11 AM
VisSr (Guest): What is the third heaven, and how is it different from the first or second heaven?Why was the child of the mother unable to comprehend the beauty of the world through the examples she was able to show him (a candle, some leaves, fruit, etc.)?Discuss the story about the man’s dream where he recognized the young man in the dream without ever having seen or heard him.In light of the fact that St. Augustine and St. Francis defend the fact that the saints separated from their bodies can still hear/see/etc.,does
Feb 26, 6:11 AM
VisSr (Guest): this mean that are bodies are not important?
Why do our bodies limit our soul on earth, but in heaven they will not have the same limiting effect?
Feb 26, 6:11 AM
VisSr (Guest): Sun chat Feb 26 730pm est
Feb 26, 6:12 AM
VisSr (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/02/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-february-26/

Newsletter for Sunday Chat February 26 | Visitation Spirit
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Feb 26, 7:17 PM
VisSR (Guest): welcome viewers
Feb 26, 7:21 PM
VisSR (Guest): Blessed First week of Lent
Feb 26, 7:22 PM
VisSR (Guest): Hi Carol! Are you snowed in?
Feb 26, 7:22 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): Hi Sr Susan! I am having few problems signing in as a guest, but I think its ok now. How are you and everyone? Hi Carol!
Feb 26, 7:23 PM
VisSR (Guest): I am ok
Feb 26, 7:24 PM
Carol (Guest): Almost! I’m a little close to the coast for that. But it snowed down to 1000feet or so. I have pictures! Friday we had a flash flood warning, a blizzard warning and a tornado,warning all at the same time. We had hail too, and snow plows on our hill passes
Feb 26, 7:25 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): We are buried in snow here and more coming, blizzards….its odd weather
Feb 26, 7:25 PM
VisSR (Guest): Becuase you are in the North?
Feb 26, 7:25 PM
Carol (Guest): It is. I
Feb 26, 7:25 PM
Carol (Guest): We’ve had the full range in just a day
Feb 26, 7:26 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): I saw that Carol!
Feb 26, 7:26 PM
VisSR (Guest): We are dry as a bone all winter here
Feb 26, 7:26 PM
VisSR (Guest): Wild weather for sure, Carol and Dawn T!
Feb 26, 7:26 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): Carol, you are near on the coast, Im in the mountains. Sr You have gotten no snow?
Feb 26, 7:27 PM
VisSR (Guest): Just a few flurries- very odd for us- you have our snow!
Feb 26, 7:27 PM
Barbara (Guest): Evening, Everyone!
Feb 26, 7:27 PM
VisSR (Guest): Hi Welcome back Barbara!
Feb 26, 7:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Barbara!
Feb 26, 7:27 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): we must! about 6-7 ft
Feb 26, 7:27 PM
DawnTheresa (Guest): Hi Barbara!
Feb 26, 7:28 PM
VisSR (Guest): We will start shortly with a tough question, at least for me
Feb 26, 7:29 PM
Barbara (Guest): Many thanks to everyone for being so welcoming last week
VisSr (Guest): What is the third heaven, and how is it different from the first or second heaven?
eb 26, 7:30 PMDawnTheresa (Guest): this is a hard question
7:32 PM
Elena (Guest): Are there levels of heaven and purgatory? There are some saints that have talked about these things, but I’ve never been clear if there is an official teaching by the Church on it.
Feb 26, 7:32 PM
VisSR (Guest): pecifically, it has been suggested that he may be envisioning the first heaven as the “atmospheric” heaven inhabited by the birds, and the second heaven as the “celestial” heaven inhabited by the stars. The third heaven would then be the “empyrean” heaven or dwelling place of God.
If so, when he speaks of being caught up to the third heaven, he simply means being caught up to the presence of God, and the passage does not indicate that there are multiple spiritual realms in heaven.
Feb 26, 7:32 PM
VisSR (Guest): not official- the above
6, 7:32 PM
Simone (Guest): I do not know the exact definition of the third heaven – but it is a place where our understanding of GOD is vastly widened and we are able to enjoy him differently than just here on earth – if GOD does not grant us the grace of the third heaven.. Well..that’s what I think it is.
