was inspired ”.
Later, and for about half an hour, Eugenio Alburquerque spoke about this book in depth. He told the how, why of this work. The study work of many years bore fruit in a literary work that began to shape in 2017, concluded in 2018 and its presentation was made to coincide with the beginning of the celebration of the 75 years of Editorial CCS, in January 2019.
He gives a full, rich and complete biography of the personality of Saint Francis de Sales, setting him in a historical, social and political context in the 17th century, and how he positively influenced the Church of that time. “He is one of the great reformers, beginning with his diocese, the diocese of Geneva.”
He stressed the importance of his figure and his legacy in the current Church and how Saint Paul VI and Saint John Paul II ratified and endorsed it.
The author listed in several points the reason for the importance today of this renowned Doctor of the Church, Saint Francis de Sales: He was a promoter of what today Pope Francis transmits with “a Holiness for all” in daily life, in the encyclical Gaudete et exsultate, and which has already been lived since the Second Vatican Council. At that time this was a true pastoral and spiritual revolution. He sought the conciliation achieved between Humanism and Christian thought. “Saint Francis de Sales now helps us to deepen our Christian roots in Europe.“
He relaunched missionary evangelization in Europe. He had infinite pastoral boldness and creativity, fueled by the “Da mihi animas, caetera tolle.” He projected new paths of spirituality, in simplicity, in joy and in love. He champion of the terms of “discernment” and “accompaniment.” Aspects that reflect the entire life of Saint Francis de Sales. “He is the master of spiritual accompaniment.”
He influenced ecumenical dialogue. He respected, welcomed and searched for the truth.
And also the influence of Saint Francis de Sales is in the field of education. He was not a direct educator, but in his works there is a thought about education. “He promoted education, because he was convinced that this was the basis of human development,” said Alburquerque.
Many Congregations of the 19th century, working in the field of teaching, are inspired by his thoughts for educational practice: Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales, Oblates and Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales, Society of Saint Francis or of Sales, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), etc. ”.
(And Visitandines too, those who had schools.) blogger added this point.
Finally, the Provincial of Santiago el Mayor, Juan Carlos Pérez Godoy, contributed some words to the event. He thanked the author for “the passion with which he presents the saint”, thanked him for this work – rich for the Salesian Family – and remarked a few words of gratitude also for Editorial CCS. He said of it that it is “our publishing house, we must feel it as ours” and took the opportunity, on the occasion of its 75th anniversary, to relaunch it, despite the difficulties that the book sector is currently having.
Source: https://salesianos.info/presentada-la-biografia-definitiva-de-san-francisco-de-sales/