Dear friends,
Holy entry into Lent! More than ever than at any time, the world is full of noise. Not only in various sounds or in words… but also with the words that slam on all social networks. These words however “silent” often make more noise in our head and in our heart than those exchanged orally.
As our foundress invites us to do, let us take the time to be silent. Let’s stop the useless talk, even virtual, and find this deep inner silence so necessary to let God speak to us and find the Peace He wants to give us. Doesn’t world peace begin with individual peace…?
well in communion with everyone,
Geneviève, coordinator for Headquarters.
The silence
What agitates us, torments us, saddens us does not come from God. All the action of Jesus is in peace, his words and even his reproaches leave peace. Let us beware of anything that does not bear this character, let go of doubts, scruples, worries. His heart is powerful enough to watch over all things, good enough to carry out all that we have got rid of.
In this time of Lent, let us practice great recollection. Jesus wants in a special way to talk heart to heart with us. Let us make a sort of retreat to the center of ourselves, and try not to leave it.
Jesus loves silence, isolation to instruct, to enlighten, to touch a soul. Seldom does He speak amidst the noisy tumult of the world, the stirrings of a dissipated heart. Let us gather then, especially during our hour, let go of the thousand concerns that devour us and in the silence of our soul, let us listen to Jesus, He has something to say to us in the hollow of our heart! (According to Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)