Feb 26, 7:32 PM
Elena (Guest): Ahhh oh I see. The designation includes the natural world and supernatural.
b 26, 7:33 PM
VisSR (Guest): If that is true,
Feb 26, 7:33 PM
Elena (Guest): Sky, space, God’s presence/heaven… hmm interesting
26, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister, Peter is thinking it similar than you described it.
Feb 26, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Ruth
eb 26, 7:34 PMVisSR (Guest): Why Bible studies are so important! These tough concepts
7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): I also find these things interesting – but I find that they do not help me to love better.
Feb 26, 7:34 PM
VisSR (Guest): any other understandings of this?
Feb 26, 7:34 PM
VisSR (Guest): Good point Simone
Feb 26, 7:35 PM
VisSR (Guest): What does help?
eb 26, 7:35 PMCarol (Guest): I have never seen study of it
b 26, 7:35 PMVisSR (Guest): yet St Paul was taken there so someone must have an idea
eb 26, 7:36 PMVisSR (Guest): q Why was the child of the mother unable to comprehend the beauty of the world through the examples she was able to show him (a candle, some leaves, fruit, etc.)?
eb 26, 7:37 PM
Barbara (Guest): What St Therese postulated; the capacities of each person to enjoy the joys of Heaven might be different, but all will be filled to capacity (to the brim) with God’s Loving Presence
Feb 26, 7:37 PM
VisSR (Guest): yes that sounds true
b 26, 7:37 PM
Elena (Guest): Ahh that’s interesting, Barbara.
Feb 26, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes, so we are never missing out
b 26, 7:37 PM
Carol (Guest): And it is different for each
Feb 26, 7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): no eternal bliss- envy
eb 26, 7:38 PM
Elena (Guest): That sounds like God, doesn’t it? He’s created each of us to be so unique – why not experience him uniquely in heaven?
Feb 26, 7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): good point Elena.
Feb 26, 7:38 PM
VisSR (Guest): yes just as now we do so
Feb 26, 7:39 PMCarol (Guest): It sounds like He designed it that way
Feb 26, 7:39 PMElena (Guest): That sounds exciting to me.
eb 26, 7:40 PMVisSR (Guest): Eye has not seen….
eb 26, 7:40 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeah I thought of that while reading the passage!
Feb 26, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): ear has not heard
eb 26, 7:41 PMVisSR (Guest): what God has prepared for those who love Him
, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): Amen.. and on that note.. I have to say good bye for today. See you all next Sunday. Sending my love
Feb 26, 7:41 PM
VisSR (Guest): Blessings Simone!
Feb 26, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): Pray for us!
eb 26, 7:41 PMElena (Guest): God bless you, Simone!
:42 PM
Barbara (Guest): Sister, About your question regarding the child and the mother….My takeaway was that there’s simply no substitute for firsthand, personal experience of the whole reality in context. I think that’s why when we try to express our emotions to someone else—or our deeply spiritual encounters with the Lord, they fall short, and then the experience gets diminished…I’ve learned—the hard way!—that some experiences are better to be kept heart-to-Heart, between us and the Lord as “the King’s secret”
Feb 26, 7:42 PM
Ruth (Guest): Love to you, too, Simone!
b 26, 7:43 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, some things are just for the individual
b 26, 7:44 PMVisSR (Guest): and our experiences are in some way unconveyable
7:44 PM
Ruth (Guest): Barbara, that reminds me of the verse: Don’t toss your pearles to the swines.
Feb 26, 7:44 PM
VisSR (Guest): But sharing can prepare the other for some kind of experience
Feb 26, 7:44 PM
Barbara (Guest): YES! Some encounters with the Lord are meant to be privately pondered, while other experiences are meant to be shared to give God glory and neighbors witness/encouragement. .Challenge for me is knowing which is which….(when to keep my mouth shut).
, 7:45 PM
Elena (Guest): Agreed, Barbara. There’s an inner listening I have to do before I choose to share – is this what the Holy Spirit is moving me to do in the moment?
Feb 26, 7:45 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too Barbara. It seems like I might explode. My director assures me I will not
Feb 26, 7:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): Me too, Elena.
Feb 26, 7:45 PM
Elena (Guest): Haha Carol!
Feb 26, 7:45 PM
VisSR (Guest): sometimes it is encouraging to know how God works with others even if we do not share that experience ourselves – it can stll help our faith
26, 7:45 PMElena (Guest): The other thing with that is that I don’t want to be perceived as bragging.
