Dear friends,
“Christ is risen. Hallelujah!” We take pleasure in responding to this Easter invitation: “He is truly risen and we are his witnesses.” With the apparitions of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary we meditate, not only on the pierced Heart of Jesus, but also on the encounter with the living and risen Jesus.
Marguerite-Marie, like Mary Magdalene, discovers in the first apparition this presence of the living Jesus and his passionate love. It helps us to perceive how much Jesus desires that these Gospel accounts of the resurrection be actualized today, in our life.
The figures of Blessed Pauline Jaricot and Charles de Foucauld, canonized this month, also help us to desire this encounter with Christ and ask him to make us his witnesses.
Prayer is precisely the place of encounter with the Risen One. For Marguerite-Marie, prayer is broken down into 8 points to discover in this “Prayer Journey” and prepare for the “Heirs of the Sacred Heart” weekend from May 20 to 22. Already many of us can realize this: yes, we are witnesses of his resurrection. We ask him that his life and his grace unfold in us. May He make us the saints this century needs.
I pray for you, Fr. Benoit Guedas