The Holy Spirit gives us the peace of God
Peace is one of the most important words in the Bible and in Christianity. significant. The whole Mass is punctuated by this word: “Peace on earth to men of good will”, “peace be with you”; “go to the peace of Christ”. Every Christian life begins at baptism with the salute of peace and ends with the wish: “may he/she rest in peace.” Peace is one of the deepest desires of human beings.
See with what impatience we are waiting for the end of the war in Ukraine. In the prayer of the V eni Creator there is a link between peace and the Holy Spirit. Both have the same symbol: the dove (Baptism of Jesus – dove of peace when after the flood the dove returns with an olive branch). The peace we ask of the Holy Spirit is not that of a quiet life: “Hunting away the enemy who threatens us, hasten to give us peace, so that we may walk under your conduct and that our lives be cleansed of all sin.” Nor is it an individual peace. but ecclesial.
What is peace? Peace says St Augustine is the tranquility of order. The peace of Jesus is distinct from that of the world for several reasons: The intention: the peace of the world is ordered to the enjoyment of temporal goods while the peace of the saints is ordered to eternal goods; reality: the peace of the world is external and deceptive, the peace of Christ is true and guarantees both external and internal peace.
In the Old Testament peace is often brought closer to justice, in the New testament of grace. Grace and peace are almost inseparable from letter greetings. The secret of peace is to find our resting place. For the soul this resting place is God. He made us for Him and our hearts are restless until they abide in Him
Peace is the daughter of trust in God. In Psalm 131 we sing of peace of the peaceful soul who rests in silence in the holy will of God like a child against his mother.
How to obtain and increase peace of heart. We can distinguish 2 main means: adherence to the criterion of God’s will and imitation of Christ. Put yourself in my school because I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find relief for your souls. Jesus us teaches that peace is the fruit of victory over ourselves. It is obtained by denying oneself, by winning victories over his own pride, over his own anger and over his own violence. Peace is built where we are.
St Francis de Sales gives a criterion of discernment of the action of the Holy Spirit against eagerness and anxieties. He says: “The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of peace and gentleness. When he acts in us, his action is a source of peace. When he inspires us with a good thought, a good desire, a good resolution for us, according to God, this thought, this desire, this resolution are in us a source of peace, the opposite of eagerness, anxiety, concern.
It is the peace of Mary, contrary to Martha’s preoccupation and agitation.”
How do we become peacemakers? An important way is first not to spread evil, not to be the accuser who sows discord. Father Cantalamessa says it is to be like an abyss that swallows up all wickedness. Francis of Assisi said “You announce peace with your words, have it still more in your hearts.” Peace of heart is a fruit of the Spirit, that is to say both the result of the Spirit and of our freedom. But our freedom is expressed not only by personal effort but also by prayer At Mass, before Communion: “I leave you peace, I give you my peace” look not at our sins but at the faith of your Church; for your will to be done, give him always this peace and lead it towards perfect unity – you who reign forever and ever.
Let’s ask ourselves the question: Am I at peace? today ? If I’m not what is the obstacle ? What’s the cause ? Let’s not hesitate to take time to put our life back to the Lord in abandonment and trust, in an act of love to his Providence, to his love who always precedes us and will never fail us.
Source: Annecy Visitation Superior