St. Francis says that we should praise God if we lose a loved one, instead of grieving. Does this conflict with what we see when Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus (John 11:35)?How can we have hope in the grieving process if the person was far from God in this life?We might be able to handle our grieving process, but how do we help others to grieve well?When we are told that life is just a passage to heaven, what then is the point of this life? Why didn’t God caused us to be saved and taken right away from
Feb 2, 9:37 AM
VisSr (Guest): from earth to heaven upon being baptized? What is the point of having us live and suffer and face death and loss?
Why do we often not see death as a relief from the pains of life? Are we that attached to the things of this world that we fear death so much?
Feb 2, 9:37 AM
VisSr (Guest): Sun chat Feb 5 730pm est
Feb 2, 9:43 AM
VisSr (Guest): newsletter for chat:

Newsletter for Sunday chat Feb 5 2023 | Visitation Spirit
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Feb 5, 7:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi what’s going on?
Feb 5, 7:18 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hi dawn!
Feb 5, 7:18 PM
VisSr (Guest): Dawn
b 5, 7:25 PMVisSr (Guest): This week we talk about the difficult reality of losing someone and their passing
, 7:30 PMVisSr (Guest): q 1 St. Francis says that we should praise God if we lose a loved one, instead of grieving. Does this conflict with what we see when Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus (John 11:35)
5, 7:31 PMDawn (Guest): Grief is a love response you miss deeply that person ,it’s natural but then somewhere in Bible it states to be absent from the body is to be present to the Lord.
:32 PM
VisSr (Guest): Yes very much so
Feb 5, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): I think grief is normal, it is excessive grief that can be the problem
Feb 5, 7:33 PM
VisSr (Guest): Sometimes even when you miss them they almost seem to be there
b 5, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): I still dream about my parents
Feb 5, 7:33 PM
VisSr (Guest): who is Dawn you know
b 5, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): I still dream about my parents
Feb 5, 7:33 PM
VisSr (Guest): who is Dawn you know
:39 PM
Carol (Guest): Perhaps if you introduced yourself Dawn and tellmus where you’re from, etc
Feb 5, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ok I will let you text in peace. Not feeling very welcomed here.
Feb 5, 7:40 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hi Ruth!
Feb 5, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): Normally when a second person with the same name joins they say something to distinguish themself
5, 7:43 PMVisSr (Guest): q2How can we have hope in the grieving process if the person was far from God in this life?
b 5, 7:45 PMCarol (Guest): Ah, there you are! The other chose not to identify herself and seems to be gone
7:45 PM
StTheresa (Guest): q2) I believe we have hope in God and not where we believe the person was spiritually
Feb 5, 7:45 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hello Anna-Marie
Feb 5, 7:45 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Good Evening.. sorry to be signing in late..
eb 5, 7:46 PMVisSr (Guest): Yes w ehope for mercy for all and pray for mercy for all
b 5, 7:47 PMVisSr (Guest): It is scary though if one thinks the person was not a believer
, 7:48 PMCarol (Guest): We cannot see the heart the way God does. Perhaps the person chose Jesus at the last moment, no matter what it looks like
b 5, 7:49 PMVisSr (Guest): That is what St Faustina also said
5, 7:49 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Yes if we see from our eyes… but Gid knows our hearts and our histories… His mercy endures
7:49 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): God
Feb 5, 7:49 PM
Ruth (Guest): Or perhaps someone made choosing Jesus a confusing matter, not at all attractive.
:49 PMCarol (Guest): Jesus taught Faustina so much about His mercy. So grand, so huge
, 7:50 PMRuth (Guest): And I am so Glad.
eb 5, 7:50 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Gives hope
eb 5, 7:50 PMStTheresa (Guest): yes, hope.
eb 5, 7:51 PMRuth (Guest): I searched for TRUTH and I found, LOVE and MERCY.
Feb 5, 7:51 PMVisSr (Guest): You got all 3
eb 5, 7:51 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, all three!
5, 7:52 PM
Carol (Guest): The truth sets you free after all
Feb 5, 7:52 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes. And now, an abiding, deep down JOY.
Feb 5, 7:52 PM
StTheresa (Guest): Truth is love and mercy
Feb 5, 7:52 PM
VisSr (Guest): q3 We might be able to handle our grieving process, but how do we help others to grieve well?
Feb 5, 7:52 PM
Ruth (Guest): even when in pain
5, 7:53 PM
StTheresa (Guest): Good question. I need replies, I am trying to help my sister
Feb 5, 7:53 PM
VisSr (Guest): I am facing q 3 right now with my sisters here- grief for the 3 who were moved to DC
Feb 5, 7:53 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes Ruth, its all true!
, 7:54 PMStTheresa (Guest): different types of loss! but grieving all the same
eb 5, 7:54 PMRuth (Guest): For one thing, I think — differently from SFdS — that one should not impose too many “SHOULDS” around anyone who is grieving. People grieve I. Different ways.
