What does it mean to unite our sweat with Jesus’ sweat? If you have ever gotten to set sights on the Shroud, did you ever envision that it contains within it the remnants of the sweat of such a great saint as St. Francis? While it is disputed as to authenticity of the Shroud, reflect upon the fact that it has been lovingly preserved from at minimum the 13th Century (though new evidence from this year suggests it is 2,000 years old). Reflect upon how saints like St. Francis have gazed upon it and s

May 8, 11:01 AM

VisitationSiste: have gazed upon it and stirred in their faith (just like any holy icon) and we today are gazing upon that same image.Saint Francis mentions that a “father’s sweat could heal his child.” Whether this was a folk remedy or a certain variation of skin-to-skin bonding, let’s think about this spiritually. How can the “sweat” of a father (both literal and figurative) save a child through his diligent effort to be the head of his household and lead his family materially and spiritually?Coming back to the Shroud, re

May 8, 11:01 AM

VisitationSiste: reflect upon the fact that Jesus was really placed in a tomb after His crucifixion, and that from underneath burial cloths he really rose from the dead, and because of that event human history has forever been transformed (whether people have faith or not).

May 8, 11:02 AM

VisitationSiste: Sun chat May 8 730pm est

May 8, 11:02 AM

VisitationSiste: newsletter for chat: http://www.icontact-archive.com/archive?c=1029793&f=1988&s=2046&m=635942&t=44f0d18c19339967b1be43b205c1596fa07d3b2574e5f4560987969cb886fdda

SrSusan (Guest): Thank you! How was your day?

May 8, 7:23 PM

Carol (Guest): Will you please pray for us in our office? Our colleague Giselle

May 8, 7:24 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Sure What happened?

May 8, 7:24 PM

Carol (Guest): Is expecting her third child. She and the babynlassed away on Friday

May 8, 7:24 PM

Carol (Guest): Her two little boys and her husband are devastated. Thecwholevofficevis in shock

May 8, 7:24 PM

SrSusan (Guest): oh no

May 8, 7:25 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes we will pray what ids full name and also of family

May 8, 7:25 PM

Carol (Guest): I don’t know what happened, the boss is waiting to tell everyone st once tomorrow

May 8, 7:25 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Was it childbirth

:26 PM

Carol (Guest): Her full name is Giselle Pasamonte-De Schepper, and the baby girl is Gianna

May 8, 7:27 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes we will have Mass for them

 8, 7:27 PM

Dawn (Guest): very sad. I will pray for them and for the family. PM

Carol (Guest): Thank you so much. Giselle is a strong Catholic and worked hard for expectant mothers to have all they needed

3 online


31 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Tonight’s chat on the Shroud in a way is about death as that’s how we got Jesus shroud, from his death1 PM

Dawn (Guest): A blessing to have breakfast with my sons and it is snowing. It is difficult to understand when a sudden unexplained death, makes no sense. Im sorry Carol. Are you able to be near family and her children, Lord have mercy



:29 PM

SrSusan (Guest): You must have had that so much in your heart today Carol Ann

 7:33 PM

SrSusan (Guest): in crying we mingle our tears with others who are mourning, so to speak, as St Francis de Sales mingled his sweat with that of Jesus, metaphorically speaking

May 8, 7:33 PM

Carol (Guest): No, they are several cities away. Its unfathomable, all the festivities they must have planned for today

7:33 PM

Carol (Guest): Jesus wept too

May 8, 7:34 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes very much for Lazarus and over jerusalem too

4 PM

Carol (Guest): Sometimes I feel like He would wish sin never came into the world35 PM

SrSusan (Guest): and after all He did, it is still here

May 8, 7:35 PM

Dawn (Guest): he knew it would

 8, 7:35 PM

Carol (Guest): And how that must have hurt Him:37 PM

SrSusan (Guest): How can looking upon Jesus Shroud help Him in His suffering

May 8, 7:37 PM

Dawn (Guest): I pray for the father and husband of this family. such a cross he has to bear. and for the little boys.

