What is shame, and why is it a good thing?
What does it mean to “put on the new man” if we still struggle with sin and concupiscence?Discuss this line: “it is self-love that raises a good deal of this confusion, because we are offended at not being perfect, less through love for God than love for ourselves.”
Why do our heads and hearts have to be aligned?
How exactly do we gain by our loss?
Jan 27, 6:12 AM
29 PMVisSr (Guest): an odd question to start with- what is shame and why is it a good thing?
7:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Shame is an inner acknowledgement of wrongdoing
Jan 29, 7:30 PM
VisSr (Guest): and today “shaming” is a action that is not positive
Jan 29, 7:30 PM
VisSr (Guest): But I like Carol’s explanation
31 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hi Ruth and welcome Joan
Jan 29, 7:31 PM
VisSr (Guest): and Dawn
Jan 29, 7:31 PM
Joan (Guest): Hello everyone
Jan 29, 7:31 PM
Carol (Guest): Shame tends to come from disordered thinking though. It makes us want to hide
, 7:32 PMVisSr (Guest): I guess it is good because it keeps on the the correct track in life
29, 7:33 PMVisSr (Guest): Is there anything about shame in the Bible
9, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Adam and Eve were ashamed and hid themselves
Jan 29, 7:33 PM
VisSr (Guest): Right!!
, 7:33 PMHi sr susan (Guest): Bible is the word of God is nothing wrong about that God is always truth
7:34 PMVisSr (Guest): q What does it mean to “put on the new man” if we still struggle with sin and concupiscence?
, 7:35 PM
Carol (Guest): It sometimes seems like I am choosing between two versions of me with different ways of behaving
Jan 29, 7:35 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, Carol, that is the story I first thought of.
Jan 29, 7:36 PM
Hi sr susan (Guest): Jesus is the truth God and truth man he is the lamb of God who take way the sins of the world by his body and life he is the bread of life
Jan 29, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): Im thinking of scripture you cant put new wine in old wineskins
9, 7:38 PMVisSr (Guest): that’s a good one too
9, 7:38 PMJoan (Guest): Put on the new man: to think like Jesus and trust Him alone: “Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: ‘The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart has trusted in Him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in me and
29, 7:38 PMVisSr (Guest): That is St Francis de Sales!!
:39 PM
Joan (Guest): Amen
Jan 29, 7:39 PM
VisSr (Guest): Are you a Daughter of St Francis de Sales?
29, 7:39 PMJoan (Guest): Reading him tonight for inspiration
29, 7:40 PMRuth (Guest): I think it might mean that we behave as we know God wants us to even though we are not “fully there” yet. It is making a choice, despite our shortcomings to be better -the new man.
n 29, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Ruth
Jan 29, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): And the new man is “on top” of the old, so to speak and supercedes it
29, 7:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): I like supercedes it!
an 29, 7:42 PMCarol (Guest): Its weird because sometimes I’m aware of both
29, 7:44 PMRuth (Guest): I came to my Faith by living AS IF I believed and, as I thought a believer would behave.
, 7:46 PMVisSr (Guest): We always struggle against sin but if we put on the new man we have ther right attitude andd keep trying
:47 PMCarol (Guest): I also find that shame belongs to the old and remorse, repentance belong to the new
29, 7:47 PMRuth (Guest): It was part of a clear “experiment” to find THE TRUTH about God, Jesus, and the teachings of the Catholic Church
an 29, 7:48 PMVisSr (Guest): q Discuss this line: “it is self-love that raises a good deal of this confusion, because we are offended at not being perfect, less through love for God than love for ourselves.”
48 PMJoan (Guest): Our new life in Christ is Only possible through prayer, Mass and keeping our eyes on Jesus. The Saints inspire us too
7:49 PMDawn (Guest): loving our self more than God. or being more focused on our self
29, 7:50 PMVisSr (Guest): I think this happens alot- we are expecting ourselves to be perfect in a way not usually possible
, 7:50 PM
Hi sr susan (Guest): Sr Susan why Dominican sisters of Mary mother Eucharist have so many show in the youtube why the visitation monastery order has nothing in youtube can you explaning to us
Jan 29, 7:50 PM
Gloria (Guest): Humility helps, too.
29, 7:51 PM
VisSr (Guest): we are cloistered and most of us older
Jan 29, 7:51 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hi Gloria!
7:52 PMVisSr (Guest): pride gets in our way often
29, 7:54 PM
Joan (Guest): I am at the Sisters of Saint Bridget quest house tonight. Nuns are blessed. A rewarding life 😍
Jan 29, 7:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): From St. Mary’s HS. They Hose the song “We did. it OUR WAY.” Seems sad me. Should we not do it God’s way?