7:55 PM
StTheresa (Guest): I call my sister and pray with her. if she is upset when I call, I say lets pray and I begin reading Catholic prayers, basic prayers
Feb 5, 7:55 PM
VisSr (Guest): true- and we have learned some things in there 400 years since SFDS
Feb 5, 7:55 PM
Carol (Guest): Grief is a proof of love. You will always miss the person, but the pain does ease
5, 7:55 PMVisSr (Guest): Sitting and listening to the person grieving, patiently
Feb 5, 7:55 PMStTheresa (Guest): That is true tradition Sr Susan
eb 5, 7:56 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I can speak from my experience of trust in Heaven and eternity and surrender my love one which brought me peace. Encourage them and pray Chaplet d Divine Mercy and other traditional prayers🙏
Feb 5, 7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): Because if we dont share the stories we are essentially denying them and their feelings
b 5, 7:56 PMStTheresa (Guest): I need to remember to do this more, just sit quietly with her, even on the phone
7:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): SFdS is definitely logical, it most or at least many of the rest of us, “think” more with our hearts than with our minds. It is a gift to be so confident in the afterlife that one sees death al ost as if it were a graduation.
Feb 5, 7:57 PM
StTheresa (Guest): good idea Anna, to pray the chaplet with her
eb 5, 7:58 PM
VisSr (Guest): He was a lawyer and a man
Feb 5, 7:58 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Blessed are those who comfort
eb 5, 7:58 PM
VisSr (Guest): beatitude!
Feb 5, 7:58 PM
StTheresa (Guest): thank you Ruth
5, 7:59 PMCarol (Guest): Blesses are the sorrowing for they shall be consoled
eb 5, 7:59 PMVisSr (Guest): q4 When we are told that life is just a passage to heaven, what then is the point of this life?
eb 5, 8:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): To get to heaven, and hopefully take a few others, in their time, to heaven, too.
Feb 5, 8:00 PM
Carol (Guest): To train for heaven
01 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Life is a gift meant to be lived fully in Love… so as to be lived into eternity…life on earth is a reversal of sorts…
Feb 5, 8:01 PM
VisSr (Guest): reversal? say more
Feb 5, 8:01 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Rehearsal
Feb 5, 8:01 PM
VisSr (Guest): got it!
Feb 5, 8:02 PMStTheresa (Guest): to grow in holiness, lead other souls, to experience joy, to enjoy babies, to save babies….just some thoughts
b 5, 8:02 PM
Carol (Guest): As St Paul said, life is a race, run to win
Feb 5, 8:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): To experience a little BEAUTY, so that we can have a foretaste of what we ought to be preparing for.
eb 5, 8:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): And to experience, both receiving and giving LOVE.
Feb 5, 8:03 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I once heard that Hid created us so He could show mercy, love’s greatest attribute
Feb 5, 8:03 PM
VisSr (Guest): Hi Dee
Feb 5, 8:03 PM
StTheresa (Guest): Carol, a race. its becoming like a marathon a 100k lol
Feb 5, 8:03 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): God
eb 5, 8:04 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, I missed the last water station and I have rocks in my shoes
b 5, 8:04 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): love The metaphor Carol
b 5, 8:04 PMRuth (Guest): And to, like an hour athlete, train in the face of obstacles, for Perseverance, and strength of charachter.
8:05 PM
StTheresa (Guest): yes Ruth
Feb 5, 8:05 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Slow and steady wins the race
Feb 5, 8:05 PM
StTheresa (Guest): to keep pressing forward..
b 5, 8:05 PMCarol (Guest): Trials prove virtue, which is why we have them
, 8:06 PM
StTheresa (Guest): and trials can also be God revealing something to us ( recent exp)
Feb 5, 8:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): To act justly and To walk humbly with our God.
eb 5, 8:06 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Crosses… hard to love them… need grace from God, and necessary to give us a spring in our step
eb 5, 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, we all carry our share of the cross
Feb 5, 8:07 PM
VisSr (Guest): q5 Why didn’t God caused us to be saved and taken right away from
from earth to heaven upon being baptized?
Feb 5, 8:08 PM
StTheresa (Guest): our soul needs to mature ?
Feb 5, 8:09 PM
VisSr (Guest): good point
b 5, 8:09 PMCarol (Guest): He wants us to choose to love him?
eb 5, 8:09 PM
StTheresa (Guest): Jesus had to come here and experience his cross his passion
Feb 5, 8:10 PM
VisSr (Guest): yes to love freely
5, 8:10 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Only God knows… He gives us purposes to carry out.. co-redeemers.. when our work is done.. or the race finished .. our time on earth is done
b 5, 8:11 PMStTheresa (Guest): perhaps by our death it helps another soul(s) to come to Christ
eb 5, 8:11 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): The theme of a well lived life is all about.. how much have I loved…
Feb 5, 8:11 PM
Ruth (Guest): To come to know our relationship with God. Correct, as best we can, our first Parent’s bad mistake — coached by the Fallen Angel — to disobey the ONE who made them. Perhaps that “snake” was jealous not only of God but also of the bodily corporeal nature of Adam and Eve.
