with the Popes
Sacred Heart Novena WITH POPES Day 1

Clement XIII, in 1765, authorizes the celebration of the feast of the Sacred Heart. Since the cult proposed by Saint John Eudes (1601-1680) and the apparitions of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary (1673-1675), the devotion to the Sacred Heart first spread to the monasteries of the Visitation then quickly in many dioceses and countries. the Pope Clement XIII authorizes Poland and the bishops who so wish to celebrate in their diocese the Sacred Heart of Jesus with mass and office clean. He writes : “Through the celebration of this Mass and this Office, it is no other thing than to amplify the worship already instituted, and to symbolically renew the memory of his divine love, by which the only Son of God took the human nature, and made himself obedient unto death, and said to offer himself in example to men, (as) he was meek and humble of Heart. » Lord, grant us to renew in us the mystery of your divine love. Give us to celebrate you with all our heart, our soul and our life. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we have confidence in you.
Day 2
TO DEDICATE ONESELF In 1856, Pius IX extended the feast of the Sacred Heart to the Universal Church and writes an act of consecration which behind an ancient vocabulary, encourages us to entrust ourselves too to this gentle and humble heart. A few years later he beatified Marguerite-Marie (1864). “Oh! May I give your Divine Heart some satisfaction, may I make up for so much ingratitude on the part of the greater part of men who do not know you! I wish I could prove to You how much I wishes to render love and worship to this adorable and tender Heart, in the presence of all men, and to contribute as best I can to the increase of his glory. I would like to be able to obtain the conversion of sinners too, and shake off the indifference of so many others who, while having the happiness to belong to your Church, yet do not have the interests of your Glory and of the Church Herself who is Your bride! (…) Prostrated at Your feet in the presence of Your Most Holy Mother and all the Heavenly court, I recognize as an act of justice and gratitude that I belong entirely and only to You, Jesus Christ, my Redeemer, sole Source of the good of my spirit and my body, and uniting myself to the Intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff, I consecrate myself and everything that belongs to me, to this Sacred Heart that I alone want to serve and love with all my soul, with all my heart, with all my strength, doing of Your Will mine and uniting all my desires to Your Desires…” (Excerpt from the act of consecration to the Heart of Jesus) Lord we pray for all people who have consecrated themselves to your Heart. That in this solemnity, they may be renewed in the offering of themselves. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in you!

Source Sanctuaire Paray
RETURN LOVE Leo XIII, in 1899, carries out what he designates as the most important act of his pontificate. He consecrates the human race to the Heart of Jesus. In his letter Annum Sacrum , he writes : “God and redeemer at the same time, he possesses fully, and in a way perfect, everything that exists. We, on the contrary, are so poor and destitute, that we have nothing that belongs to us and that we can make him a present. However, in his sovereign goodness and charity, he in no way refuses that we give him and dedicate to him what belongs to him, as if we were its possessors. Not only he does not refuse this offering, but he desires it and he asks for it: “My son, give me your heart “. So we can be fully pleasing to him by our good will and the affection of our soul. (…) Since in the Sacred Heart resides the symbol and the sensitive image of the infinite charity of Jesus Christ, charity that urges us to love him in return, it is proper to consecrate ourselves to his most august Heart. An act like this is to give oneself and to bind oneself to Jesus Christ; because the tributes, the marks of submission and piety that one offers to the divine Heart really relate to Christ himself; this is why We engage and We urge all the faithful who know and love the divine Heart. » Lord, we want to give back to you what you have given us: Here are our hearts! Receive them and embrace them with your love. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in you.

