What does it mean that we should expect the growth of weeds in our garden?St. Francis warns against self-love, but is the pursuit of perfection itself a form of self-love?How can we grow in the virtue of patience?If our imperfections accompany us to the grace, what is the point of trying to attain perfection?We often think of God’s unconditional love in terms of our imperfections, move beyond that and discuss the scope of God’s love considering that each human being has imperfections and sins that God has t
to look upon every second of every day.
Mar 4, 9:25 AM
VsSR (Guest): Sun day March 5 730pm est
Mar 4, 9:26 AM
VsSR (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/03/newsletter-for-march-5-sunday-chat/

Newsletter for March 5 Sunday Chat | Visitation Spirit
Vs Sr (Guest): Was the newsletter too heavy to read? I think we can chat about the questions even if we did not read it through
Mar 5, 7:16 PM
Carol (Guest): It is pretty profound
Mar 5, 7:17 PM
Carol (Guest): We think sometimes we have traveled far on the road of virtue and then something smacks us and we realize we haven’t gone anywhere really
r 5, 7:18 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): When I first came to the Monastery I did not even relate to the word virtue
Mar 5, 7:18 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): It took a while
ar 5, 7:19 PMVs Sr (Guest): Actually though God knows our hearts and our progress- hard for us to judge
ar 5, 7:20 PMCarol (Guest): That is comforting
5, 7:21 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): I try to keep spiritual goals simple, tho maybe I should not even do that but just try to let the Lord live in me
Mar 5, 7:21 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Hi Barbara
:25 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): What does it mean that we should expect the growth of weeds in our garden?
Mar 5, 7:25 PM
Barbara (Guest): From my childhood to my Senior Years, my mother addressed me as “Patience,Child,Patience.” I’m definitely looking forward to learning from all of you tonight!
5, 7:26 PMCarol (Guest): That because we are still on earth, error and sin will still creep in
5, 7:30 PM
Simone (Guest): are we on question 1 yet?
Mar 5, 7:30 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Yes no one has addressed it yet
Mar 5, 7:30 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Yes no one has addressed it yet
Mar 5, 7:30 PM
Simone (Guest): oh – ok
Mar 5, 7:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): trying again to write a message
Mar 5, 7:31 PM
Rose (Guest): I think Carol did
Mar 5, 7:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): AH! it worked. hi everyone
Mar 5, 7:31 PM
Simone (Guest): So, the weeds are for me the imperfections – that creep up – on the soil of our life.
Mar 5, 7:32 PM
Simone (Guest): I like that we should expect them – isn’t it St. Francis that says – ” when we are surprised by our failings – it is a sign of pride”?
Mar 5, 7:32 PM
Simone (Guest): and here is Ruth too.. Hi Ruth!
Mar 5, 7:32 PM
Carol (Guest): I did. I’m like Simone, but less succinct
Mar 5, 7:32 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Ruth!
Mar 5, 7:32 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Sorry somehow I missed it Carol
Mar 5, 7:33 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello Everyone.
7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Its okay
Mar 5, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Ruth
Mar 5, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): interesting is, that weed and “non weeds” can co-exist in the same ground for a while. But if we do not take care of the weeds – it starts to overgrow and damage the “healthy” plants
Mar 5, 7:33 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): I see it now up above
5, 7:35 PMDawn (Guest): a perfect Lent
5, 7:37 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): to expect the weeds to grow is something that is not always acknowledged
Mar 5, 7:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): Q1) without a doubt our weeds will sprout , our imperfections , all a grace from God to see them
Mar 5, 7:37 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes! Satan uses our weeds to discourage us/keep us from the Lord; the Lord uses weeds to bring us to draw near to His Mercy
5, 7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): yes – weeds can be indeed helpful – when we use them as material for humility
Mar 5, 7:38 PM
Carol (Guest): Some of mine are thistles, prickly to touch and with deep,roots
r 5, 7:39 PMSimone (Guest): lol Carol.. he does.. but he wants us to put our hands on the weeds too
ar 5, 7:40 PM
Ruth (Guest): Haha, Carol.
Mar 5, 7:40 PM
Rose (Guest): I like that, Carol. Makes me think of the gloves I have to use to weed around my cactus plant.
7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): Thistles are pretty…my horse used to snack on the thistle heads, prices and all
Mar 5, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): I am a really lousy gardener. really lousy – I for example do not know what a weed looks like. Seriously – and I wonder if we often do not recognize the weeds in our garden of life too
Mar 5, 7:41 PM
Ruth (Guest): Dandelions are even edible!
