He loves us!
God loved us, and gave Himself up for us. He is a God who has loved us from all eternity, loved us to the point of dying of love for us. It is important to think back to these words and read them again at the beginning of this year until they are deeply imprinted in us, even in the depths of our hearts and arouse sincere gratitude to the One who created and saved us. At the dawn of this year, let us offer Jesus all the beats of our hearts. If we are pained, offended, despised or repulsed, let us console ourselves with this thought: Jesus made himself obedient unto death, not only did He obey God His Father, Mary and Joseph, but also His executioners.
If we are experiencing trials, if we are tired, worried about the future, or burdened with a thousand burdens, let us not lose heart, let us come to Jesus. None other than He can heal our wounds, soothe our pains and anxieties. Those who suffer naturally understand those who suffer! He, who is so offended by our ingratitudes, by our indifference, understands perfectly what we are going through and knows better than anyone what we need. He is the source of life and if we decide to love Him back more than anything, He will return it to us ad infinitum. Love is only paid for by love! ( Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)