26, 7:46 PM
Barbara (Guest): It’s a delicate balancing act, right?
Feb 26, 7:46 PM
Carol (Guest): Or it may be something others are not prepared to accept
b 26, 7:47 PM
Elena (Guest): And there’s someone I know who seems to make a competition out of anything – I once shared something personal and spiritual with her, entrusting her with this sharing, and within 5 minutes she was all of a sudden recounting some sort of quasi-mystical thing she said she’d experienced – that she’d never mentioned before, and there seemed to be quite a bit of thought put into telling me this.
Feb 26, 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sr., that is why this chat is so helpful. We know that although details may differ, we are not alone in our faith.
Feb 26, 7:47 PM
VisSR (Guest): esp with mystical types of experiences
Feb 26, 7:47 PM
Elena (Guest): I dunno.. it felt yucky, like it was a competition for her. So I don’t share anything with her any more.
Feb 26, 7:47 PM
VisSR (Guest): Yes we do help each other
26, 7:48 PM
Carol (Guest): Do you have a director Elena?
Feb 26, 7:48 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes! I just started with a new director and he’s wonderful.
Feb 26, 7:48 PM
Elena (Guest): The incident I mentioned was years ago.
Feb 26, 7:48 PM
Barbara (Guest): Thinking of the Visitation, God is so GREAT that He resolved that revelation (or not!) for Our Lady to her cousin!
b 26, 7:48 PMCarol (Guest): Yay!
b 26, 7:49 PMVisSR (Guest): yes there was confirmation of the experience for Our Blessed Mother
b 26, 7:49 PM
Barbara (Guest): But she didn’t have to reveal about herself!
Feb 26, 7:49 PM
Carol (Guest): But we shouldn’t expect confirmation of the mystical from everyone
Feb 26, 7:50 PM
VisSR (Guest): No definitely things like that need to be tested appropriately you are right
eb 26, 7:50 PMElena (Guest): I have issues with all these private revelations that people glom onto, especially not approved by the Church. I know someone who’s into all those things. I’m like, really we don’t have enough truth and beauty in the Church you have to go looking elsewhere?
7:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): I wonder how WE know that Mary “pondered all these things in her heart”. Yes Scripture tells us but did she tell the àwriters?
Feb 26, 7:50 PM
Elena (Guest): And some of it is just fake, or even demonic. No bueno.
Feb 26, 7:51 PM
Elena (Guest): She must have told St. Luke.
Feb 26, 7:51 PM
VisSR (Guest): Some say St Luke talked to OUr Blessed Mother
Feb 26, 7:51 PM
Carol (Guest): I am wary of all the you tube visions
3 PMVisSR (Guest): q Discuss the story about the man’s dream where he recognized the young man in the dream without ever having seen or heard him.In light of the fact that St. Augustine and St. Francis defend the fact that the saints separated from their bodies can still hear/see/etc.,does
that mean than that are bodies are not important?
eb 26, 7:53 PM
Carol (Guest): I think she did tell St Luke, he just didn’t include it al
Feb 26, 7:53 PM
Barbara (Guest): God chose to create human beings with souls AND bodies, so, in His plan, our bodies can’t be unimportant. Right? … Without bodies, we’d be angels, and God had already created them
b 26, 7:54 PMElena (Guest): Well, our souls and bodies will be reunited in a glorified manner when Christ returns. Catholics understand the body as essentially good, as it was created by God. And we are ensouled bodies, or enfleshed souls at our creation, therefore the body is part of God’s plan.
Feb 26, 7:54 PMElena (Guest): What Barbara said!
eb 26, 7:54 PMRuth (Guest): But I like the way The Chosen presents Mary telling about the youth of Jesus as the disciples sit around a camp fire sharing stories.
b 26, 7:55 PMCarol (Guest): It could have happened like that
Feb 26, 7:55 PMElena (Guest): Also, Jesus came as man and God – he took on a human nature and body, therefore sanctifying the body.
b 26, 7:55 PM
VisSR (Guest): Hello Steph
Feb 26, 7:55 PM
Elena (Guest): What awareness there must be for those saints – freed from time/space limitations.