1 PM
Ruth (Guest): Dandelions are even edible!
Mar 5, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): I mean prickles. Someone needs to teach Google auto correct how to spell
Mar 5, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): I know Ruth .but as far as I know they are considered weed. Am I right? please correct me if that is wrong
, 7:42 PMVs Sr (Guest): Maybe we don’t recognze our own inner weeds so it takes others to help us and to pull them out
5, 7:42 PM
Carol (Guest): Technically they are as they show up where they’re not planted
Mar 5, 7:42 PM
Rose (Guest): They are but I think some weeds are also like Shadow parts of us that we think are bad but are not. Virtues in disguise.
Mar 5, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): I am not sure about the pulling out – but the identifying of weeds – might be easier in another garden than in my own
Mar 5, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): Rose… can you give an example please?
Mar 5, 7:43 PM
Barbara (Guest): The Lord is willing to have the weeds grow so as not to pull up the wheat, too…Good thing because there are times when we’re more weeds than wheat (Or at least I have been!)
Mar 5, 7:43 PM
Ruth (Guest): I’ve been calling the weeds in my “law” wildflowers in my fields. They are pretty.
Mar 5, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): So, we can choose to keep weeds.
Mar 5, 7:44 PM
Carol (Guest): I think thats why Jesus says to tend our own garden so we can see our weed in anothers
Mar 5, 7:44 PM
Dawn (Guest): “Such are the desires of a certain Christian perfection which may be imagined, but cannot be practiced, and of which many can give lessons, but none a specimen” ….love StF
ar 5, 7:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone, that is what I was wondering, too.
Mar 5, 7:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): Lawn not law.
, 7:46 PMDawn (Guest): that was a bit offtopic. but just thinking how St Paul had to keep some of his weeds, to help him grow in holiness
, 7:46 PMRose (Guest): Simone, I have often struggled to own the importance of standing up for myself, for instance, because I’ve been taught it’s more important to be meek.
:46 PM
Ruth (Guest): Interesting thought, Rose.
Mar 5, 7:46 PM
Elena (Guest): Greetings
Mar 5, 7:46 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. Hi Elena!
Mar 5, 7:47 PM
Elena (Guest): Sorry I’m late.
Mar 5, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks Rose. That clarifies
Mar 5, 7:47 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Elena
Mar 5, 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Good point,! Dawn
Mar 5, 7:48 PM
Rose (Guest): I can’t think how many times I’ve accidentally weeded out a plant! Lost some milkweeds that way once!!
Mar 5, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): By the way Rose.. I have struggled to own the importance of meekness – because I was raised that one has to stand up for themselves at every opportunity given.
:48 PMElena (Guest): I was thinking of the weeds and wheat parable the other day related to the Church. Sometimes it feels like the weeds are more abundant than the wheat.
7:49 PM
Barbara (Guest): I struggle to be assertive without being aggressive
Mar 5, 7:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Elena
5, 7:49 PM
Elena (Guest): My own weeds are significant; deep roots and they grow back.
Mar 5, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): yes, that is a hard one Barbara
Mar 5, 7:49 PM
Carol (Guest): It is hard to know when True meekness is called for or if we’re just being a doormat
ar 5, 7:49 PMElena (Guest): I agree, Carol.
ar 5, 7:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): me too. there is a fine line
Mar 5, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): true meekness – does have power. A doormat never has power.
, 7:50 PMRose (Guest): Simone, what’s your def of meekness?
5, 7:50 PMCarol (Guest): We’re supposed to be meek, but the world has degraded the definition of gbat the way it changed humility
5, 7:50 PMBarbara (Guest): Jesus, meek and humble of Heart..
7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): choosing to be soft – and yielding – although I could totally make the situation turn in my favour – if I would choose so
Mar 5, 7:51 PM
Elena (Guest): ..make my heart like unto yours
Mar 5, 7:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): Dawn, I don’t think it is off topic.
ar 5, 7:51 PMDawn (Guest): The Holy Spirit teaches us all things, but we need to remain meek and this allows his power to come forth
r 5, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): like Jesus – in front of Pilatus – he did not answer – or very short answers – but he totally would have had the power to ruin them all together
Mar 5, 7:51 PM
Barbara (Guest): During His Passion, when the Lord was not silent, it was not out of fear; He was silent out of strength
Mar 5, 7:51 PM
Elena (Guest): I think meekness includes letting the Holy Spirit act, like Dawn is saying here. Not trying to assert our dominance in every moment.