Jan 29, 7:54 PM
VisSr (Guest): Where is that Joan
, 7:54 PM
Joan (Guest): Connecticut
Jan 29, 7:54 PM
Joan (Guest): Saint Birgitta
Jan 29, 7:54 PM
VisSr (Guest): Darien
Jan 29, 7:54 PM
Gloria (Guest): We ask the Sacred of Jesus. Jesus meek and humble. Help me to be like you.
Jan 29, 7:54 PM
Joan (Guest): Yes
Jan 29, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, sorry they chose that song. Ruth
n 29, 7:55 PMCarol (Guest): Maybe they mean their way is Gods way
:56 PMVisSr (Guest): q Why do our heads and hearts have to be aligned?
an 29, 7:56 PMRuth (Guest): I’m afraid not, Carol, there are lots more words that make that clear.
29, 7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): Because they are naturally at odds with one another
Jan 29, 7:56 PM
Dawn (Guest): to avoid confusion?
29, 7:57 PMCarol (Guest): I can dream Ruth. Sigh.
n 29, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): or that interior conflict
Jan 29, 7:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): Tone at peace. to “think” clearly, correctly.
Jan 29, 7:57 PM
VisSr (Guest): integration and harmony are what we need so head and heart need to be one
an 29, 7:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): To be at peace.
Jan 29, 7:58 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hi Elena!
9, 7:58 PM
Carol (Guest): Its hard to consistently choose the new man
Jan 29, 7:58 PM
Elena (Guest): hello friends
29, 7:58 PM
Elena (Guest): hello friends
Jan 29, 7:58 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Elena, Hi Gloria
Jan 29, 7:58 PM
Hi sr susan (Guest): Sr Susan I have to leave I need to say good bye God bless
Jan 29, 7:59 PM
VisSr (Guest): Have a good week dear Betty
Jan 29, 7:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): Good night Betty!
9, 7:59 PM
Elena (Guest): This letter of St Francis really speaks to me… exactly what I’m dealing with right now. It’s uncanny how these readings always seem to coincide with my life.
Jan 29, 7:59 PM
Elena (Guest): By, Betty!
Jan 29, 7:59 PM
Elena (Guest): Bye*
Jan 29, 7:59 PMVisSr (Guest): The Holy Spirit does that for us
an 29, 8:00 PMJoan (Guest): The Peace of the Lord is an immeasurable gift !
n 29, 8:00 PMElena (Guest): He does, Sister, and I am so incredibly grateful
an 29, 8:01 PM
VisSr (Guest): What are some signs that our heads and hearts are aligned
29, 8:02 PM
Carol (Guest): A feeling of peace and contentment
Jan 29, 8:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): we would have clear thoughts, to hear what is said to us, feel at peace
an 29, 8:02 PMJoan (Guest): We can rest in The Peace of Christ
9, 8:03 PM
Elena (Guest): TBH, I’m not sure I understand the question, exactly.
Jan 29, 8:03 PM
Dawn (Guest): this is helpful, when at times not at peace, we may know where to look
Jan 29, 8:03 PM
Elena (Guest): “alignment of head and heart”
9, 8:03 PM
Ruth (Guest): You move swiftly and gracefully along the path of salvation. Not much Stumbling. Easy peacefulness.
Jan 29, 8:03 PM
VisSr (Guest): well sometimes we think one way but our heart feels another way
n 29, 8:04 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, and then confusion can set in
an 29, 8:04 PMElena (Guest): Regarding what in the spiritual life?
n 29, 8:04 PM
Elena (Guest): sorry to be obtuse
Jan 29, 8:04 PM
Joan (Guest): Bible: Have the mind of Christ. And think good thoughts
29, 8:05 PMCarol (Guest): Which way is the right one to choose?
29, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): this letter goes deeply into interior life, very good. like a spiritual director
Jan 29, 8:06 PM
VisSr (Guest): It is always in our power to make these acts, and though we may have some difficulty, yet there is no impossibility in the way, and it is on such occasions that we show our fidelity to Our Lord; for though we make them without relish or satisfaction, still we have no need to be in pain on that account, since Our Lord prefers them so: and do not say that you utter them only from the mouth; for if the head did not wish it, the mouth would not say a word.
Jan 29, 8:06 PM
Gloria (Guest): Maybe learning to be por in spirit, will help.
an 29, 8:06 PM
Joan (Guest): Whatever is lovely, whatever is true, think on these things
Jan 29, 8:06 PM
Gloria (Guest): Poor in spirit
9, 8:06 PMElena (Guest): an inviolable resolution in the superior part of the soul to follow the will of God, to have such a profound humility and simplicity as will make us confide entirely in God and rise again when we fall, to endure patiently ourselves and our abjections, and to endure tranquilly our neighbors and their imperfections.