Feb 26, 7:55 PM
Elena (Guest): Hi, Steph
, 7:56 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Plus our bodies enable us to do good (not just evil)..eg. performing corporal works of mercy for love of God & neighbor (e.g. burying the dead, which shows the respect the Church requires for our bodies—even after death) And likewise, even with the spiritual works of mercy, our bodies are instruments of communication (e.g. when we counsel the doubtful through our physical bodily speech apparatus)..
Feb 26, 7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Steph
, 7:56 PMElena (Guest): What our glorified bodies will be like! I wonder if the limitations of time/space will also change with the new heaven and the new earth.
eb 26, 7:57 PMElena (Guest): Like how Jesus seemed to walk through walls and closed doors after his resurrection..
b 26, 7:57 PM
Carol (Guest): We live in finite time and space. God is infinite. Quite a transition!
Feb 26, 7:57 PM
Barbara (Guest): Elena, I was thinking that exact same thing!!!! Our bodies limit our souls on Earth in part b/c as a result of the “Fall,” our human bodies lost their originally-intended “preternatural privileges” (I think that’s what they’re called). This question makes me wonder if getting those gifts “back” in our glorified bodies (no illness, no death, etc.) will make the post Last Judgment “new Earth” a kind of Garden of Eden 2.0
b 26, 7:58 PM
Carol (Guest): One where we do it right this time
Feb 26, 7:58 PM
Barbara (Guest): Amen!
59 PM
Elena (Guest): Every time my knees hurt or I’m stiff getting up, I think “Glorified body! It’s coming!” haha
Feb 26, 7:59 PM
VisSR (Guest): q Why do our bodies limit our soul on earth, but in heaven they will not have the same limiting effect?
8:00 PM
Elena (Guest): Such great questions! I love thinking about this stuff – as do my 7th graders. They always want to talk about this.
Feb 26, 8:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): I once had a Scripture scholar, priest, professor and assoc. bishop challenge my belief in the bodily resurrection.
8:00 PM
Elena (Guest): Such great questions! I love thinking about this stuff – as do my 7th graders. They always want to talk about this.
Feb 26, 8:00 PM
eb 26, 8:00 PMElena (Guest): OH??
Feb 26, 8:01 PM
Elena (Guest): (It’s not just your believe, either, but the teaching of the Church. It’s in the Nicene Creed, is it not?)
Feb 26, 8:01 PM
Elena (Guest): belief*
b 26, 8:01 PMVisSR (Guest): Even scholars lose their faith
eb 26, 8:01 PMElena (Guest): So sad…let’s pray for him.
eb 26, 8:02 PMCarol (Guest): A little knowledge can be dangerous
eb 26, 8:02 PMRuth (Guest): I wanted to say that, and ii. The apost
Feb 26, 8:03 PMElena (Guest): I think our bodies limit our soul because of original sin, or the effects thereof.
eb 26, 8:04 PM
Carol (Guest): And we seem to have a blindness that goes with that
Feb 26, 8:04 PM
Elena (Guest): Our bodies feel pain and are weakened by disease, hunger, etc. just as our wills and holiness is weakened.
6, 8:05 PMElena (Guest): My understanding (from where I can’t recall) is that Adam and Eve were physically perfect, had no pain, no weakness physically, and had perfection of health before the Fall.
6, 8:05 PMBarbara (Guest): I’m really grateful that our bodies will be reunited with our souls! It’s hard to imagine pre-Last Judgment, when “I”’ consist of my soul only; when my “person” is missing its body—what kind of me will I be?
Feb 26, 8:05 PMVisSR (Guest): Such a mystery!
:06 PMElena (Guest): Barbara – yes, I agree! I’ve also heard that in heaven our souls while perfectly content in God’s presence still have a longing for the ultimate fulfillment of creation and the perfection that Christ’s 2nd coming will bring to us in this resurrected body. Yes, a mystery for sure!
eb 26, 8:06 PMElena (Guest): “What kind of me will I be?” –> love this!
Feb 26, 8:07 PMVisSR (Guest): When the Blessed Mother came to Lourdes or Fatima she exhibited some of these heavenly attributes of the body and of the soul
26, 8:08 PMElena (Guest): Ahh yes… that brings up another question of mine, Sister..
b 26, 8:08 PM
VisSR (Guest): What is that?
Feb 26, 8:08 PM
Elena (Guest): Jesus and Mary are both body and soul… so is heaven a physical/spiritual place where both matter and spirit reside?
