How does the gift of understanding help us submit to God’s will?How does our will become transformed as a result?What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge, and understanding?What does it mean that “our love must act in some way”?Discuss the interrelationship between understanding and counsel.How can we be more receptive to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?Concerning the custom of drawing lots for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, how can we put this custom into practice for our own families? Or can we
think of similar customs for other feast days or saints’ days?
Jun 22, 9:54 AMHow does the gift of understanding help us submit to God’s will?
25, 7:26 PMPaula (Guest): well when you not only know something but the why behind it. it makes it easier to submit to God….be obedient…work with Him to do as He asks you
un 25, 7:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): Don’t know if this is correct, but here’s what I’m thinking about q1:
Jun 25, 7:27 PM
Barbara (Guest): Since our understanding recognizes God as the Supreme, Ultimate, Unmatched Good, our will, which seeks good, then uses in His attributes and Will as the litmus test for good as it decides whether to consent to a certain thought, word, or action brought to it for approval.
n 25, 7:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That’s pretty deep thinking
Jun 25, 7:28 PM
Barbara (Guest): lol…I do a lot of that…much to the chagrin of friends and relatives
25, 7:31 PM
Paula (Guest): But does our understanding know everything about God’s will and attributes….we sort of learn and understand as we go
Jun 25, 7:31 PM
Barbara (Guest): from glory to glory
Jun 25, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that is very true Paula
un 25, 7:32 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence is a great little book
Jun 25, 7:32 PM
Steph (Guest): great questions tonight Sister.
Jun 25, 7:32 PM
Carol (Guest): As human beings, can we ever truly know?
Jun 25, 7:32 PMSrSusan (Guest): Not completely Hi Carol
n 25, 7:33 PM
Steph (Guest): I think understanding is part of the Holy Spirit gifts and we can be more open to its fruits?
Jun 25, 7:33 PM
Barbara (Guest): If we’re trying to obey God’s Will, I think He’ll giving us more and more of what we need to know
n 25, 7:33 PM
Lisa C (Guest): If we know that God only wills our good it is easy to submit
Jun 25, 7:33 PM
Steph (Guest): exactly Barbara, more gifts, more understanding, the more we are open to the fruits
7:34 PM
Barbara (Guest): Jesus said He is the Truth, so the more we know Him through the Holy Spirit, the more we will “know” the truth?
Jun 25, 7:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): qi part 2 How does our will become transformed as a result?
un 25, 7:34 PMPaula (Guest): but we should submit to God always out of love…not just obedience
un 25, 7:34 PMLisa C (Guest): If we know He only wills our good, then we trust Him
n 25, 7:35 PMLisa C (Guest): Our will becomes meaningless if we trust Him. We just accept what He sends to us
5, 7:35 PM
Barbara (Guest): If you love Me, then you will keep my commands…Love seeks to please the beloved…
Jun 25, 7:35 PM
Carol (Guest): Father talked about that today, that we obey out of love fir Jesus rather than fear of punishment for rule breaking
n 25, 7:36 PM
Lisa C (Guest): We are not like rag dolls, but when things are not what we expect we can relax and know that He will do what is right for us
Jun 25, 7:36 PM
Steph (Guest): our will conforms with His will and will be closer to Him
un 25, 7:36 PMPaula (Guest): easier said than done as we all suffer from anxiety
n 25, 7:37 PM
Barbara (Guest): Amen
Jun 25, 7:37 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It boils down to trust
5, 7:37 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too, Paula
Jun 25, 7:37 PM
Lisa C (Guest): JPII said Fear not
Jun 25, 7:37 PM
Paula (Guest): that is why we need understanding
un 25, 7:37 PMSteph (Guest): true paula, and me suffering from impatience lol
25, 7:38 PM
Paula (Guest): sometimes if we grasp with knowledge and truely understand it makes trust easier
Jun 25, 7:38 PM
Ruth (Guest): I agree Lisa; if we TRUST that Go’s is LOVE, it makes it easier to sub,
Jun 25, 7:38 PM
Ruth (Guest): Mit
5, 7:38 PM
Ruth (Guest): Submit.
