Dear friends,
We are entering the season of Lent and we can encourage ourselves with the Lenten antiphon “With our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, let us enter into the battle of God! »
The fight of God is what the sisters of the monasteries of the Visitation in Colombia experience.
At the invitation of the mother superior of the Bosa monastery in Bogota, Madre Maria Catalina Rojas, 18 monasteries were able to receive again, for 3 days, this beautiful message from Paray-le-Monial. They were able to contemplate the humble path of conversion of Saint Margaret Mary who learned, over the years, to move from her own will to the will of the Lord. “We go from the image of an inaccessible saint to a saint who is close to us” testified a sister.
These three days of retreat were a time of grace for all these monasteries which have, I believe, a special vocation to transmit the love of the Heart of Jesus, so much their culture is filled with the joy of the Lord.
“With our eyes fixed on the Heart of Jesus, let us enter into the battle of God! »
This initiative of the federal mother was her testament. Fifteen days later, a first Friday of the month, the Covid brought her down. Our first attitude is to ask ourselves: “why Lord?” This 61-year-old mother superior, so dynamic with the many challenges for these monasteries, was she not the one you desired Lord to pursue this mission? Finally, these three days and her final departure on the day of devotion to the Heart of Jesus are like a final testimony for all these sisters: “With our eyes fixed on the Heart of Jesus, let us enter into the fight of God! »
Dear friends, “surrounded by such a cloud of witnesses, let us run the fight! (Heb 12,1) I wish you to be able, after this long time of trials, to fix your gaze again on Jesus and to be able to return to Paray to enjoy a retreat to rest on his heart. Doctors’ weekend, Godfather-Godson retreat… All our events are once again accessible to everyone. We will be happy to welcome you.
Looking forward to seeing each other again, let us pray for each other, let us remain in his Heart and that he continues in us what he started!
Fr. Benoit Guédas +