Dear guards of honor,
As if to associate with the greyness of the news, autumn seems already settled. But no matter, even if we don’t see it, we are certain that the sun is still shining somewhere. It is the same with Jesus, invisible to our eyes but eternally present in everything and in all. He is the watchman who watches for the slightest surge of confidence on our part. Convincing ourselves of this reinvigorates our faith! If the world is going to its downfall, well let us remain rooted in Faith and Love. In this month of the Holy Rosary, let us meditate on more rosaries, Mary is the safest of all refuges. Let us not forget also to invoke Saint Margaret Mary, the Heiress of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whom we will celebrate in a few days! When the earth goes wrong, we must turn to Heaven, that is our hope!
May St Michael erase in our hearts, in our lives and in the world all that is not of God!
Holy Month of October and Peace to each one,
Geneviève, Coordinator
What a beautiful vocation this one is! It calls us into battle but leads us to victory by assuring us of eternal bliss. In what way and how should Jesus’ guards of honor, his friends and faithful comforters, develop this virtue in particular?
Within ourselves, we must fight our own internal enemies, and there are so many of them. It costs us to fight this character trait or a certain priority that prevents us from looking at our brothers and sisters with a fair look. Outside of oneself, the world is attractive enough to distract us from our obligations and catch us in vain glories and interests.
But above all, we, His guards of honor, must be generous to the Lord by responding to all his calls, subscribing to all the requirements of his grace, corresponding to all his purposes and supporting all the trials that God allows. It is, however, an even higher degree. It is to endure, without weakening, the absences of the Lord, to fulfill exactly our mission without a single consolation coming to console us. It is to remain faithful in the darkness, the drought, the disgusts, the privations, the disease… This is where our generosity excels, doing everything with a good heart without expecting anything in return. This is a beautiful vocation for the guards of honor!
( Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)