Jun 25, 7:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): Sr Susan…Is this quote about “our” will and His Will attributed St Margaret Mary something you might speak to?
Jun 25, 7:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): If you are faithful in doing the will of God in this life, your own will shall be accomplished throughout eternity.
5, 7:39 PM
Barbara (Guest): If you are faithful in doing the will of God in this life, your own will shall be accomplished throughout eternity.
Jun 25, 7:39 PM
Paula (Guest): Yep….Peter trusted too but he sank after he perceived the wind when trying to walk on the water’
Jun 25, 7:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): according to St Francis de Sales we should always be movig to unite our wills to God
5, 7:40 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God’s will is going to be done no matter what. If we trust that He wants the best for us then no matter what we suffer nothing bad will happen to our soul.
Jun 25, 7:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not sure how St Margaret Mary expressed it
25, 7:41 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Imagine floating in God the Father’s very big hands.
Jun 25, 7:41 PM
Barbara (Guest): TY, Sr~
n 25, 7:41 PMPaula (Guest): That is true but it takes a lifetime of test from God
Jun 25, 7:41 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Float in God and have peace
Jun 25, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge, and understanding?
un 25, 7:42 PMLisa C (Guest): peace that surpasses all understanding
Jun 25, 7:43 PMCarol (Guest): Knowledge is what you know, understanding is from God, wisdom is knowing when to use wthem
Jun 25, 7:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): all inerrelated
Jun 25, 7:43 PM
Paula (Guest): knowledge is just the facts, understanding is knowing the why of the facts and wisdom is making best use of the facts
un 25, 7:44 PM
Barbara (Guest): Carol & Paula–Perfectly succinct!
Jun 25, 7:44 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Proverbs 2:6
Jun 25, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Jun 25, 7:44 PM
Ruth (Guest): And not just JP2 but S.Scripture says “Fear not” over and over again, including in this Sunday’s readings.
n 25, 7:45 PMLisa C (Guest): For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding.
un 25, 7:45 PMPaula (Guest): yes….but then why do we have FEAR of the Lord
n 25, 7:46 PM
Barbara (Guest): Fear of the Lord = respect?
Jun 25, 7:46 PM
Carol (Guest): Fear here is really awe
25, 7:46 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Isaiah 11:2. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understand, the Spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord
Jun 25, 7:47 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The Holy Spirit gives gifts
Jun 25, 7:47 PM
Lisa C (Guest): They are on the ceiling of the Chapel in Brooklyn VA
n 25, 7:47 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think they are on the ceiling
Jun 25, 7:47 PM
Lisa C (Guest): maybe the wall, but I think the ceiling
Jun 25, 7:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): towards the ceiling very high up
n 25, 7:48 PM
Barbara (Guest): Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Prov 3: 5-6
Jun 25, 7:48 PM
Paula (Guest): Fear is fear and is the impedius for humility
Jun 25, 7:49 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean that “our love must act in some way”?
, 7:49 PMBarbara (Guest): Proverbs 9:10: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom
Jun 25, 7:50 PM
Lisa C (Guest): James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith wit works is dead also.
Jun 25, 7:50 PM
Gloria (Guest): Hi!
Jun 25, 7:50 PM
Barbara (Guest): To be seen or felt by others, Love must be act-ualized e.g. put in action.