Jan 29, 8:07 PMDawn (Guest): ah! St Francis
8:07 PM
Joan (Guest): Put on Christ- Saint Paul?
Jan 29, 8:07 PM
VisSr (Guest): This article is taken from a chapter in Consoling Thoughts on Trials of An Interior Life by St. Francis de Sales
Jan 29, 8:08 PM
VisSr (Guest): it is not a letter this week
an 29, 8:08 PM
Carol (Guest): That sounds like St Paul
Jan 29, 8:08 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, I see. This article has given me to know that even when I do not “feel” like I’m surrendering all to God, the intention I have to do so is enough in those moments. There is no satisfaction yet it is still meaningful.
Jan 29, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): I see. may need to buy this book.
29, 8:08 PMElena (Guest): Ditto, Dawn!!
an 29, 8:08 PM
Carol (Guest): Because it is the Holy Spirit who perfects our intention
Jan 29, 8:09 PM
Elena (Guest): Right, Carol.
8:10 PMElena (Guest): Not by our own power. And we are not perfect so it is impossible for us to do it perfectly… God’s mercy supplies. “People of good will” means people who are doing their best and relying on God to perfect our efforts in eternity.
9, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr, what is the superior part of the soul, referred to in second to last paragraph?
Jan 29, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): Good question, Dawn
2 PM
Elena (Guest): I kinda sorta have an idea but I would love to know a more exact answer.
Jan 29, 8:12 PM
VisSr (Guest): St Francis de Sales means the core of our will, our being, not our passions or emotions, the best part of us wheere we want to do God’s will
:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): oh thank you
Jan 29, 8:12 PM
Elena (Guest): Ahhh yes. The part of pure intentions to do God’s will.
Jan 29, 8:12 PM
VisSr (Guest): my words in explanation
13 PM
Elena (Guest): I have a question… how can we stop trying to be perfect in all of this, the self-love induced perfection?
Jan 29, 8:13 PM
Elena (Guest): I can understand all the whys of it, but not the how..
Jan 29, 8:13 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too!
9, 8:14 PMVisSr (Guest): Relax, know we are loved and accept oneself
n 29, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): ahhhhh that’s hard!!
Jan 29, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): haha
Jan 29, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): Relax? Me?
Jan 29, 8:14 PM
VisSr (Guest): ask for help from the Holy Spirit
Jan 29, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): This is why Salesian spirituality is so right for me…
, 8:15 PM
Elena (Guest): I doooooooo and still I get all wound up and self-bashing. Ugh.
Jan 29, 8:15 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too Elena
Jan 29, 8:15 PM
VisSr (Guest): it takes time just begin again and love your faults
15 PM
Elena (Guest): I doooooooo and still I get all wound up and self-bashing. Ugh.
Jan 29, 8:15 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too Elena
Jan 29, 8:15 PM
VisSr (Guest): it takes time just begin again and love your faults
Jan 29, 8:15 PM
Elena (Guest): I be there are a lot of us like this, Carol!
Jan 29, 8:15 PM
Joan (Guest): Put your Focus back on Jesus who said “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect
Jan 29, 8:15 PM
Elena (Guest): love my faults!!!???!!! ahahahahahaha
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
Elena (Guest): You’re right, of course. That was not how I was raised LOL
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
VisSr (Guest): or abjection as St Francis would say
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
Carol (Guest): We just dont admit it out liud
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
VisSr (Guest): not easy
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
Elena (Guest): Is that what abjection is?
9, 8:16 PM
VisSr (Guest): more or less
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
Elena (Guest): Joan, yes that’s absolutely right. Focus on Jesus, not on my faults.
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
VisSr (Guest): ones humiliating moments it can also refer to
Jan 29, 8:16 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes yes yes, that’s it.
an 29, 8:16 PMElena (Guest): Oh I have a lot of those.
Jan 29, 8:17 PM
VisSr (Guest): it is a reAL secret to peace and growth
Jan 29, 8:17 PM
Carol (Guest): We’re sisters Elena!
Dawn (Guest): those that aid us in dying to ourself?
Jan 29, 8:18 PM
VisSr (Guest): yes
Jan 29, 8:18 PM
Elena (Guest): God has placed me in a work environment where EVERYTHING is imperfect to such a great degree (astonishing the school can even function, sometimes) that it’s all one big giant abjection. I am humiliated before my middle school students every day because I don’t know if I’m coming or going.
