:Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? And was it duplicitous knowing he would be stopped in the act?We often credit Abraham with hope and faith, but Isaac is often not emphasized. He was old enough to physically overtake the 100-plus-year-old Abraham, and yet he helped carry the wood for the sacrifice up the mountain, and Abraham successfully had him on the altar to sacrifice him. Discuss Isaac’s abandonment to God in this moment.What does it mean to trust that God will provide? Especially
Mar 9, 6:08 AM
VsSR (Guest): Especially in light of such suffering and loss in this world? Is suffering just a lack of trust in God? And what exactly will God provide?How can we have trust in God like the birds safely sealed in their floating nest?What does it mean to “associate with angels”?
Mar 9, 6:09 AM
VsSR (Guest): Sunday chat Mar 12 730pm est
Mar 9, 6:09 AM
VsSR (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/03/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-march-12/

Newsletter for Sunday Chat March 12 | Visitation Spirit
ar 12, 7:27 PM
VSSR (Guest): Abraham is a good subject for thought
Mar 12, 7:28 PM
Barbara (Guest): YES! For the first time in my long life, I was most fascinated by Isaac
ar 12, 7:28 PMVSSR (Guest): as an adult Issa cor as the boy to be victim
, 7:29 PMBarbara (Guest): Also, I didn’t check to see the source of the reading & I assumed (incorrectly) that the death and suffering topic was a continuation of St. F deS’s Lenten sermons
29 PMBarbara (Guest): For most of my life I thought of him as a child, but in the last few years, I heard homilies refer to his adulthood…
7:31 PMBarbara (Guest): This reading made me wonder if he honored his father’s Faith/knowledge of God’s Will, or if he “knew” of God’s Will on his own…Was he honoring his Earthly father and/or his Heavenly father?
2, 7:33 PM
Paula (Guest): An act of love
Mar 12, 7:34 PM
VSSR (Guest): Hi Simone
Mar 12, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi everyone. I cannot stay tonight – have to go to mass
34 PM
Barbara (Guest): The angel said it was a test…Jesus said NO ONE not even parent or child can take primary place in our hearts..Loving God and doing God’s Holy Will needs to be first
Mar 12, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): but Sr. Susan, I wanted to let you know that I did not get the invitation today. Just as a feedback for your person who does the IT back office for your website and the Visitation spirit
Mar 12, 7:35 PM
VSSR (Guest): Yes Abraham needed lots of insight to see that sacrifice or potential sacrifice as love
Mar 12, 7:35 PM
VSSR (Guest): Barbara did not get it either I will notify webmaster
Mar 12, 7:35 PM
Sr J (Guest): Hi Ruth, Paula, Batty, Barbara, Simeone and Mother
:36 PM
Paula (Guest): It all goes back to SFDS Treatise. God wants usto love Him.
Mar 12, 7:36 PM
VSSR (Guest): I repeat q Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac?
7 PM
Bettychao (Guest): The Bible say God test aberham and his faith
Mar 12, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): I did not read the letter for today – sorry.. but as for Isaak.. I once thought, if we would not have this passage in the Old Testament – we could be tempted to think that the sacrifice of Jesus was an after thought to rescue humanity.. Because of this story – we know – that GOD was in control all the time – and had a plan – even before we knew we had a problem
Mar 12, 7:37 PM
Paula (Guest): It was Abraham’s act of love.
ar 12, 7:37 PMVSSR (Guest): and deep trust
Mar 12, 7:38 PMSimone (Guest): we see two men – trusting their father.. Isaak his father – Abraham his godly father.
2, 7:38 PMSr J (Guest): y asking him to sacrifice Isaac, God was testing Abraham to see if he trusted Him.