Jun 25, 7:50 PM
Carol (Guest): Love is not a static feeling, but motivation for action
Jun 25, 7:50 PM
Steph (Guest): As God is love, and we must reflect God, love is shown to our neighbors in various ways thru Holy Spirt – joy, peace, kindness
Jun 25, 7:50 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I suppose the Holy Spirit will impel us to act.
n 25, 7:51 PM
Lisa C (Guest): faith without works is dead
Jun 25, 7:51 PM
Gloria (Guest): We need to show that we are sincere and have confidence in the Lord
Jun 25, 7:51 PM
Barbara (Guest): Jesus tells us that at the Last Judgment, we will be judged on loving God and neighbor in active, concrete ways, e.g. based on whether we did/not visit, feed, clothe, care for, satisfy thirst, welcome Him in our neighbors
25, 7:51 PM
Carol (Guest): Doesn’t St Paul say something about being impelled to act by the Spirit ?
Jun 25, 7:51 PM
Barbara (Guest): Be doers of the word and not hearers only…James 1:22
Jun 25, 7:51 PM
Paula (Guest): faith is love in action
un 25, 7:52 PMGloria (Guest): Yes, I agree
25, 7:52 PMLisa C (Guest): I think Poland is full of the Holy Spirit. Look at how they welcomed the people running out of Ukraine.
n 25, 7:52 PM
Lisa C (Guest): They took strangers into their homes
Jun 25, 7:52 PM
Barbara (Guest): Paula, Is it true in reverse, too: love is faith in action?
un 25, 7:53 PMCarol (Guest): That is cool, Barbara
25, 7:53 PM
Gloria (Guest): The world needs the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Jun 25, 7:53 PM
Barbara (Guest): …Guess thaty’s why
un 25, 7:54 PM
Paula (Guest): not necessarily 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:13
Jun 25, 7:54 PM
Barbara (Guest): Guess that’s why “is” is an intransitive verb–or is it transitive
25, 7:54 PM
Barbara (Guest): Guess that’s why “is” is an intransitive verb–or is it transitive
Jun 25, 7:55 PM
Paula (Guest): St. Paul says we can do everything in the world but if we have not love it is nothing!
un 25, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): LOve is sort of an estasy- gpoing out of ourselves and that is God like
Jun 25, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Faith hope and love, but the greatest of these is love.
n 25, 7:56 PM
Gloria (Guest): We need to ask Jesus to help us love like He does.
Jun 25, 7:57 PM
Barbara (Guest): Paula–think that refers to doing things for “humanistic” reasons, versus doing them for love of God?
Jun 25, 7:57 PM
Steph (Guest): yes, Ruth and Sister, good points
Jun 25, 7:57 PMLisa C (Guest): God is so loving that He has to be the Trinity
n 25, 7:58 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Even when no one else existed He loved
un 25, 7:58 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Even when no one else existed He loved
Jun 25, 7:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): And love can be expressed in little ways.
25, 7:59 PM
Paula (Guest): no st. Paul in his description of love mentions the gift of the Holy Spirit….the little virtues
Jun 25, 7:59 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ruth, and in spiritual works of mercy, as well as corporal ones, too, right?
un 25, 8:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Discuss the interrelationship between understanding and counsel.
Jun 25, 8:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, of course. And in attentiveness to the needs of others not listed as works of mercy.
n 25, 8:00 PMBarbara (Guest): Ruth–interesting! What might be some not listed?
un 25, 8:01 PMPaula (Guest): the reason we must love is because God commands it….love of God and neighbor…..first two commandments….
n 25, 8:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): only in the presense of both truth and love can we draw close to others
Jun 25, 8:02 PM
Barbara (Guest): Paula–And because He loved us first, too, right?
Jun 25, 8:02 PM
SrSusan (Guest): cousel is supernatural prudence
Jun 25, 8:03 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ty for that definition, Sr.!