Mar 5, 7:52 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, Barbara!
Mar 5, 7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s what I meant Barbara
Mar 5, 7:52 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, Simone.
7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): meekness is a sign of strength and courage – not of weakness and cowardice
Mar 5, 7:53 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): q 2 St. Francis warns against self-love, but is the pursuit of perfection itself a form of self-love?
ar 5, 7:53 PMRose (Guest): Meekness always feels vulnerable to me.
5, 7:55 PM
Elena (Guest): it’s a bit confusing to use the same phrase for both. “Love your neighbor as yourself” indicates we ARE in fact to love ourselves… as God sees us and has created us to be.
Mar 5, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): if we try to advance by our own efforts this would be self love perhaps
Mar 5, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it depends which “self” we love. The fallen self – with all its disordered desires – or the true self – that is rooted in the union with God.
ar 5, 7:55 PMRose (Guest): Barbara, I like your point. If we bite our tongue in meekness we may just listen better!
r 5, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): well Rose… and in a way we are. but vulnerability doesn’t exclude holiness
Mar 5, 7:53 PM
Elena (Guest): Jesus was extremely vulnerable.. yes.. it’s how we should be. Which is uncomfortable.
Mar 5, 7:54 PM
Rose (Guest): No I didn’t say that.
Mar 5, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): Did I misunderstand you?
Mar 5, 7:54 PM
Barbara (Guest): If done because we fear human reproach, agreed, but if we “bite our tongue” for Love of God, or if we choose not to assert a justifiable “right” for Love of God, then it’s meekness
Mar 5, 7:54 PM
Rose (Guest): I’m just throwing it out there.
Mar 5, 7:54 PM
Carol (Guest): This is the hard question, Sr. We must examine ourselves without crossing the line to selfishness
Mar 5, 7:54 PM
Elena (Guest): there is proper self-love and then there is the self-love that is rather attachment to wanting everything according to the passions and our dictates.
Mar 5, 7:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): Agreed
Mar 5, 7:55 PM
Elena (Guest): it’s a bit confusing to use the same phrase for both. “Love your neighbor as yourself” indicates we ARE in fact to love ourselves… as God sees us and has created us to be.
Mar 5, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): if we try to advance by our own efforts this would be self love perhaps
Mar 5, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it depends which “self” we love. The fallen self – with all its disordered desires – or the true self – that is rooted in the union with God.
Mar 5, 7:55 PM
Rose (Guest): Barbara, I like your point. If we bite our tongue in meekness we may just listen better!
Mar 5, 7:56 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Simone for this good point
Mar 5, 7:56 PM
Elena (Guest): Hmmm I think there is only one self but choices on what to follow (disordered desires or holiness).
:55 PM
Rose (Guest): Barbara, I like your point. If we bite our tongue in meekness we may just listen better!
Mar 5, 7:56 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Simone for this good point
Mar 5, 7:56 PM
Elena (Guest): Hmmm I think there is only one self but choices on what to follow (disordered desires or holiness).
Mar 5, 7:56 PM
Elena (Guest): Unless maybe I misunderstood.. which is likely!
Mar 5, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, can you please comment on self love
Mar 5, 7:57 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Pursuit of perfection is obedience not self love as Jesus said Be perfect as my Heavenly Father is perfect
Mar 5, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): ah! thank you
Mar 5, 7:58 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Self love can be seen in 2 ways, following Jesus’ command to love oneself or to go overboard and only think of oneself forgetting love of neighbor
r 5, 7:58 PM
Carol (Guest): It is true that if we do not live ourselves, we cannot live another
Mar 5, 7:59 PM
Elena (Guest): I still wish we had a different way to refer to these two “types” of self love. Self love as Christ taught us vs. attachment to self, which leads us away from holiness.
ar 5, 8:00 PMVs Sr (Guest): you describe the difference but it is true there could be 2 different words to express. I don;t know of any tho
8:00 PM
Barbara (Guest): Wish I had known decades ago that “perfect” doesn’t mean we’ll never have weeds, but that we need to be “merciful.”
Mar 5, 8:00 PM
Elena (Guest): Barbara — me too!!
Mar 5, 8:00 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): q How can we grow in the virtue of patience?
ar 5, 8:00 PM
Elena (Guest): Teacher middle schoolers!!
Mar 5, 8:00 PM
Elena (Guest): Teach*
Mar 5, 8:00 PM
Simone (Guest): LOLL
ar 5, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): raise twins!
