“The Chief Priests and Pharisees therefore convened the Great Council… So, Caiaphas, who was high priest this That year, says: You don’t understand anything, you don’t see what your Interest: It is better for one man to die for the people and for the whole of the nation does not perish.
Jn 11:47,49-50
From a Sermon of St. Francis de Sales. March 25, 1622. Works X 369 and 333
See how much our God challenges to show the truth of the vocation of his Son. Pilate declared so many times that Our Lord was innocent! Moreover, God, through the most miserable, unfaithful, traitorous and disloyal man who was ever in the world, namely, through the mouth of Caiaphas, for then on the High Priest, did he not pronounce this word of truth if Great that it was expedient that only one man died to save the whole people!
Admirable disputes that that of God, for shows that truly his Son was Savior and that he had to die for us. to save, since even he drew this sentence from the most detestable high priest who was on earth. He said it well, but he didn’t hear it. as he prophesied; yet the Lord willed him to make him a prophet in All the more so since he held for then the seat of the sovereign pontificate…
What should we do that 1 we are given balm in a Earth pot or in a more valuable vase? provided that he heals our wounds, That should be enough for us.
We must not look at the person who preaches to us or teaches us, but only if what she tells us is good or bad; for it must remain assured that the word of God is neither good nor bad because of of him who exposes or explains, but let her bear her goodness as to she, without receiving any taint for the malice of the one who pronounces it.