Dear all,
This is the month of Light and Joy par excellence: we are celebrating the Resurrection of Our Lord! Admittedly, it may seem difficult to find a little clarity in a complicated world with gloomy prospects: elections, economic crises, epidemics, wars, etc…. and also everything that upsets us personally in our daily vagaries. But, beyond all these difficulties, our faith must carry us towards Hope, it is even the duty of all baptized! Also, our foundress urges us to wake up, to come out of our torpor. Spring invites us! Like ! Let us love more, love joyfully, courage will be given to us in addition! May Holy Week bring beautiful fruits for everyone and may the Lord flood you with His Joy and His Mercy! Furthermore, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the proclamation by Pius XI Marie Patroness of France, the Guard of Honor joins the great demonstration “100 stars for Marie”. For more information: 100 stars for Marie
well in communion with you

The Apostles were sleeping!
We constantly need to be encouraged, stimulated because we quickly abandon what we had first undertaken with the most joy! As the Apostles Peter, James and John fell asleep in the Garden of Olives, we fall asleep. They had however promised Jesus to be faithful and He Himself had asked them to watch with Him so as not to succumb to temptation… But there you are, the flesh is weak and our hearts are often lukewarm!
So it is for our hour of presence! In this month of the Passion, of his death and of his Resurrection, let us react as best we can against the sleepiness and numbness of our hearts. Let us strive to truly love him, not just in words but in deeds. Let’s fight against weariness or laziness during our hour. Did Jesus stop loving us for a single day? Did He ever think that it was boring to force himself to save us and to remain motionless in the Eucharist?
Jesus told St. Margaret Mary that He wanted to form around her Heart a crown of twelve stars made up of His dearest servants. What a joy and what an honor to be among this number! In the invisible but real battle between Jesus and Satan, the stake of which is the glory of God and the salvation of souls, this is not the time to sleep but to stand like true sentinels! (According to Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)