On any occasion, whether good or bad, let us always sing one and the same hymn: “Blessed be the name of God!” And let’s not imitate macaques: these monkeys are always gloomy and furious when the weather is rainy and gloomy, and keep frolicking and to hop when the weather is nice! » With this image, François invites us to the equality of mood at all times and it is also good follower of Saint Paul’s advice: Brethren, be always in the joy of the Lord; I say it again : be happy.
This is why He often likes to say, “A sad saint is a sad saint!” » Here are some anecdotes that confirm the thought and state of mind of Françis de Sales at this topic. With his brother Jean-François, who had become his coadjutor, there were certain problems of cohabitation in the bishopric. Jean-François had an irritable character and lacked patience unlike his big brother. One day, when it was time to sit down to eat, the bishop was delayed long enough by a poor woman. His impatient brother did not fail to make him strong reproaches because he had made everyone wait. With humour, Françis replied: do you think there is a woman you have made happy in this world? » « Ah yes, which one? » his brother asked, very surprised. ” She is the woman you would have taken as your wife if you had married ! »
Speaking of two of his brothers Louis and Jean-François, Françis liked to joke about their character and say: ” With my two brothers, we have the ingredients to make a good salad dressing, Louis is the salt of wisdom, Jean-François is the vinegar of irritation and impatience and myself, the oil of gentleness and malleability! ”
During his mission in the Chablais, he will be confronted many criticisms of the Catholic faith. A woman approached him every day to tell him of her grievances. against Catholicism and every day Francis welcomed her kindly. By dint of patience, he overcame all her resistance, except on one subject, the celibacy of priests. One day when, for the umpteenth time, she returned to this subject, Francis said softly to her: “Come, my good lady. Answer me a little… Will I have time to answer all your questions and objections if I had a wife and children?” She was taken aback, she reflected for a long time and finally she recanted and was received into the Catholic Church.
One day when Françis was with the Visitandines in the interview garden, the storm loomed Suddenly it began to thunder so loudly that the young Milletot sister exclaimed: ” Monsignor, I’m afraid!” The bishop replied with a smile: My daughter, do not be afraid, because the lightning falls only on saints and sinners and you are neither holy nor sinner!”
Franço\is therefore had the art of saying with humor, of responding with humor to all those who approached him, asked him for advice during different relationship situations. In any case, he went straight to the point, conveying a deep and lively message to help people on their journey of faith and life with this touch of humor and joie de vivre!
One day, a nun, preoccupied with her spiritual life and eager to confide in the Bishop of Geneva, hastily entered his office and asked him: – ” Monsignor, what must I do to become a saint? ” -” For starters,” he replied, “learn how to enter quietly without slamming the door! ” This is practical-practical holiness… Two anecdotes at the Visitation And a last one concerning his status as bishop. François was the guest of the Countess of Soissons in 1622. This noble lady respectfully kissed a side of the bishop’s cassock while making the following compliment: If you, Monsignor, were dressed in red, I would have taken you for Saint Charles Borromeo!” “And I”, kindly answered Françis , “I would have preferred a thousand times tolook like Saint Charles Borromeo rather than don a red cassock!”