Dear Guards of Honor, In a society where social networks hold a large place, where everyone can highlight themselves, draw attention to themselves and feel like they exist according to the number of “Likes” totaled,
the advice of Our Founder may seem totally against the current.
Yet, if we have put our trust in God Alone, we know that it is not the quantity of our relationships (even more so if they are virtual) that matters to Him, but the way we live our faith, in the intimacy of our heart and in the service of those whom He puts on our way, close to us. It is on love that we will be judged!
Moreover, at the beginning of January, I proposed that you pray and offer a few minutes of your hour of presence for the priests of your choice. Well, know that some priests, touched by the process, let you know that in exchange, they will pray for all the guards of honor who pray for them! Magnificent exchange of communion that invites us to persevere more beautifully! Thank you all!
well in communion with everyone, Geneviève,
coordinator for the Headquarters
Small and hidden
Between his twelve apostles and his many disciples, Jesus had distinguished one, John, whom he loved with a love of predilection. Likewise, among all the souls dear to Him, He has called each of us to become Guards of Honour, to be His beloved disciples too!
It is to us that He wants to reveal His great secrets, to teach His divine lesson of meekness and humility. We can only be moved by his choice and such a preference! But this does not mean that we should put ourselves forward, and take some excessive pride in it. On the contrary, following the example of all the saints, it means that we must be small, hidden and live our hour of guard in secret: small before God, damaging us in our nothingness in his presence; small and hidden before our neighbor, holding our spirit in God alone; Small and humble before our own eyes, forgetting the good we do to think only of our own limits.
In joys as in sorrows, let us be faithful even in the smallest things, for nothing is small of what is done with great love.
With our discreet fervor, let us also strive to console the Heart of Jesus, let us often repeat to him that we love him, that we desire to please him, and on every occasion let us try to prove it by true acts of charity. ( Sr. Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)