May 8, 7:38 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes and how to raise them now

May 8, 7:38 PM

Carol (Guest): To see it is to move us to compassion

:38 PM

SrSusan (Guest): as you are feeling now for Giselle and family:39 PM

Carol (Guest): Her Mom watched him on the days we worked in office. Twice a week she’d try to convince the youngest to go with Grandma. He never wanted to go

May 8, 7:39 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Have you ever seen the actual SHroud or a picture of it

39 PM

Carol (Guest): I’ve seen pictures

May 8, 7:40 PM

SrSusan (Guest): We have to pray for her mother too!

7:41 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Providentially and unrelated to this website or chat I am taking an onluine course right now about icons and I never knew that partly why the face of jesus is standardized on icons is because of the Shroud41 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Jesus

May 8, 7:42 PM

Carol (Guest): I didn’t know that

May 8, 7:43 PM

Dawn (Guest): I did not know

May 8, 7:43 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I did not either There is also another cloth of Monopello or something like that which also has a purported face of Jesus

4 PM

Carol (Guest): Is that the cloth Veronica used?

May 8, 7:44 PM

Dawn (Guest): They are of course I noticed but did not go beyond . An Icon course must be good.

May 8, 7:45 PM

SrSusan (Guest): No it is another one something from a King in Odessa?


Carol (Guest): Hi Ruth

May 8, 7:48 PM

SrSusan (Guest)https://taylormarshall.com/2011/05/christs-holy-image-of-edessa-and-is-it.html

Christ’s Holy Image of Edessa (and is it really the Shroud of Turin?) – Taylor Marshall

May 8, 7:48 PM

SrSusan (Guest): that’s the other one

:49 PM

SrSusan (Guest): What does it mean to unite our sweat with Jesus’ sweat? If you have ever gotten to set sights on the Shroud, did you ever envision that it contains within it the remnants of the sweat of such a great saint as St. Francis? :50 PM

Ruth (Guest): Figuratively, Right?

May 8, 7:52 PM

Dawn (Guest): I thought to unite our suffering with Christ. Ive not seen the Shroud and I never imagined things it may contain. It seems to have been moved around much

May 8, 7:52 PM

SrSusan (Guest): the uniting is but the real sweat did drop on the shroud as St Francis carried it in procession


Carol (Guest): Comingled sweat is the way to get more done

May 8, 7:53 PM

Dawn (Guest): ah

May 8, 7:53 PM

Ruth (Guest): Sorry I didn’t Say hello. Thanks for greeting me. I was first reading what I could of what you’ve said thus far. Had to try six times to sign in. I think the problem is me and my I pad, not the site. And the computer is still not up and working.

, 7:56 PM

SrSusan (Guest): .Saint Francis mentions that a “father’s sweat could heal his child.” Whether this was a folk remedy or a certain variation of skin-to-skin bonding, let’s think about this spiritually. How can the “sweat” of a father (both literal and figurative) save a child through his diligent effort to be the head of his household and lead his family materially and spiritually?

:56 PM

Ruth (Guest): Sr. do you mean you need more reliable workers in the Monastery?

May 8, 7:57 PM

SrSusan (Guest): did I say that someplace? But it is so!

May 8, 7:57 PM

Carol (Guest): The Father’s sweat cleanses the child

May 8, 7:57 PM

Dawn (Guest): I loved reading this folk remedy! A fathers sweat..

May 8, 7:57 PM

SrSusan (Guest): However we are at a serious point in our community. Please pray for God’s will to be done

SrSusan (Guest): I never heard of that folk remedy either!

May 8, 7:58 PM

Ruth (Guest): I will. I do. It is long past the time you originally thought it would be necessary to move.

May 8, 7:58 PM

Carol (Guest): My boss called so I missed stuff

May 8, 7:58 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I heard of doing things “by the sweat of the brow”

May 8, 7:59 PM

SrSusan (Guest): about Giselle, Carol?

:59 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes, about zGiselle, but I missed what is happening in community 01 PM

SrSusan (Guest): reflect upon the fact that Jesus was really placed in a tomb after His crucifixion, and that from underneath burial cloths he really rose from the dead, and because of that event human history has forever been transformed (whether people have faith or not).  PM

SrSusan (Guest): reflect upon the fact that Jesus was really placed in a tomb after His crucifixion, and that from underneath burial cloths he really rose from the dead, and because of that event human history has forever been transformed (whether people have faith or not).