Mar 5, 8:01 PM
Elena (Guest): Srsly, these three years have taught me a lot about patience.
Mar 5, 8:01 PM
Carol (Guest): I know if we ask to grow un patience we
, 8:01 PMElena (Guest): Simone – that works too!
5, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): I do not doubt that a moment Elena
Mar 5, 8:01 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hmm. Maybe if we look at the effects of each form of self love, we’ll be clearer.
r 5, 8:01 PMCarol (Guest): In patience we will find ourselves in situations where we have yo be patient
r 5, 8:02 PMSimone (Guest): so – are we even in charge of our growth in patience? or are we just trusting that GOD throws life circumstances into our way – where we HAVE to be patient
03 PM
Simone (Guest): I tried for a while to “intentionally delay” things. Like waiting 2 minutes in front of my food before I eat it. Or – waiting 30 seconds before I turn the shower on.
Mar 5, 8:04 PM
Barbara (Guest): Patience is a gift (or fruit?) of the Holy Spirit, right?
Mar 5, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): just to get comfortable with “waiting” when I just wanted to go ahead. It is more difficult than it sounds
Mar 5, 8:04 PM
Elena (Guest): Simone – I think God gives us opportunities to grow in the virtues. “Your mission, should you decide to accept it…”
r 5, 8:04 PMCarol (Guest): Thats one way. But I think we also get situations that teach us patience. Like caregiving or driving in rush hour traffic
ar 5, 8:05 PMSimone (Guest): Definitely easier when we are filled to the brim with the Holy Spirit. Clearly a gift of GOD
ar 5, 8:05 PM
Elena (Guest): And every day experiences like sitting in traffic or being in a grocery store line, etc. are always good opportunities to be charitable and patient.
Mar 5, 8:05 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, Carol. Definitely, Simone!
5 PM
Barbara (Guest): Lent is a good time to think about the Lord’s great patience during His Passion…..Love is patient; Love is kind…
8:06 PM
Elena (Guest): So true, Barbara!
Mar 5, 8:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): Getting clumsy from chemo has taught me to be more gentle and patient with myself than I was. I laugh at myself more, struggle, but without a sort of fierceness . . . I cannot quite explain it.
Mar 5, 8:06 PM
Elena (Guest): <3
Mar 5, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): patience has a lot to do with “expectations” too – and “self- sufficiency”. I want to create MY life – I expect it to feel like this. If life does not feel like it should – impatience kicks in
ar 5, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): humility
Mar 5, 8:06 PM
Elena (Guest): Ruth — that is so beautiful.
6 PM
Elena (Guest): Ruth — that is so beautiful.
Mar 5, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): yes Dawn.. I feel that the litany of humility is really helpful with the growth in patience
Mar 5, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): I like that Ruth. As much as I wish you did not have to need chemo – it seems to have brought a beautiful fruit into your life
Mar 5, 8:08 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes, Ruth ! Praise God! And the fact that patience shares a root with “suffering” is a great testimony to what you have experienced
Mar 5, 8:08 PM
Carol (Guest): It does! Is is good to pair it with the litany of trust
Mar 5, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks for the reminder Carol. I have to dig out the litany of trust again
5, 8:08 PM
Carol (Guest): There is also a litany if patience
Mar 5, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): before this chat tonight I was not thinking of patience being needed ( me) and now the litany of humility!
Mar 5, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): oh really? need to google that
5, 8:09 PM
Elena (Guest): I pray the Litany of Trust daily. It’s my go to.
Mar 5, 8:09 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): If our imperfections accompany us to the grave, what is the point of trying to attain perfection?
Mar 5, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): good for you Elena. I think I will do that now for a while too again
:09 PM
Simone (Guest): good for you Elena. I think I will do that now for a while too again
Mar 5, 8:09 PM
Carol (Guest): https://youtu.be/T5b35BgDtfY
Mar 5, 8:10 PM
Barbara (Guest): Impatience is a refusal to suffer–even in something like traffic. It’s not carrying our daily crosses
Mar 5, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): ty Carol!
Mar 5, 8:10 PM
Carol (Guest): We cooperate with God’s action
Mar 5, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly Barbara – that’s exactly it. I want it MY way
Mar 5, 8:10 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks Carol
Mar 5, 8:10 PM
Rose (Guest): To be patient requires being able to tolerate discomfort.
