Dear all,
summer continues! Let’s go on beautiful feasts so dear to our hearts, those of Mary that we honor especially this month.
Mary always leads us to her Son, She is the surest way to meet him. But Mary, the all Pure, challenges us on the way we behave.
If we love Mary, we must be a reflection of Herself. It is the mirror in which we should contemplate ourselves as our founder invites us to do.
I remind you that the Guard of Honor is a partner of the “hundred stars for Mary” and that on August 21 and 22, a large event in which you can participate will take place in Paray le Monial! www.100etoiles.com/consecration.
Geneviève, coordinator for the Headquarters
the purity of Mary
We must have a pure heart if we want to respond to our vocation as a Guard of Honor. We must carry within us the very likeness of Jesus and Mary. Without the purity of our hearts, there is no happiness possible on earth. How can we be happy when we do not dare to look at ourselves, when we do not correspond to God’s purposes or, even worse, when we know we are on paths of perdition? It is impossible to be happy when Heaven moves away from us. And he is moving away from us under the effect of sin of any kind! While with purity of heart, Heaven draws closer: “Blessed are those who have a pure heart because they will see God.”
It is therefore up to us to take meticulous care to purify our soul from the slightest errors, to remove from it all the reasons that would be able to defile it. For this, detachment from the world and from ourselves is necessary. There are a multitude of opportunities and temptations in the world that can harm our authentic spiritual life. All means, sometimes indispensable to our lives, even our friendships, can turn us away from God if we first seek our exclusive happiness on this earth, without worrying first of all about our eternal salvation.
Like Mary, the Guards of Honor rest in God through contemplation and love, but they must always remain attentive and vigilant in order to avoid all falls. With Mary as their model, they draw closer to the Heart of her Son Jesus and through Mary they purify their hearts and intentions. Every hour of Presence to give honor, glory, reparation to the Heart of Jesus, let us invoke Mary and imitate her! (Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)