May 8, 8:01 PM

Ruth (Guest): Sister did anyone tell you that after the last chat we kept chatting and hope to be able to go to the Brooklyn Visitation Monastery inSeptember for a retreat.

May 8, 8:01 PM

Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan put up a link from Dr Taylor. I followed and signed up. He sends a free book

May 8, 8:02 PM

Carol (Guest): I have been meditating on that very thought–to give Him flesh and blood in my thoughts, that He is as real as anyone we know

May 8, 8:02 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes I tAlkes with Simone we will talk again We can only do 2 at a time I think but let’s wait to see if more is possible

May 8, 8:03 PM

SrSusan (Guest): really Dawn I did not notice that! Thanks!

May 8, 8:03 PM

Carol (Guest): We had a good time after hours on chat. I think we solved world peace

04 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Interesting- how did you do that (smile)

May 8, 8:04 PM

Ruth (Guest): Amen! Bishop Barron emphasizes in one of his Easter Sunday sermons: it really happened! And — who was it z


Carol (Guest): It would only work if the rest of the world agreed

May 8, 8:05 PM

Dawn (Guest): So Carol and Ruth it is. I kind of invited myself. I have things, family, that I need to remain close to home for now. and this is good. Gods will be done!

5 PM

Carol (Guest): But Dawn, you know you are our family too!

May 8, 8:06 PM

Ruth (Guest): said? — “Anyone who thinks it is a myth, has not read many myths.”

, 8:06 PM

Carol (Guest): mean, I always knew that in my head, butbit seems to have moved into my heart 07 PM

Dawn (Guest): aww thank you for that Carol. Yes we are sisters. and I am grateful for this bond we share. helping one another in Holiness , 8:07 PM

Dawn (Guest): Ruth, who said this ? 9 PM

Dawn (Guest): We can never know how God will arrange things, he is full of surprises 8, 8:09 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’ll have to search my memory or the web; it was someone famous as an expert on Mythology.

May 8, 8:10 PM

Carol (Guest): Not Joseph Campbell? It sounds more like Tolkien

4 online





11 PM

Ruth (Guest): . Colon, close parentheses , 8:12 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’m pretty sure it was not Campbell; not so sure about Tolkien. I’ll post at the end of this chat when I find it. :16 PM

Carol (Guest): A mythologist who wrote a book called The Hero’s Journey, explaining what happens in every society when good takes on evil. There is an untrained, unrecognized hero who iss forced into the battle. Along the way he meets a mentor and allies before finally realizing his own strength

May 8, 8:16 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Never heard of the book either I must be behind the times

May 8, 8:16 PM

Ruth (Guest): Again, twice just now and last week, suddenly the site does not let me post until I refresh or sign in again, and by then what I wrote is gone. And the thread is lost.

May 8, 8:16 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Thank you for telling me

17 PM

Carol (Guest): No, you’re not. I’ve studying writing and children’s literature

May 8, 8:17 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Oh ok

, 8:17 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I think we’ve exhausted the Shroud topic so open forum!  PM

Carol (Guest): Did anyone have an issue today at Mass? Because of the threatened protests?

May 8, 8:20 PM

SrSusan (Guest): We worried about it because we have a tombstone to the unborn on our front lawn plus the figures of Mary and Elizabethj but all was quiet

20 PM

Dawn (Guest): I just recalled a History Channel program where they took the Shroud and created a computer antimated figure of what Jesus would look like, and also Mary. I found it a little chilling but still I was interested and watched. Did you see this program?

May 8, 8:20 PM

Carol (Guest): Thank goodness! We aee a small town here, but the Sheriff still came to keep watch

May 8, 8:20 PM

SrSusan (Guest): No I didn’t

 8, 8:20 PM

Dawn (Guest): Rural CA is the last place they will come

5 online





1 viewer

 8:21 PM

SrSusan (Guest): there was aprotest in Manhattan by Old St Pats

May 8, 8:21 PM

Carol (Guest): Yes, we are a bit too far north of LA to be worth it, but people came up to March for George Floyd here

8:22 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes I heard about St Particks and saw the men standing outside praying the Rosary in Latin

May 8, 8:22 PM

Dawn (Guest): a video\