26, 8:09 PM
Carol (Guest): Ive always imagined just spiritual, but thats probably not right
Feb 26, 8:09 PM
Elena (Guest): Is it like a dimension.. a super-dimension that is in around through everything that exists in any plane of existence?
Feb 26, 8:09 PM
VisSR (Guest): It has been said it is a state but somehow must be a place, or a dimension of creation maybe or beyond creation and universe???
Feb 26, 8:09 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeahhhhh
Feb 26, 8:09 PM
Ruth (Guest): Apostle’s Creed. I felt very much alone in a room with about 40 or fifty people, all R.Catholic Church leaders of one sort or another. I waste only medical student on that retreat. The Professor without giving me a chance to respond said,”You of all people, as a physician should know that is impossible! Where would the matter come from!?”
Feb 26, 8:09 PM
Carol (Guest): My head hurts
6, 8:10 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ditto!
Feb 26, 8:10 PM
Elena (Guest): Ruth– I’m so sorry you had that experience. Such limited thinking, sadly.
Feb 26, 8:10 PM
VisSR (Guest): from what Carol?
Feb 26, 8:10 PM
VisSR (Guest): too much?
Feb 26, 8:10 PM
Carol (Guest): Trying to understand this
Feb 26, 8:10 PM
VisSR (Guest): we can’t actually
Feb 26, 8:10 PM
Carol (Guest): Then my head can hurt
Feb 26, 8:10 PM
Elena (Guest): I love thinking about this stuff hahaha…. heaven is a dimension that is actually HERE even though my limited space/time body can’t perceive it.
b 26, 8:11 PMVisSR (Guest): that might be so, anyway we will find out eventually
Feb 26, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): But it’s also outside of time… as God is.
Feb 26, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, someday…
Feb 26, 8:11 PM
Carol (Guest): Life is so much more than what we can see
Feb 26, 8:12 PMCarol (Guest): https://youtu.be/LjAc0RAAI4c
b 26, 8:13 PMBarbara (Guest): There’s an interesting phenomena involving the dying….they begin to experience that eternal time where future is present to them…I saw that as a hospice volunteer, with my own mother, and in talking with friends whose loved ones were int he final stages of transitioning from this life to the next’
eb 26, 8:13 PM
VisSR (Guest): yes I have seen the transitioning
Feb 26, 8:13 PM
VisSR (Guest): What is the you tube Carol?
Feb 26, 8:13 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, and science can’t explain it
, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): It is a song which contains what we are talking about
Feb 26, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): I’ve seen it too.
Feb 26, 8:14 PM
Barbara (Guest): Even though I learned about “symbolic language” in the dying and was looking for it, it was only in retrospect that I recognized that it wasn’t delirium or dementia–it was a knowing
b 26, 8:14 PMElena (Guest): Thank you, Carol. I’ll check that out later.
6, 8:16 PMRuth (Guest): It was hard, that experience, but it helped me clarify my views. I wanted to shout out, “do you think that the God who designed the way a human body is formed in the womb of a mother, cannot provide the matter needed for a resurrected body.” Even this earthly body is partuth (Guest): Partly made from material that once was ion S
b 26, 8:16 PMRuth (Guest): ONCE WAS IN STARS!
eb 26, 8:17 PMCarol (Guest): It boggles the mind
8:17 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes, Ruth, He doesn’t even have to “provide” it; He just has to speak it–to Will it!…I’m hoping for an improved one, not a replica or carbon copy
Feb 26, 8:17 PM
Elena (Guest): yes, it’s amazing.. our God is amazing!
eb 26, 8:18 PMElena (Guest): Yes, the improved version of me/my body… no arthritis or allergies LOL
Feb 26, 8:18 PMBarbara (Guest): and if cats are in Paradise, no strong allergic reactions!
eb 26, 8:19 PMCarol (Guest): They’ll be with the horses
8:19 PM
Elena (Guest): haha no cat allergies in heaven
Feb 26, 8:19 PM
VisSR (Guest): speaking of horses we had a retreatant here last week who rescued 3 horses and bought a ranch to take care of them in Texas
Feb 26, 8:20 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh wow!!
Feb 26, 8:20 PM
Elena (Guest): Love it!
