7 September 1688: Blessing of the first chapel dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the monastery of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial, at the request of Saint Margaret Mary.
September 14, 1594: Saint Francis de Sales begins the mission of the Protestant Chablais, which his bishop wishes to bring back into the communion of the Church.
September 15, 1630: Foundation of the Visitation Sainte-Marie de Nantes.
September 23, 1943: Our monastery is severely damaged by the bombings: the community must take refuge at the Visitation of Angers, but a group of some Sisters will return a few days later to guard the place.
Thursday, September 15: Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows,
first guard of honor at the foot of the Cross
On this day the Apostolic Penitentiary grants plenary indulgence to the members of the Guard of Honor on ordinary terms.
September 29: Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, guardian of devotion to the Sacred Heart