October 7, 1875: Birth in Heaven of Venerable Mother Marie de Sales Chappuis (Religious of the Visitation of Troyes).
October 17, 1690: Birth in Heaven of Saint Margaret Mary (Religious of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial), favored by the great revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
October 17, 1713: Profession of Venerable Sister Anne-Madeleine Rémuzat (Religious of the Visitation of Marseille). Jesus reveals to her that she must continue the mission of St. Margaret Mary for the glory of Her Heart.
October 20, 1672: Saint John Eudes celebrates the first feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a few months before the apparitions in Paray-le-Monial.
October 28, 1668: Return to God of Mother Marie-Constance de Bressand, founder of the monastery of the Visitation of Nantes.
October 28, 1825: Birth of Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, founder of the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.