Mar 5, 8:10 PM
Carol (Guest): If there’s a prayer on youtube I’ve probably found it
Mar 5, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): yes Rose. I agree
Mar 5, 8:11 PM
Elena (Guest): Sister, I think that’s the “good will” to continually strive and get up from falling. The Lord looks with kindness and mercy when we live this way and will reward it.
8:11 PM
Barbara (Guest): Sr, I think you gave an insight before–we’re called to be “perfect”–even if we never will be, we’re called to at least try
Mar 5, 8:11 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): yes exactly
Mar 5, 8:11 PM
Barbara (Guest): Yes, Elena!Ruth (Guest): Do you know why angels can fly
8:12 PM
Rose (Guest): Because they take themselves lightly.
Mar 5, 8:12 PM
Dawn (Guest):
Mar 5, 8:12 PM
Elena (Guest): hee see love it
Mar 5, 8:13 PM
Elena (Guest): hee hee# autocorrect
Mar 5, 8:13 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe that’s when they lift us up; don’t drag us down
Mar 5, 8:13 PM
Elena (Guest): I wonder how much we weigh, spiritually…
13 PM
Elena (Guest): like a sack of bricks or a mac truck probably
Mar 5, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): for me ” to be perfect” does not mean that I have every action fully mastered. But rather – to live my life out of HIS life – and He is perfect. So he wants us to be perfect – because He is perfect – because He wants to live through us – and that eliminates the weeds step by step.
Mar 5, 8:13 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, Rose.
5, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): I like how you put that, Simone.
Mar 5, 8:14 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ok, I’m laughing…if the soul fills the body, do larger bodies have more soul?
Mar 5, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): I am soulus giganticus!
Mar 5, 8:14 PM
Carol (Guest): That’s beautiful Simone
Mar 5, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): No it’s just spread thinner?
Mar 5, 8:14 PM
Elena (Guest): hahahaha
16 PM
Simone (Guest): I can’t help but see my soul now somewhat like a bread spread Elena
Mar 5, 8:16 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): We often think of God’s unconditional love in terms of our imperfections, move beyond that and discuss the scope of God’s love considering that each human being has imperfections and sins that God has t
to look upon every second of every day.
5, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): q5) I am unworthy
Mar 5, 8:17 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh my, yes He does. But He never turns away
Mar 5, 8:17 PM
Barbara (Guest): God HAS to have Infinite patience to give us chance after chance to clean up our acts
Mar 5, 8:18 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, Barbara.
8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): wait what Dawn? Why are you unworthy? for what?
Mar 5, 8:18 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone that is called Divinization. God became man so that man can become God – like. He raises us up!
18 PM
Elena (Guest): Christ seeing every sin of every human being from the Cross… knowing how many would reject him. I can’t even imagine… and he still did this for love of us.
Mar 5, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly Ruth. But why is no-one ever encouraging me to strive for divination in the church? at least I do not hear it
Mar 5, 8:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): my very humaness and natural sinfullness makes me unworthy, but Gods mercy delivers us
Mar 5, 8:19 PM
Elena (Guest): That’s REAL LOVE. I am moved to tears whenever I think on it.
Mar 5, 8:19 PM
Rose (Guest): Nor I, Simone. I think of it every time I receive the Eucharist though.
Mar 5, 8:19 PM
Elena (Guest): “Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.”
Mar 5, 8:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen
Mar 5, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): Love is patient. And God who IS love – IS also patience. He cannot not be patient.
Mar 5, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Have you ever read St Faustina’s diary?
5, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): oh Rose. that is a beautiful thought. I also link it with the Eucharist – specially today I was graced with receiving HIS life – when I communed.. But I really like the way you wrote it.
Mar 5, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I have not read St. Faustina’s diary
Mar 5, 8:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Jesus often reminds her that she is small and He is doing all the work
Mar 5, 8:20 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): the Orthodox talk about divinization often
5, 8:21 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes, Sister. I do wish that we had more of this in the Latin Church.
Mar 5, 8:21 PM
Barbara (Guest): Allowing Himself to be humiliated at every Station of the cross when He could have called upon legions of angels is meekness par excellence, suffering for love of us–ungrateful as we often are
Mar 5, 8:21 PM
Rose (Guest): Do they? What do they say, Sr?
Mar 5, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): it is true Sister, that divination is more talked about in the Orthodox Church. But is it not a teaching the Catholics also embrace?