And he did: Abraham’s faith in God was so great that he was willing to give Him his only son, trusting that God could bring him back from the dead
2, 7:39 PM
Simone (Guest): Pray for Sa.. he is coming to church now tonight again. So hoping he will encounter GOD in some way during mass. so so hope for that
Mar 12, 7:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): To show the extent of Abraham’s Faith–in a human sense Isaac was the vehicle of the fulfillment of God’s Promise for him to be father of nations…but Abraham believed that God would find a way–he cold leave the means in God’s Hands…Reminds me of the Christian song that God is the Way maker Whose promises we can trust
Mar 12, 7:39 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan sometime we must accept Gods test that will help you trust in God in faith
r 12, 7:39 PM
Paula (Guest): I think when you trust someone that much it is no longer trust but love
Mar 12, 7:40 PM
VSSR (Guest): very true
ar 12, 7:40 PMBarbara (Guest): Yes! And your own agenda takes a back seat to the Other’s
ar 12, 7:40 PMBettychao (Guest): People love is short but God is love is faithful greater
12, 7:41 PM
Elena (Guest): Hello all. I just read tonight’s writing by SFDS. I am sitting here in tears… it is so beautiful.
Mar 12, 7:41 PM
VSSR (Guest): q 2 Isaac is often not emphasized. He was old enough to physically overtake the 100-plus-year-old Abraham, and yet he helped carry the wood for the sacrifice up the mountain, and Abraham successfully had him on the altar to sacrifice him. Discuss Isaac’s abandonment to God in this moment
Mar 12, 7:41 PM
Elena (Guest): Those little birds …
ar 12, 7:42 PMPaula (Guest): We all want to go to Heaven and be happy with God…but we all must be tried. God has done so much for us. But do we love Him?
r 12, 7:42 PMElena (Guest): I think Isaac trusted his father, Abraham, as well as God. He believed what Abraham told him without question and was obedient to him.
12, 7:43 PMBarbara (Guest): I wonder if he abandoned himself directly to God or to Him through his abandonment in obedience and respect and trust to his Earthly father
7:43 PMRuth (Guest): I had to teach this Bible story to 2nd graders once long ago. It was a struggle to do so without doing any harm to their sense of security in their natural parent’s love.
12, 7:44 PMVSSR (Guest): That Issac did not struggle is amazing which means a deep spirit within him perhaps
2, 7:45 PMPaula (Guest): Issac must have known that he was so loved too and special given the age of his parents
, 7:47 PMVSSR (Guest): q3 What does it mean to trust that God will provide?
12, 7:47 PMRuth (Guest): Isaac is a type (Vorbild, I am not sure of the English, of Jesus, trusting God the Father enough to offer himself as a sacrifice on the cross.
7:49 PM
Paula (Guest): God provides everything in the world….if we need it, He will help us get it otherwise maybe we don’t really need it.
Mar 12, 7:49 PM
Bettychao (Guest): The Bible say call upon the Holy Ghost and pray for the families that need our prayer
Mar 12, 7:49 PM
Barbara (Guest): His Word provides His assurance that perseverance in suffering for love of Him, using ALL the helps He gives us (without our responding with excessive murmuring and complaints) results in “Happy ending” just desserts!
Mar 12, 7:49 PM
VSSR (Guest): God has given us everything so of course He will provide but we in lack of truat don’t always wait for Him to do so but take matters into our own hands
50 PM
Elena (Guest): When we trust in God in complete abandonment, we can give everything away… sharing grace, living Jesus. Grasping to what we think we need (in Isaac’s case, his life) only drives us farther from God. He will provide all things so that we may LIVE in and with and for Him.
Mar 12, 7:50 PM
VSSR (Guest): lack of trust
Mar 12, 7:50 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Sometimes the crosses we complain that God sends us are really crosses we have fashioned for ourselves!
ar 12, 7:50 PM
Elena (Guest): VSSR — yup um, guilty as charged!!
Mar 12, 7:50 PM
Paula (Guest): That is true. God has the best solution and will give it to us if we ask and trust.
:51 PMVSSR (Guest): q Especially in light of such suffering and loss in this world? Is suffering just a lack of trust in God?
7:51 PMRuth (Guest): One who goes before an image of the later person, events, etc., kind of like the seda prepared the peopleofIsraelforthe Mass. I picked the word “tupe, but I am not sure. Maybe Simone knows.