Feb 26, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): I would move tomorrow
Feb 26, 8:20 PM
VisSR (Guest): she is an airline stewardess by profession
, 8:20 PMRuth (Guest): Yes. But it is a delight! Carol, God is so great and knows each one of us personally! He knows what’s we need better than we do. What scares me now more than death is that the Synod in Germany may lead to another schism in the Church, and that my dear German Goddaughter is, it seems to me, so confused.
6, 8:21 PM
VisSR (Guest): what is her name? we will pray- it must be confusing for young folks
Feb 26, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, I must put aside my dreams of ponies and pray
26, 8:21 PMElena (Guest): Ruth – yes, there is so much confusion and people are being led astray. Yes, let’s pray for her and everyone in Germany dealing with this.
eb 26, 8:21 PMBarbara (Guest): When I was a child, I really wanted a pony…Some folks think that the Lord will fulfill all our heart’s desires in constructing our mansion, so I’m hoping for a pony
, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): Joining you in prayer, too, Ruth!
Feb 26, 8:23 PM
VisSR (Guest): This schism stuff has been building up for years; Ruth gave an ex with her professor- it is all related
Feb 26, 8:23 PM
VisSR (Guest): Stick to the Truth!
26, 8:24 PM
Carol (Guest): I learned on my vocation journey that Christ gives me all that the oiny represents to me. And sometimes He lets me have an actual pony
Feb 26, 8:24 PM
VisSR (Guest): what brings true peace of soul and love of Jesus
eb 26, 8:24 PMElena (Guest): Yes, Sister. That’s it exactly.
25 PM
Elena (Guest): What I don’t understand is why all these people are trying to change the Catholic Church. I mean, if they want same sex marriage and women priests, why not just leave and join the Episcopalians?
Feb 26, 8:25 PM
Barbara (Guest): The Truth is like a corral that keeps us safe within boundaries of freedom
Feb 26, 8:25 PM
Carol (Guest): It has always been do that people try to change the Church
Feb 26, 8:25 PM
Elena (Guest): (Barbara is still on the pony ranch vision!)
6, 8:26 PM
Elena (Guest): I’m chewing on a piece of hay with a cat twining around my legs.
Feb 26, 8:26 PM
Ruth (Guest): Thank you! Her name is Sandra. And her father died last October and her mother has become demented — a cheerful, even pleasant demented woman who wanders off from her Altersheim, which she likes very much, on a regular basis. With a GPS they can always find her. Sandra has to send a taxi for her!
6 PM
Carol (Guest): I can see you Elena
Feb 26, 8:27 PM
VisSR (Guest): we will pray for Sandra tell her to go before the Blessed Sacrament
Feb 26, 8:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh Ruth, that is so hard
Feb 26, 8:27 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh my goodness, Ruth. What a situation. Lord, please protect and give your healing and peace to Sandra and her mother, and may her father rest in your peace.
, 8:27 PMBarbara (Guest): TY, dear Ruth! Brings us back to reality!
26, 8:28 PMRuth (Guest): The father OFFICIALLY left the Church, and was into some sort of Eastern religion.
26, 8:29 PMVisSR (Guest): FYI- The Anne Goetze pray to love exhibit is coming back to Brooklyn Mar 11-14 I know none of you are near Brooklyn but since it is an exhibit about the Visitation, art that is, I thought I would let you know
, 8:29 PMRuth (Guest): Sandra is in a relationship with a pediatrician, but they do not want to marry and do not want to have children.
30 PM
Elena (Guest): Ohhh I wish I could go!!
Feb 26, 8:30 PM
Barbara (Guest): Any virtual opportunities to enjoy the exhibit, Sister?
Feb 26, 8:30 PM
VisSR (Guest): Not sure about that have not heard but you can go to Anne’s website I think it is annegoetze.com
Feb 26, 8:30 PM
VisSR (Guest): or check out Pray to Love exhibit
b 26, 8:31 PMBarbara (Guest): TY; will do!
26, 8:31 PM
Elena (Guest): My dear friends, I’m starting to transform into a pumpkin.. this was another amazing hour spent with all of you. I’m so grateful to God that he led me to you. God bless and have a good week. Keep looking for God in the details! Love you!!
Feb 26, 8:31 PM
VisSR (Guest): I have to leave now- have a blessed first week of Lent