Jun 25, 8:03 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thanks Sr
un 25, 8:03 PMPaula (Guest): yes, because God is love and He loves each person….and He wants our love in return
8:04 PM
Carol (Guest): That seems to be all He wants
Jun 25, 8:04 PM
Barbara (Guest): I was thinking that it’s hard to counsel someone– including yourself–without having knowledge and understanding and you need wisdom to be smart enough to realize you both those other gifts thanks to the Holy Spirit!
un 25, 8:07 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How can we be more receptive to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
n 25, 8:07 PM
Paula (Guest): understanding is knowing why and counsel is putting that understanding to best use in action
Jun 25, 8:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): Do not accept anything as the truth if it lacks love, and do not accept anything as love if it lacks truth – St Benedicta
n 25, 8:07 PM
Ruth (Guest): I often think of this simple kindness. when you are. Resident physician, nurses often take pleasure in testing you or in actually maki g the job harder. Once in Norfolk VA when I had worked all day AND all night a nurse asked me if I would like a cup of tea. I said yes, and he brought it to me, tea bag still in the hot water, when I took out the tea back I looked around under the dest for a waste basket. there was none. He pointed with one had to the other cupped hand and said, “Put it here.” “but it
Jun 25, 8:07 PM
Steph (Guest): I think following Gods commandments, receiving sacraments often, loving our neighbor as best we can
Jun 25, 8:07 PM
Barbara (Guest): Follow Jesus’ advice: ask Our Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit
edith Stein
un 25, 8:08 PMGloria (Guest): Asking the lord to help us be meek and humble.,
n 25, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Fr. Gerald Murray article with his comments on the Instrumentus Laboris for the Synod on Synodality. It feels like the Church is about to go off a cliff and this is what was warned about in the secrets of Fatima.
Jun 25, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest):\
Jun 25, 8:10 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Yes, we are solid, but souls are in danger
Jun 25, 8:10 PM
Carol (Guest): So many competing voices, all,over the spectrum politically, and thats just in the Church
25, 8:11 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Being attentoive to the gifts of the Holy pirit can help us in this crisis
Jun 25, 8:11 PM
Steph (Guest): we need more random acts of kindness such as Ruth’s nurse. We need to ask for the Holy Spirit to come and bring us gifts!
un 25, 8:11 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Yes, Mother, but I think we have to pray big time
Jun 25, 8:11 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I agree
un 25, 8:11 PM
Gloria (Guest): Yes, the Holy Spirit guides the church.
Jun 25, 8:11 PM
Paula (Guest): Ask the Holy Spirit….speak to Him….”o Holy Spirit beloved of my soul I adore you. Please enlighten me guide me strengthen me and console me. Tell me what I should do. Give me your orders. I promise to submit myself to all that you desire of me and all that you permit to happen to me.
n 25, 8:11 PMDawn (Guest): It is grace from God that calls us and wakes us up
25, 8:12 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Fr. Murray is a great Priest
Jun 25, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): Let me only know thy Holy will
25, 8:12 PMBarbara (Guest): Especially with all competing, conflicting voices, we need to recognize Jesus’ Voice, which the Holy Spirit can train us to do…
n 25, 8:13 PMLisa C (Guest): Listen to Blessed Mother’s voice at Fatima
25, 8:13 PMPaula (Guest): Yep and pray the rosary!
un 25, 8:14 PMPaula (Guest): Not only for Mary….Jesus wants it.
5, 8:15 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Concerning the custom of drawing lots for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, how can we put this custom into practice for our own families?
5, 8:15 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, how did the Visitation draw lots at Whitsun?
Jun 25, 8:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): our msg crossed over
Jun 25, 8:16 PM
Carol (Guest): Some places write the gifts in little pieces ofvpaper and every one draws one out of the hat
Jun 25, 8:16 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I never head of drawing lots for gifts of the Holy Spirit
un 25, 8:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we put out the gifts of the Spirit on cards and at evening prayer we pick one
8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): could an indivuial do this?
Jun 25, 8:18 PM
Barbara (Guest): Maybe like a Hallmark Christmas movie plot from a few years ago, we can gift each other with a little note that recognize each other’s gifts and encourage them to keep developing them…
Jun 25, 8:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): like at home yes
, 8:18 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sorry Barbara,I described an example. Dawn,good quotation. IPad or program had not been letting me post.