52 PM
Barbara (Guest): Not the existence of suffering itself—which is the predictable result of sin– ours and others’, but our response to suffering can be –not having a peaceful surrender can be a lack of trust
Mar 12, 7:52 PM
Elena (Guest): Suffering happens as a result of original sin; it’s not caused by God. I think personal suffering can certainly be heightened when one lacks complete confidence in God. The fear and anxiety can produce incredible pressures and inner suffering.
2, 7:53 PM
Paula (Guest): A lot of times, I find that I expect a certain solution and that is my mistake. When I find out God’s solution I am speechless
Mar 12, 7:53 PM
Elena (Guest): I experience this on a regular basis because I feel buffeted by the waves and I have a hard time keeping my eyes on Jesus. In my current circumstances, this is a regular testing.
r 12, 7:53 PMElena (Guest): Paula — yes indeed.
:54 PMElena (Guest): This is why St. Francis de Sales’ story of the little bird nests made me cry… I want to be like them!
7:55 PM
Paula (Guest): Have any of you heard of the “Jesus, I surrender myself to you, take care of it” Novena?
Mar 12, 7:55 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Lady of Fatima and Lourdes and montserrat abbey they are all Catholic place
Mar 12, 7:55 PM
Elena (Guest): Ruth, I think that’s the right word, yes.
Mar 12, 7:55 PM
VSSR (Guest): by a priest with a name that starts with R
Mar 12, 7:55 PM
Elena (Guest): Paula, I have heard of it..
Mar 12, 7:55 PM
Barbara (Guest): The existence of suffering cannot be erased if only had stronger faith e.g. our medical problems would all be cured—that’s a cruel burden to lay that on someone; since we all will die there will come a time when trust will not extend Earthly life but bring us to Eternal life
12, 7:56 PMElena (Guest): Barbara – yes you are correct. I find when I surrender (and those moments seem fewer than I’d like!) there is a different quality to the suffering; it’s transformed.
, 7:56 PM
Elena (Guest): Barbara – yes you are correct. I find when I surrender (and those moments seem fewer than I’d like!) there is a different quality to the suffering; it’s transformed.
Mar 12, 7:57 PM
Paula (Guest): yes, given by Jesus to Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo
Mar 12, 7:57 PM
Elena (Guest): But I often whine about things quite a bit first before the surrender comes in the middle of the night (literal and spiritual).
Mar 12, 7:57 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh yeah that’s his name!
Mar 12, 7:57 PM
VSSR (Guest): Yes that’s the one Paula I know it
ar 12, 7:58 PM
VSSR (Guest): I have prayed it
Mar 12, 7:58 PM
Paula (Guest): very good for building faith and eliminating anxiety
Mar 12, 7:58 PM
VSSR (Guest): should do so now thanks for reminding me
12, 7:58 PMElena (Guest): One of my go-to prayers is the Litany of Trust by one of the Sisters of Life. https://sistersoflife.org/litany-of-trust/

Litany of Trust – Sisters of Life
12, 7:59 PMElena (Guest): I keep it in my purse and pray it daily.
7:59 PMBarbara (Guest): Yes! A few months ago someone introduced me to the Surrender novena; sometimes I say the “aspiration/refrain” over and over on each Rosary beads–especially when I feel in a panic…Helped SO MUCh when my husband was in critical condition in the hospital
r 12, 7:59 PMElena (Guest): What a blessing, Barbara.
r 12, 7:59 PMElena (Guest): I love that we have so many of these prayers that can speak to different hearts in times of distress. God is so good.
2, 8:00 PMBarbara (Guest): Yes! There’s an example of how God provides! I learned about the Novena just in time–just on time!!!
r 12, 8:00 PMElena (Guest): God is always on time, right? I need to grow in the virtue of patience..
ar 12, 8:00 PMPaula (Guest): if you let go Jesus will do it (solve the problem) for you! it’s amazing!
8:02 PM
Paula (Guest): And both SFDS and Jesus wants us to trust and love and not be anxious
Mar 12, 8:02 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes.. oh how I need to do this with one particular thing I’m dealing with right now. I’m scared and grasping. I feel like Jesus is in the passenger seat looking at me as I’m white knuckling it and demanding that he take over.. except I don’t take my hands off the steering wheel.