MAKE JESUS KNOWN AND LOVED! Benedict XV canonizes Saint Margaret Mary. He supports Father Mateo in his apostolate of the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in families and encourages us to a true conversion: “Jesus promised to pour out his blessings on the houses where the image of his Heart would be exposed and honoured. Grant to our very kind redeemer the worship and honor in question is therefore to do a holy and beneficial; but it’s not all there. It is also very important to know Christ: to know his doctrine, his life, his passion, his glory: to follow him is not to be guided by a superficial feeling of religiosity which easily moves tender and soft hearts and draws easy tears but leave the vices intact; To follow him is to surround him with a living faith and constant, which influences both the mind and the heart, which directs and regulates the mores. Now the true cause why Jesus is neglected by many, and disliked by many men is that he is almost unknown to men. first and not sufficiently known by the latter. Go on then, dear Son, your efforts and your apostolate in order to arouse through the homes Catholics the flames of love towards the Sacred Heart of Jesus; but strive and do before – this is our will – let this love in all the houses you will visit follow, to its greatest and highest degree, the knowledge of Jesus Christ and the knowledge brought by Himself from his truth and his law. » (Letter from Pope Benedict XV to Fr. Mateo CrawLey- Boevey on April 27, 1915.) Lord we pray for you missionaries of your Sacred Heart and for all families. That we can to be faithful witnesses of the Sacred Heart. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in you!

Day 5
Pius XI is the first to have affirmed that the devotion to the Heart of Jesus is the center of all Christian devotion (Encyclical
Miserentissimus Redemptor, 1928). After instituting the feast of Christ King of the universe, he insists, between two world conflicts, on the call of Heart of Jesus at Reparation:
“There is not a single devotee who can meditate on these things without becoming inflamed of love for the suffering Christ, with a livelier zeal, all will want to expiate their faults and those of others, repair the wrongs done to the honor of Christ and work for the eternal salvation of their souls. How true this is word of the Apostle: “Where fault abounded, grace abounded all the more” (Rm 5, 20), and as, in a sense, it can serve to paint our era ! For in spite of the increasing perversity of men, there wonderful to see grow, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the number of the faithful of both sexes who, with a more ardent zeal strive to repair so many insults to the divine Heart, do not hesitate to offer themselves as victims to Christ.
(…) From there were born all these religious families of men and women who, somehow rivaling the Angel of the Garden of Olives, imposes, day and night, the duty of consoling Jesus… ”
Lord we ask your forgiveness for our sins and for those of the entire world
. Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in you

Sacred Heart Novena with Popes DAY 6
“Exulting with joy, you will draw water from the springs of Salvation” (Is 12).
In his encyclical Haurietis Aquas in Gaudio (1956), Pope Pius XII
offers us a true theology of the Sacred Heart. picking up
the biblical roots of devotion to the Heart of Jesus and the heritage of
tradition, he develops the sensitive love of the physical heart of Jesus,
united to his spiritual love (HA 58).
“Bending his head, Jesus gave up his spirit. Then his heart stopped and
ceased to beat and his sensitive love was suspended until the day when,
triumphant over death, Christ rose from the tomb. Since (…) his
Most Holy Heart has never stopped and will never stop beating with one movement
peaceful and unperturbed. (HA 28).
“As he hung on the cross, our divine Redeemer felt his
Heart bubbling with various and impetuous feelings, with intense love,
of terror, of mercy, of violent desire and of serene peace… ” (HA 33)
When we adore the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, we adore
in him and through him both the uncreated love of the divine Word and his human love,
his other sentiments and his other virtues, since it is both
loves which impelled our Redeemer to immolate himself for us and for
the whole Church his spouse, according to the words of the Apostle: “Christ loved
the Church and gave himself up for her, in order to sanctify her… ” (HA 43)
Lord, we pray for all those who, in secret,
carry by adoration, our World. Sacred Heart
of Jesus, we trust in you