Jan 29, 8:18 PMCarol (Guest): So abjection is throwing ourselves at the feet of Jesus
9, 8:19 PMElena (Guest): I mean… it’s a situation I’m going to get out of eventually (because mental health is a thing and gaslighting is also a thing). But in the meantime, I want to let God work this through with me
n 29, 8:19 PMVisSr (Guest): grace will do it all
:19 PM
Elena (Guest): Sister, you are so wise. Thank you. I need to be patient (my other thing).
Jan 29, 8:19 PM
Joan (Guest): Always remember how much we are loved by God, how Jesus gave everything to save us. Always remember His deep Love ❤️
Jan 29, 8:20 PM
VisSr (Guest): from the article: Certainly, when we take occasion from the sight of our imperfections to become humble, we gain considerably by our loss; inasmuch as the profit we make by advancing in the excellent virtue of humility is a rich reparation for the damage sustained by our frailty.
Jan 29, 8:20 PM
Gloria (Guest): Amen!.
Jan 29, 8:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Joan, thank you
29, 8:20 PMElena (Guest): Yes Joan! This is the core of my devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Jan 29, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): And to Divine Mercy
Jan 29, 8:20 PM
Elena (Guest): Yup!!
Jan 29, 8:20 PM
Joan (Guest): ❤️❤️❤️
29, 8:20 PMDawn (Guest): this is amazing paragraph
an 29, 8:21 PMElena (Guest): Really it is. Reverberations throughout time and space.
9, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Surrounding us
Jan 29, 8:21 PM
VisSr (Guest): something we can all practice now and thru Lent
Jan 29, 8:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): so we should thank God for every misery and struggle we face , it is our salvation
8:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): so we should thank God for every misery and struggle we face , it is our salvation
Jan 29, 8:22 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes! And not a punishment to avoid
Jan 29, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): yes… our pre-Lenten focus
Jan 29, 8:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): this has been amazing chat to night
Jan 29, 8:23 PM
Elena (Guest): Septuagesima etc.
29, 8:23 PM
Carol (Guest): Sometimes He just sets us on fire
Jan 29, 8:23 PM
VisSr (Guest): yes!
8:24 PM
Joan (Guest): “The many troubles in your household will tend to your edification, if you strive to bear them all in gentleness, patience, and kindness… remember constantly that God’s loving eyes are upon you watching whether you take them as He would desire.” – St. Francis De Sales
Jan 29, 8:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes…. the Holy Spirit igniting us
29, 8:24 PM
Carol (Guest): If only we would do that Joan instead of trying to fix things our way
Jan 29, 8:25 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, what Carol said.
29, 8:25 PM
Joan (Guest): Saint Francis is wonderful 😍
Jan 29, 8:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): this quote <3
Jan 29, 8:25 PM
Elena (Guest): I know this is why I ended up with a housemate after living along for so long.
29, 8:25 PM
Elena (Guest): Isn’t he, though??
n 29, 8:26 PMCarol (Guest): I think thats where i’m headed to Elena
n 29, 8:26 PM
VisSr (Guest): mini communityV
est): community is not easy either
Jan 29, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): if we could all live near and have a farm
Jan 29, 8:27 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, Sister. The difference is my housemate isn’t interested in praying together, which we had intended to do when we first moved in. It would make things easier if we did.
Jan 29, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes. I’ve been alone for years but maybe not for long
Jan 29, 8:27 PM
Elena (Guest): And by “easier” I mean perhaps more grace.
29, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): I’m on board with that Dawn!
Jan 29, 8:27 PM
Elena (Guest): yes, Dawn!!!!!
29, 8:28 PMElena (Guest): I’ve got $5 to chip in. hahaha
an 29, 8:28 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too!
Jan 29, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): lol….me too
, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): we are 15 dollars in
Jan 29, 8:28 PM
Carol (Guest): This is why monks had benefactors who just handed over land
Jan 29, 8:28 PM
Joan (Guest): The family that prays together stays together 😍
Jan 29, 8:28 PM
Elena (Guest): Cool. What does that get us.
8:28 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeah… where are the benefactors.
Jan 29, 8:29 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hard to find!
Jan 29, 8:29 PM
Elena (Guest): Indeed.
Jan 29, 8:29 PM
VisSr (Guest): Keep dreaming though!
Jan 29, 8:29 PM
Carol (Guest): A girl can dream
Jan 29, 8:29 PM
VisSr (Guest): I have to go now but may you each be blessed!
Jan 29, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): first benefactor to rise, goes to the convent!
Jan 29, 8:29 PM
Elena (Guest): I’ve been telling God for years I’m in for starting a new community with like minded sisters.