Mar 12, 8:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): Title similar to the refrain in the Way of the cross by St Alfonsus Ligourie.
Mar 12, 8:02 PM
Barbara (Guest): It took many decades of living to realize the truth of what a wise friend repeatedly said: God’s love is Infinite and His timing is always perfect.
12, 8:02 PM
Elena (Guest): Barbara, i’m writing that one down in my journal! Thank you.
Mar 12, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): you know what SFDS says….God’s in charge!
2, 8:03 PMBarbara (Guest): I’m smiling, Elena! As someone who had a head-on crash with a pick-up truck, I beg the Lord to do the driving!
r 12, 8:04 PMElena (Guest): OH man!! Wow, Barbara. Thanks be to God you’re okay from that… must’ve been scary.
8:05 PM
Elena (Guest): God’s providing for my weak spirit this very day with today’s reading from St. Francis, this chat, and previously, today’s homily by Bishop Robert Barron. Thank you, Jesus!
Mar 12, 8:06 PM
Elena (Guest): Sorry Ruth… I interrupted you..
Mar 12, 8:06 PM
Barbara (Guest): It was my metanoia moment…Instead of going out for pizza at lunch, I started going to a Jesuit retreat house for noon-time Mass. The crash was the best-worst thing that happened to me!
ar 12, 8:07 PMElena (Guest): I have experienced God working through seemingly bad things… He’s so good!
2, 8:08 PM
Barbara (Guest): …ALL THE TIME!
Mar 12, 8:08 PM
Elena (Guest): All the time…
Mar 12, 8:08 PM
VSSR (Guest): How can we have trust in God like the birds safely sealed in their floating nest?
Mar 12, 8:08 PM
Paula (Guest): God is so wonderful! He is so good!
12, 8:08 PMElena (Guest): I want a floating nest. I cannot even express what this image means to me.
12, 8:09 PMRuth (Guest): present, I said, just a moment, I have to talk to my boss. They did not understand (understandably!) and though it seemed to me that God said it was ok to bid a little higher, someone else got the house for less. I was disappointed but I figured that even the time it took for my brief prayer was God’s way of letting me know through the situation what his will in the matter really was.
ar 12, 8:09 PMPaula (Guest): Sometimes by just focusing on what is in front of us….what has been given to us by God.
r 12, 8:10 PMBarbara (Guest): Another wise friend said that what God intends to us will always come to us
ar 12, 8:10 PMBettychao (Guest): The Bible is most important then other job you work
12, 8:10 PMElena (Guest): Ruth — this is powerful. I have a friend who regularly reminds me that when things don’t go as I’d hoped, God is either saving me FROM something, or FOR something. He’s actively involved in all the details. That’s a way to build trust, and to visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament every day giving thanks for this meticulous, loving care God has for us.
r 12, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): Paula — Oh my word, yes! You nailed it. Not letting fears and worries take over; focus on what is in front of me to do that is God’s will and He will take care fo the rest. Such wise words!
r 12, 8:11 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Put Jesus and God and Mary in you life so you soul will be holy
Mar 12, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): The wisdom dropping on this chat tonight… outstanding. writing it all down in my journal..
r 12, 8:11 PMBarbara (Guest): God gives SO MANY WAYS to trust Him—He counsels us to become like little children, from there we can develop childlike relationship with the Lord and His Mother & saints; pray e.g. Rosary & the Surrender Novena we mentioned tonight; keep journal of what God has done in our own lives & read Bible for God’s promises & see how fulfilled in our lives and lives of others
r 12, 8:12 PMElena (Guest): Barbara — yeahhhh that’s right. God’s will cannot be thwarted.
ar 12, 8:13 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We do have bible meeting in every Wednesday in our apartment club big living room we sing hymns and have snack and pray and share our bible testimonies
Mar 12, 8:13 PM
Paula (Guest): That is why Abraham and Issac were is trusting…..you must be as little children to enter the kingdom of God
Mar 12, 8:14 PM
Bettychao (Guest): And every Sunday we have church worship service bible studied every sunday
Mar 12, 8:14 PM
VSSR (Guest): What does it mean to “associate with angels”?
