This Jubilee Year for the IV Centenary of the entry into the Life of Saint Francis de Sales (28 December 1622) began with the 450th anniversary of the birth of Saint Jeanne de Chantal (23 January 1572).
It has been rightly said that the perfect historian of a saint should be a saint himself. So, to prepare for the Solemnity of Saint Joan, on August 12, we will let her speak. She will tell us about the one she called full of veneration her “Blessed Father”.
If all the contemporaries of the Bishop of Geneva admired his holiness, no one knew it, or rather penetrated the most intimate secrets like her, who also learned her teachings well and arrived with him to the heights of the spiritual life.
Let us put ourselves in the school of these two Saints, united by a sublime friendship, whose source is the Heart of God.
Introductory prayer (to be said every day)
Heart of Jesus, we present ourselves to You with Saint Joan of Chantal, faithful disciple of Saint Francis de Sales, in this Jubilee Year. We come to pray to you in her company, with the assurance that she will be able to intercede for us with You, carrying the intentions that are dear to us. You have given him to attain high holiness through different states of life; grant us to respond faithfully to our vocation as well.
Concluding prayer (to be said every day)
Together, let us share the trusting prayer of Saint Joan of Chantal:
Lord, sovereign Goodness, I abandon myself in your arms, in joys and sorrows. Take me where you like it. I will not look at the way forward. I will look only at You, my Providence, my Strength, my Bulwark. I will only look at You who guides me like a real mother. I will follow the path that You trace me, without ever looking at or peeling the causes of events, without asking myself too many “whys”. With my eyes closed, I will do your Will and not mine. I will stand at rest, without desiring anything other than what You will inspire me to wish. I offer you this resolution, Lord; I ask you to bless her. I will be faithful to it, distrustful of my weakness, and relying on your kindness, your generosity, your mercy. Lord, I have total trust in You. Amen.
(Everyone can at this moment present his intention, his needs …)
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you!
Saint Mary, Our Lady of the Visitation: pray for us!
Saint Francis de Sales: pray for us!
Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!