The Second Vatican Council is not very expressive about the mystery of the Heart of
Jesus. However, it shines through in a major number of the
constitution Gaudium et Spes (n°22), revealing us in the mystery of
Jesus ” who loved us with a human heart “, God’s plan for
any man.
” Image of the invisible God ” (Col 1, 15), Jesus is the perfect man who
restored in the descendants of Adam the divine likeness, altered from
the first sin… For, by his incarnation, the Son of God became in some way
so united himself to every man. He worked with human hands, he
thought with the intelligence of a man, he acted with the will of a man,
he loved with a human heart. Born of the Virgin Mary, he is truly
become one of us, like us in all things except sin.
Innocent Lamb, by his freely shed blood, he deserved our life; and,
in him, God reconciled us with himself and between us, tearing us
to the slavery of the devil and of sin. So that each of us can say
with the Apostle: the Son of God “loved me and gave himself up for me”
(Ga 2, 20) …
Having become conformed to the image of the Son, the firstborn of a multitude of brothers, the
Christian receives ” the first fruits of the Spirit ” (Rm 8, 23), which enable him
to fulfill the new law of love… And this does not apply only to
those who believe in Christ, but good for all men of good
will, in whose hearts, invisibly, grace acts…”
Lord, may your grace dwell in the hearts of all men of
good will ! Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in you
Saint John Paul II was elected pope on the feast day of Saint Margaret Mary, October 16, 1978. The only pope to have come on pilgrimage to Paray le-Monial, he canonized Saint Claude la Colombière in 1992. He proposed a
catechesis on each of the litanies of the Sacred Heart
and celebrates
Sacred Heart the day of sanctification of priests. By instituting the feast
of divine mercy and by canonizing Saint Faustina at the beginning of the
new millennium, he lets us understand that ” the door to the heart of
Jesus is always open and keeps calling us: “come to me you
all who toil and bend under the weight of the burden! (Mt 11, 28)
“With Paul of Tarsus, with Marguerite-Marie, we proclaim the same
certainty: neither death nor life, neither the present nor the future, neither powers nor
no other creature, nothing can separate us from the love of God that
is in Jesus Christ” (Rom 8, 38-39). Today we find ourselves in this
place of Paray-le-Monial to renew in ourselves this certainty:
“I will give you a new heart”. Before the open Heart of Christ,
we seek to draw from him the true love that our families need.
The family unit is fundamental to building the civilization of love.
Everywhere, in society, in our villages, in our neighborhoods, in our
factories and offices, in our encounters between peoples and races, the “heart
of stone”, the withered heart, must change into a “heart of flesh”, open
to brothers, open to God. There is peace. The survival of mankind is at stake.
It is beyond our strength. It is a gift from God. A gift of his love. We
we are certain of his Love! (Homily of Saint John Paul II at Paray Le-Monial, October 5, 1986)
Lord, turn our hearts of stone into hearts
of flesh. That we work to build
of the civilization of love. Sacred Heart of
Jesus, we trust in you!

Source: https://mcusercontent.com/…/neuvaine_sacre_coeur_2022…
Day 9
Continuing the call for the sanctification of priests, Benedict XVI opens the
June 19, 2009, during the First Vespers of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart,
a year for the priesthood. During WYD in Madrid (August 2011), he
consecrates young people all over the world to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For the
50th anniversary of the encyclical of Pope Pius XII, he writes:
“It remains an ever present duty for Christians to
continue to deepen their relationship with the Heart of Jesus so as to
rekindle faith in themselves in the saving love of God, by accepting it
always better in their own lives. The pierced side of the Redeemer is
the source to which the Encyclical Haurietis Aquas refers us: it is to this
source which we must draw to attain true knowledge
of Jesus Christ and to experience his love more fully.
We will thus be able to better understand what it means to know God’s love in Jesus Christ, to experience it by fixing our gaze on Him,
until fully living the experience of his love, in order then to be able
testify to others…
But man will only be able to experience faith as grace
insofar as he accepts it into himself as a gift, from which
he tries to live. (Letter of Pope Benedict XVI for the 50th
the Encyclical Haurietis aquas of Pius XII.)
Lord, we desire to know you and to do fully
the experience of your love. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
we trust you!

Completing the Sacred Heart Novena with the Popes:
“The true door of mercy remains
for us always wide open,
the Heart of Christ. On the pierced side
of the Risen spring up until the end
of times mercy, consolation
and hope. »
Pope Francis

Source: Sanctuaire Paray