Dear Guards of Honour,
And here is the beautiful month of May dedicated to the Virgin Mary! She is that incomparable mother who leads us to her Son. Who better than She can make us feel the love that Jesus has for everyone? Through Her, we are perpetually “re-born”. But do we feel loved? If, of course, we firmly believe that Jesus gave His life to save us, do we have the same certainty of being loved by Him, that He wants our good even if trials overwhelm us? Under the maternal gaze of our heavenly mother, we can seriously ask ourselves this question as our founder invites us to do.
In addition, as every year, the Guard of Honour joins forces with the Mary of Nazareth Association, at the preparatory novena for the Feast of the Visitation (May 31). You can register online to receive the meditations every day at the following link:
Other information, the Guard of Honour publishes a quarterly magazine to which many of you subscribe and receive it by mail. From now on, the magazine is available for free on this site (see section above)! Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart – Hour of presence at the heart of Jesus – Official Site Monastery of the Visitation Paray le Monial (gardedhonneurdusacrecoeur.org)
You will discover many spiritual articles and everything that is lived in the centers in the world!
May the Lord bless everyone!
Geneviève, Coordinator for Headquarters
Jesus’ love for everyone
Do you feel loved by Jesus? Do you believe in Jesus’ love for you? Is it because he revealed himself in the manger, in Nazareth, in Calvary, in the Upper Room, with such brilliant grandeur and magnificence that to doubt him is impossible, or because he most certainly arranged all the details of your life with the most far-sighted solicitude?
We believe in the love God has had for the world in general, but we don’t believe enough in the love He has especially for ourselves. However, when we look back on the past, and reflect one after another on the years we have already lived, it seems obvious that we have been the object of the most delicate attentions of Providence. Alas, believing ourselves lost in a mass of the human race, like the drop of water lost in the vastness of the ocean, we rarely or rarely reflect on this.
The simplicity of the Christian is the truth; but the truth is one of the most precious nourishments of the interior life and the truth is that the Lord loves us infinitely and that he has loved us to the end. Let us have the consoling simplicity of feeling loved by God, and our hearts will find ardors that he did not suspect. (from Sister Marie du Sacré Coeur Bernaud)