Feb 5, 8:11 PM
Carol (Guest): Let us not be the ones who bury their talents
eb 5, 8:13 PM
StTheresa (Guest): I saw drawing of a heart today, inside was written the words love obedience victory.
Feb 5, 8:14 PM
VisSr (Guest): What is the point of having us live and suffer and face death and loss?
b 5, 8:14 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Trust in the Lord
Feb 5, 8:14 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Share in His inheritance
5, 8:15 PMCarol (Guest): To live is to serve the Lord and discern His will in every moment. The why is His.
eb 5, 8:15 PMVisSr (Guest): His Mystery and His gift
b 5, 8:15 PM
StTheresa (Guest): Everything is pointing us to become one with God, to conform to his likeness. I think that is the whole point of everything
Feb 5, 8:16 PM
VisSr (Guest): yes I think union with Him is the ultimate
Feb 5, 8:16 PM
StTheresa (Guest): to become Holy. and to do his will as Carol says
Feb 5, 8:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): I like that, Carol. The why is His.
Feb 5, 8:16 PMCarol (Guest): Makes me smile to think of it
eb 5, 8:16 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): To do His Will is simply to avoid sin
eb 5, 8:17 PMCarol (Guest): It can be to much for us to bear to have that knowledge.
Feb 5, 8:18 PM
StTheresa (Guest): to do his will, to lead others to Jesu and Mary. and they will
Feb 5, 8:18 PM
VisSr (Guest): q Why do we often not see death as a relief from the pains of life?
5, 8:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): When I was diagnosed with Lymphoma, and puffing to an extreme after a short walk, an atheist man asked me, Did you ask WHY you? No, Why Not me? I asked, How can I respond to this in a way that gives God glory.
Feb 5, 8:19 PM
Carol (Guest): I’m not sure. Scripture encourages us to see it that way
b 5, 8:20 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Because we do not see beyond to eternity… life here is but a blip… we live in hopes of eternal life
eb 5, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Because it is to great for daily life?
Feb 5, 8:21 PM
StTheresa (Guest): Ruth, I think maybe using scripture to reply?
5, 8:23 PMRuth (Guest): Not sure I undr
5, 8:24 PMRuth (Guest): Understand, Theresa. I know I was not very clear though, in how I wrote that
eb 5, 8:24 PMStTheresa (Guest): Ive been listening to an apologist and listening how he speaks to ppl that call into his radio station. he uses Scripture to reply many times, hes not Sola Scriptura, also uses tradition Are we that attached to the things of this world that we fear death so much?
5, 8:26 PMStTheresa (Guest): some are. or people, attached to people. I guess that is the same
8:27 PM
VisSr (Guest): and fear of the unknown
Feb 5, 8:27 PM
Ruth (Guest): Do you mean I should have replied to the man with scripture, or that I needed to use scripture to better form my attitude toward what I was experiencing and about to experience.
b 5, 8:27 PMCarol (Guest): That is one reason–we fear loss of the sense of self, not the familiar things
Feb 5, 8:27 PMVisSr (Guest): Hi Gloria- welcome but we are almost finished but you all can stay on and chat with her
eb 5, 8:28 PMStTheresa (Guest): Be sure to die in a state of grace ( I say to myself) always be ready! Memento Mori!
5, 8:28 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Perhaps it’s attachment or perhaps pride… in that I believe I can change myself.. can’t do anything on my own need humility to ask for God’s grace..yes humility helps see our nothingness …and our loveliness in the eyes of God
Feb 5, 8:28 PM
Gloria (Guest): Attachment is definitely the reason, we fear death.
Feb 5, 8:28 PMStTheresa (Guest): Hi GLoria
eb 5, 8:29 PMVisSr (Guest): Life helps us to detach- at least in a Monastery it does
8:29 PMStTheresa (Guest): I think I could have handled the other dawn situation in a better way
:30 PM
VisSr (Guest): From the first I had a funny feeling- was it another Dawn or someone pretending to be you? So dont feel guilty
Feb 5, 8:30 PM
Carol (Guest): It was odd she would not distinguish herself once she knew there were two of you
Feb 5, 8:30 PM
StTheresa (Guest): Sr I think we need more monasterys , more prayers
Feb 5, 8:30 PM
Gloria (Guest): Maybe growing in the Love of God can help.
eb 5, 8:31 PM
StTheresa (Guest): ok. thank you
Feb 5, 8:31 PM
Carol (Guest): I would LOVE a monastery
Feb 5, 8:31 PMVisSr (Guest): God bless!