Mar 12, 8:14 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Paula & Elena– Don’t want to mis-name the Saint, but the Lord told someone to focus on His business, and He would take care of hers
12, 8:15 PMBettychao (Guest): My Saint is st Teresa of lioux
, 8:15 PMBarbara (Guest): I like to think of being in the company of angels—e.g. you become who you associate with….Be more consciously aware of and continuously, habitually responsive to all choirs of angels, esp. our guardian angels who thru the promptings of the Holy Spirit enlighten, guard, rule, and guide us
12, 8:16 PM
Elena (Guest): Betty, you’re right. What better models of trust in God than Jesus and His Mother?
Mar 12, 8:16 PM
Paula (Guest): angels….just trust and do their assignment from God…I guess…and we should too
:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): Elena, Barbara, I wish I had your skills to write it all down! No worry! You were on topic, and I take way too long to write, Spital ost always is off the thread.
Mar 12, 8:16 PM
VSSR (Guest): our guardian angels are there always to inspire us
Mar 12, 8:16 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Studied bible say divine mercy prayer and sing holy hymns everyday in you life
12, 8:17 PMElena (Guest): I’ve become more attentive to my Guardian Angel in the last year, praying and asking for grace and protection. I think mine must have a sense of humor.
ar 12, 8:18 PMVSSR (Guest): and we can send our angels on a mission if necessary
2, 8:18 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh Sister, please explain this!
Mar 12, 8:18 PM
Paula (Guest): yes, like Padre Pio did
Mar 12, 8:18 PM
VSSR (Guest): Ask your angel to go to the angel of the person you want to inspire with something
ar 12, 8:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): I too seldom think of that , Sister.
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Elena (Guest): Ahhh yes okay I have heard of this. This is so amazing.
8:19 PM
Elena (Guest): Padre Pio… I love him but he also kind of scares me (in a good way, ha)
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): His/her sense of humor?
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Barbara (Guest): Tough love
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
VSSR (Guest): years ago I had a big problem here and wanted to reach Fr Groeschel I sent my angel and Fr Groeschel just “happened” to call me!
2, 8:20 PM
Elena (Guest): Wow, Sister! Praise God!
Mar 12, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): wow!
Mar 12, 8:20 PM
VSSR (Guest): Yes!
12, 8:21 PMVSSR (Guest): I would only do this for something important but when you are about to deal witha person on something you can address that person’s angel to help
Mar 12, 8:21 PMRuth (Guest): Wow! Sr.
ar 12, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): Sister, this is good for me to remember when difficulties arise at school. Thank you.
Mar 12, 8:22 PM
VSSR (Guest): You are welcome
ar 12, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Praise God for the gift of our guardian angels… Is it true, Sr., that our angel has never been guardian angel for anyone else?
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
VSSR (Guest): I think that is so
12, 8:23 PM
VSSR (Guest): I think that is so
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
Elena (Guest): And when we die, they “retire” as Guardian Angel?
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
Steph (Guest): Good evening and God bless everyone!
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
VSSR (Guest): Maybe they stay with us to praise God eternally
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
Elena (Guest): Ooooo I love that!!
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
Paula (Guest): Me too!
ving Jesus Chat
Mar 12, 8:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): Elena, Barbara, I wish I had your skills to write it all down! No worry! You were on topic, and I take way too long to write, Spital ost always is off the thread.
Mar 12, 8:16 PM
VSSR (Guest): our guardian angels are there always to inspire us
Mar 12, 8:16 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Studied bible say divine mercy prayer and sing holy hymns everyday in you life
Mar 12, 8:17 PM
Elena (Guest): I’ve become more attentive to my Guardian Angel in the last year, praying and asking for grace and protection. I think mine must have a sense of humor.
Mar 12, 8:17 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I go to mass in zoom internet everyday
Mar 12, 8:18 PM
Bettychao (Guest): And I joint bible sermon service from the pastors in internet too
Mar 12, 8:18 PM
VSSR (Guest): and we can send our angels on a mission if necessary
Mar 12, 8:18 PM
Elena (Guest): Oh Sister, please explain this!