Jun 25, 8:18 PM
Gloria (Guest): I like that.
Jun 25, 8:18 PM
Carol (Guest): I like that too
Jun 25, 8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): wonderful idea!
Jun 25, 8:18 PM
Ruth (Guest): Until I refreshed the whole+chat
Jun 25, 8:18 PM
Paula (Guest): just write the names of the gifts of the Holy Spirit on slips of paper and just pick a slip of paper
25, 8:19 PM
Lisa C (Guest): When you pick one what do you do
Jun 25, 8:19 PM
Barbara (Guest): Ty, Ruth! I liked your everyday example!
Jun 25, 8:19 PM
Carol (Guest): I guess you could put all seven slips in a hat and pull out just one for yourself
n 25, 8:19 PMPaula (Guest): put it into practice
un 25, 8:19 PMPaula (Guest): think about how to put it into pratice daily
5, 8:20 PM
Lisa C (Guest): if it is a gift can you think and put it into practice?
Jun 25, 8:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): qOr can we
think of similar customs for other feast days or saints’ days?
Jun 25, 8:21 PMLisa C (Guest): Maybe you can pray to receive it
n 25, 8:21 PMSteph (Guest): i like the feast days with food
25, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): All I can think of is the King cake on Mardi Gras
Jun 25, 8:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): It came through? The part about taking the hot tea bag in his hand too?
Jun 25, 8:21 PM
Steph (Guest): ephiany has the kings cake
Jun 25, 8:21 PM
Barbara (Guest): Here’s one I did a few years ago that touched the hearts of elderly relatives who remembered when the custom was in vogue:
Jun 25, 8:21 PM
Steph (Guest): yes carol, thinking the same lOL
Jun 25, 8:21 PM
Paula (Guest): no, how can i have more piety
n 25, 8:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): I mailed packets of Marigold seeds to family and friends on the feast of the Annunciation
Jun 25, 8:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): do you mean grow in piety
un 25, 8:22 PMCarol (Guest): Oops, thinking Polish jelly doughnuts on Mardi Gras, call paczki
Jun 25, 8:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): Here’s the reason for marigold seeds on March 25th
Jun 25, 8:22 PM
Barbara (Guest): •

Feast of the Annunciation: Celebrate by planting marigolds
Jun 25, 8:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): Barbara , lovely idea. Carol, yummy idea
Jun 25, 8:23 PM
Paula (Guest): practice being more reverent in the presence of God and Holy places and thingsLiving Jesus Chat Room | Visitation Spirit
25, 8:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you everyone beautiful holy ideas!
Jun 25, 8:24 PM
Barbara (Guest): A group of us starting celebrating our name days with after-Mass breakfast
25, 8:24 PMRuth (Guest): on All Saints Day even Catholic Schoolkids have been depressing up as particularSaints and had to be able to tell the stories of those Saints.
n 25, 8:25 PMBarbara (Guest): Give Spiritual Bouquets
25, 8:25 PM
Lisa C (Guest): One Halloween we all dressed up as Saints in VA and told everyone about our Saint
Jun 25, 8:25 PM
Barbara (Guest): Despite cost of stamps, send physical Christmas cards—especially to shut-ins or those who are not on social media
Jun 25, 8:25 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I think it was about 4th grade
Jun 25, 8:25 PM
Paula (Guest): I gotta go…..too much food talk…..deny thy self the world forsake and humbly follow after Me
, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): goodnight Paula!
Jun 25, 8:26 PM
Barbara (Guest): Have a blessed week, Paula!
Jun 25, 8:26 PM
Carol (Guest): Its dinner time where inam
Jun 25, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Blessings to all!
5, 8:27 PM
Barbara (Guest): Celebrate Baptismal feast day with same joy as biological birthday
Jun 25, 8:27 PM
Steph (Guest): thank you Sister, all.
Jun 25, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr Susan, and all who join here
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