, 8:22 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): In the Orthodox Church, this concept is neither new nor startling. It even has a name: theosis. Theosis is the understanding that human beings can have real union with God, and so become like God to such a degree that we participate in the divine nature. Also referred to as deification, divinization, or illumination, it is a concept derived from the New Testament regarding the goal of our relationship with the Triune God. (Theosis and deification may be used interchangeably. We will avoid the term divinizat
Mar 5, 8:23 PM
Simone (Guest): I guess “becoming like Christ?..
ar 5, 8:23 PMVs Sr (Guest): real holiness
:23 PM
Simone (Guest): anyways.. sorry that I even brought it up. Did not want to derail
Mar 5, 8:23 PM
Rose (Guest): Isn’t Mary our role model in that, Sr?
Mar 5, 8:24 PM
Elena (Guest): YES Simone. That’s the truth.
Mar 5, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I also would call it real holiness Sister
Mar 5, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): speaking about holiness. Can I ask for prayer from all of you here… again?
Mar 5, 8:24 PM
Elena (Guest): It’s an invitation to imitate Christ but not to union with God. When I discovered the mystic saints after my reversion, I was astounded because I’d literally never heard about union with God in my life.
Mar 5, 8:24 PM
Barbara (Guest): Since the secular world thinks God is irrelevant, and each person is his/her own “god,” it’s probably better we work on being truly human after the example of the Lord Jesus in His Human nature
Mar 5, 8:25 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone, I wish you could attend our Wednesday night soup-supper and teachings this Lent. We have a new, brilliant, female Dr. of Theology parishioner.
Mar 5, 8:25 PM
Simone (Guest): I am sure that would be great Ruth.
Mar 5, 8:25 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Yes Blessed Mother is pour model for the highest holiness
Mar 5, 8:25 PM
Elena (Guest): Simone — what is your prayer request?
:25 PMRose (Guest): Well, Simone, except it calls for a whole lot of patience to achieve real holiness or thesis (if I’m using that term correctly).
5, 8:26 PM
Rose (Guest): Mary blows my mind.
Mar 5, 8:26 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Yes we will pray for your needs Simone
6 PM
Carol (Guest): It does, because we have to wait for God to a t in our souls and trust that we are going somwhere
Mar 5, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): So – #1) please keep praying for Sam .. who is trying to find his way into the Catholic Church.. but #2.. most of you know I think, that I am planning to start a podcast on 25th of March. The name is “Holy is the New Happy”.. and it should be talks on ways to “real holiness”.. PLEASE pray that I do not give up. I am so close to just let it go. My voice sounds horrible – and I have all of a sudden nothing to say
Mar 5, 8:27 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Oh go for it Simone and yes Sam will be prayed into the Church I do hope
Mar 5, 8:27 PM
Elena (Guest): Simone will definitely pray for these intentions. And for everyone here.
, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): I was so encouraged by many to start this podcast project – but I just feel so inadequate.
Mar 5, 8:27 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Give room to the Holy Spirit Simone
Mar 5, 8:27 PM
Elena (Guest): We need podcasts about these good and holy topics. God qualifies the called.
uld come on it. Would love to introduce the world to my holy Sunday evening sisters in Christ
Mar 5, 8:28 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Great idea!
Mar 5, 8:28 PM
Elena (Guest): Sure! That’s a great idea!
28 PM
Carol (Guest): I will pray too Simone, it sounds like you are being attacked
Mar 5, 8:29 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): May each of you have a blessed second week of Lent!
Mar 5, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): It sure feels like this Carol.
29 PM
Elena (Guest): God bless you, Sister!
Mar 5, 8:29 PM
Barbara (Guest): Admit to the Lord your concern and then ask the Lord to make the listeners hear in your voice a resonance that brings them to want to more closely know, love and serve Him
Mar 5, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): Blessings on you too Sister
Mar 5, 8:29 PM
Carol (Guest): Ask for St Michael too
Mar 5, 8:29 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): and keep us posted Simone on how it is going!
Mar 5, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, I recently was viewing some old interviews that were wonderful
0 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks Barbara. I copy this prayer
Mar 5, 8:30 PM
Rose (Guest): Thank you. Thanks for welcoming me everyone. It’s rare I have a free Sunday evening. I hope to join you again sometime.
Mar 5, 8:30 PM
Vs Sr (Guest): Please do, anytime you can
Mar 5, 8:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Please do Rose!
Mar 5, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): it was lovely meeting you Rose
, 8:30 PM
Rose (Guest): You as well.
Mar 5, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes, come back – when time allows it. We all need each other