
We are actors in the life of our diocese: we live it, we make it live, we serve it, we love it, so let us be present to blow out its 200 candles!
We will celebrate at the same time this anniversary and that of the 400th anniversary of the entry into Heaven of our patron saint François de Sales on Sunday, May 29 at the Visitation of Annecy.
Let’s meet in the diocese for this day of grace that will open with Mass at 10:30 am followed by a picnic and age-appropriate procedures from 1:30 pm.
The question does not arise if you are invited but who you will invite since it is your birthday!
This festival is part of the Triduum of the Visitation of which you will find all the details below.
In the joy of meeting you again for this Jubilee,
The pilot team: Sr. Marie-Belén, Sr. Marie-Adrienne, P Emmanuel Blanc, P Samuel Devarag, P Vincent Rossat, Julie Melin, Chantal Weidenmann, Sophie Huard, Sophie Schlienger, Véronique Joly, Luc Rollier, Hortense Lepoutre, Nadine Cardenas, Anne Lamour, Anne de Beauchesne.
2022 marks the 400th anniversary of the death of St. Francis de Sales, as well as the 200th anniversary of the founding of our diocese.
Every year for the Feast of the Visitation, we are given three days to better enter into the legacy of St. Francis de Sales. This year, it will be an opportunity to celebrate this double anniversary.
Saturday 28 May 2022
Afternoon: street shows in Annecy:
► 3pm-5pm: “The friendships of François de Sales” by Julie Reignier and Catherine Serre (quai de la cathédrale)
► 3pm-5pm: “Treatise on the love of God”
Reading of excerpts and music
by Joel Bergeot (in front of the Church of Saint François)
8:30 pm: show at the Basilica of the Visitation
Sunday, May 29: great inter-generational diocesan feast Marches to the Basilica (e.g. rv at 9 a.m. in front of Ste-Bernadette to walk to the Visitation, in the company of Fr. Daniel Denigbo)
10:30 a.m.: Mass presided over by Bishop Pascal Podvin and animated by the EnVoix
group 1:30 p.m.: time of praise, animated by Eucharistein
13h45-15h30: activities according to the ages.
* Children (from CP to CM2): testimony of a sister, then treasure hunt, then adoration introduced and animated by Eucharistein.
* High school students: adoration with Eucharist, challenges in the park, then testimony-sharing with a sister
* Adults: conference at the Basilica, confessions at the crypt
3:30 pm: proposal of steps near the hunts of the Saints
4 pm: giant birthday cake on the forecourt
4:45 pm: procession of the Blessed Sacrament and solemn vespers.
For the good organization of this day, please tell us if you will be there, by sending a email here
Please specify if you will be accompanied by children.
Monday, May 30: day for schoolchildren
Morning for primary schools and afternoon for middle and high schools:
Program: presentation film, testimony of sisters, songs, games, spiritual approaches.
Tuesday, May 31: Feast of the Visitation
9am: Mass at the Basilica
Mother’s Break Day, on registration: pausemaman74@gmail.com
Mass, rest, prayer, silence, teachings, personal accompaniment (by Bishop Podvin, priests, religious women, a marriage counselor). Nursery possible, meal offered on site (provide 10 €).
Adoration for all
Source: Annecy Diocese