A few months before the Foundation of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary!

“March 19, 1619
Never surely had Annecy appeared so lovely to Madame de Chantal as it showed that spring evening of
Palm Sunday towards the end of her journey.
Above the town , the picturesque old castle crowns the view It was in this castle that St Francis de Sales
now lived and he would therefore be continually at hand with every kind of help for the new congregation of nuns.
And before the party, now on horseback, reached the town gates, Madame de Chantal saw him. He had come out with a calvacade of the principal inhabitants of Annecy, to welcome the “good lady” who had given up so much for God’s sake, and had chosen their town as her first foundation. Indeed it seemed as if all Annecy had turned out of doors on this lovely Palm Sunday evening and it was through a friendly and rejoicing town that the party of tired pilgrims were slowly conducted to the house of M Favre.
Source: Emily Bowles The Life of St Jane Fremyot de Chantal, page 94
I see similarities with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, do you?