Mar 12, 8:18 PM
Paula (Guest): yes, like Padre Pio did
Mar 12, 8:18 PM
VSSR (Guest): Ask your angel to go to the angel of the person you want to inspire with something
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): I too seldom think of that , Sister.
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Elena (Guest): Ahhh yes okay I have heard of this. This is so amazing.
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Elena (Guest): Padre Pio… I love him but he also kind of scares me (in a good way, ha)
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): His/her sense of humor?
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
Barbara (Guest): Tough love
Mar 12, 8:19 PM
VSSR (Guest): years ago I had a big problem here and wanted to reach Fr Groeschel I sent my angel and Fr Groeschel just “happened” to call me!
Mar 12, 8:20 PM
Elena (Guest): Wow, Sister! Praise God!
Mar 12, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): wow!
Mar 12, 8:20 PM
VSSR (Guest): Yes!
Mar 12, 8:21 PM
VSSR (Guest): I would only do this for something important but when you are about to deal witha person on something you can address that person’s angel to help
Mar 12, 8:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): Wow! Sr.
Mar 12, 8:21 PM
Bettychao (Guest): When I in kansas city I join Lenexa baptist
Mar 12, 8:22 PM
Elena (Guest): Sister, this is good for me to remember when difficulties arise at school. Thank you.
Mar 12, 8:22 PM
VSSR (Guest): You are welcome
Mar 12, 8:22 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Church they talk about revelation is the chapter the end of Bible which is talk to us about the second come of jesus
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Praise God for the gift of our guardian angels… Is it true, Sr., that our angel has never been guardian angel for anyone else?
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
VSSR (Guest): I think that is so
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
Elena (Guest): And when we die, they “retire” as Guardian Angel?
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
Steph (Guest): Good evening and God bless everyone!
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
VSSR (Guest): Maybe they stay with us to praise God eternally
Mar 12, 8:23 PM
Elena (Guest): Ooooo I love that!!
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
Paula (Guest): Me too!
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan I have to leave
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
Elena (Guest): We’ll get to meet our Guardian Angel and praise God togetherrrrrrrrrr
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Have good day
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
VSSR (Guest): Hi Steph!
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
VSSR (Guest): God bless!
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
Barbara (Guest): I have A LOT of apologizing to do to my guardian angel…what she has heard and seen
Mar 12, 8:24 PM
Steph (Guest): Me too, my poor Guardian Angel puts up with me and is wonderful
:25 PM
Elena (Guest): I can picture my guardian angel standing by me still loving me and praying for me all the times I committed terrible sins in my youth.
Mar 12, 8:25 PM
VSSR (Guest): FYI We have artist Anne Goetze with us in the Monastery with her Pray to Love Exhibit in Williamsburg Brooklyn. Just wanted you all to know
r 12, 8:25 PM
Elena (Guest): I wish I could come visit, Sister.
Mar 12, 8:26 PM
VSSR (Guest): I wish too She will be in St Louis end of March with it
12, 8:26 PM
Sr J (Guest): Anne Goetze’s Photographic Journey Emerges as an Inspirational Mixed Media Exhibit
For decades, award-winning artist Anne Goetze has documented the closed-cloister Visitation Order in Annecy, France. In trying to understand her aunt, Soeur Margarite Marie’s, faith journey it organically and ultimately became her own.
Mar 12, 8:26 PM
Ruth (Guest): Interesting question. There are a variety of angels. Gabriel came to the mother of Jesus and the mother of John the Baptist and,I think at least one OT person . .
r 12, 8:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): TY for letting us know about her website…Her photo-=art of the Visitation Sisters is so moving!
Mar 12, 8:26 PM
Elena (Guest): I agree, Barbara.
ar 12, 8:27 PM
VSSR (Guest): I will be leaving now Have a blessed 3rd week of Lent!
Mar 12, 8:27 PM
Elena (Guest): Raphael is awesome. I pray to Him a fair bit.
12, 8:28 PMElena (Guest): God bless you, Sister Susan and Sister J!