Introductory prayer (to be said each day at the beginning of the prayer of the novena)
Lord, in this novena dedicated to you, we present ourselves to you with Saint Jeanne de Chantal, patroness of our Order. We come to pray to you her company, with the assurance that she will be able to intercede for us before You, carrying the intentions that are dear to us. You gave her ability to reach a high holiness through different states of life; allow us to be so faithful to our vocation.
Prayer of the day of the novena…
Concluding prayer (to be said each day at the end of the prayer of the novena)
Together, let us share the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: Lord, Sovereign Goodness, I abandon myself in your arms, in joys and sorrows. Take me where you please. I won’t watch the path to follow. I will only look to You, my Providence, my Strength, my Rampart. I will look only to You who guides me like a real mother. I will follow the path You trace for me, never looking, nor peeling the causes of events, without asking myself too many “whys”. My eyes closed, I will do your Will and not mine. I will stand still, without desiring anything other than what You will inspire me to desire. I offer you this resolution, Lord; I ask you to bless me. I will be faithful to, distrusting my weakness, and leaning on your goodness, your generosity, your mercy. Lord, I have complete trust in You. Amen. Holy Mary, Mother…: pray for us! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf.
First day (August 3)
: prayer for children
Introductory Prayer
On this first day of the novena, we want to pray for all children of families in our neighborhood. Lord, we entrust to you the unborn children, the little infants and children who are advancing towards the age of reason. Let them find welcoming and authentically Christian families, parents anxious to make them grow in faith, hope and charity, attentive and kind brothers and sisters. We entrust to you the little no baptized: keep them in life so that one day soon they may know the joy and peace proper to the children of God. To those who sick or growing up in divided families, give them a taste of the strength of your healing love. Amen. Saint Jeanne de Chantal, you who knew the love of your parents and received the Christian faith in difficult religious circumstances, ask God to lay his paternal hand on all the children of our neighborhood. Amen. Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane made Holy Mary, Mother of children: pray for us! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Second day (Aug 4):
prayer for teenagers
Introductory Prayer
On this second day of the novena, we want to pray for all the teenagers families in our neighborhood. Lord, by your love and the love of their parents, protect the teenagers of the suffering and violence that bruises bodies and souls. Allow that life experiences make them sensitive to the sufferings of others, ripen without hardening or souring them. Teach them to be masters of their body and their intelligence, to know how to choose the best and to stay there for serve others where they will be placed. Give them the lucidity to discern evil and the strength to fight against him. May they be kind to the weak and the deprived. Forgive their mistakes, inconsistencies, weaknesses and teach us not to burden them with our fears, our criticisms, our reproaches. In a selfish and pleasure-loving world, let them discover the beauty of love, the joy of service, the seriousness of commitment, the richness of charity. May their faith deepen, may their desire to know and their judgment be healthy; may they be eager to live, ready to act to transform the world. that they despise purely selfish ambition, fanatical positions; whether they are open to dialogue with others. Right now, Lord, make sense of their life. Amen. Saint Jeanne de Chantal, you who, young, were “beautiful, cheerful, simple, far-sighted, determined and deeply applied to your Christian duties” as it was said of you, ask God the Father to make you grow in the love of his beloved Son the teenagers of our neighborhood. Amen.
Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: Holy Mary, Mother of adolescents: pray for us! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Third day (Aug 5):
prayer of the spouses
Introductory Prayer
On this third day of the novena, we want to pray for all homes in our neighborhood. Lord, You call Christian families to live in unity in love; give them the grace to animate their married life with your presence. May their love be comforting to all who shall live close to them; that their house is welcoming to those who want to stay there warm up. Teach them to progress one by the other, under your gaze, to do your will all the days of their lives, to submit their projects, to ask for your help, to offer you their joys and sorrows, to bring to You the children You entrust to them. To those who are not inhabited by the grace of the sacrament of marriage, to those who suffer the certain violence of divorce, we thank you, Lord, let them know the comfort of your gifts. Amen.
Saint Jeanne de Chantal, you who knew the faithful love of your husband, but also suffered the frequent estrangement from his presence, ask God for the grace of spouses to be faithful and attentive, and for wives to be loving and devoted. Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: Saint Mary and Saint Joseph, exemplary home of the Holy Family: pray for us ! Saint Jane de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Fourth day (Aug 6):
parents’ prayer
Introductory Prayer
On this fourth day of the novena, we want to pray for all relatives in our neighborhood. Lord, we give you thanks for the gift of fatherhood and maternity. It is a great and blessed calling. Lord, You lay down the precious lives of their children in their hands. Help them to always appreciate the importance of being parents. Lord, you have given the vocation of father and mother. Also, teach them to love as You love, to fulfill their duties with love so that their children be sure, as they grow up, that their parents will be still there. When will the time come when they will have to fade away, when their children will have to make their own decisions, deign, Lord, listen to their prayer; protect them, stay by their side, never leave them alone. Make their confidence grow in your Love. Give them your strength, your compassion and tenderness. To those who suffer discord, separation or divorce, Lord, give them the certainty of your faithful presence and the strength to do your Will. Amen.
Saint Jeanne de Chantal, you had six children and suffered death of two of them at birth, you were a devoted mother and often alone; ask God for grace for all the parents of our neighborhood to be witnesses of love, concerned in the first place of the human and Christian education of their children. Amen.
Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: … Saint Mary and Saint Joseph, parents and protectors of Jesus: pray for us ! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Fifth day (Aug 7):
prayer for widowers and widows
Introductory Prayer
On this fifth day of the novena, we want to pray for all widows and widowers in our neighborhood. Lord, mighty God, You allowed death to break the covenant contracted by the spouses at the feet of your altars in such a way that they are now in the pain of widowhood; moderate their pain; soften the affliction that may overwhelm them; be yourself, oh my God, their consolation, their support, their hope and their strength. Saint Jeanne de Chantal, after ten years of marriage, you lived tragically the fatal accident of your husband Christophe while hunting; you then lived your widowhood under the sign of the service of the most poor, inflamed with an ever more ardent charity. Ask God for all the widows and widowers in our neighborhood sweetness and comfort of his presence and the grace of the generous gift and prayer at the service of the less fortunate. Amen.
Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: … Holy Mary, Mother and company of widows and widowers: pray for us ! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Sixth day (Aug 8):
prayer for priests and consecrated persons
Introductory Prayer
On this sixth day of the novena, we want to pray for all priests and consecrated persons in our neighborhood, as well as all young people who feel a special call to follow you. God our Father, enrich your Church with many and holy vocations to the priesthood, to the diaconate and to the religious and consecrated life. Grant to those whom you have called to live consecrated celibacy in the world the special graces attached to their state of life. Transform them into the image of your Son, so that, through him, with him and in him, they may, at all times and in all places, to love you more ardently and to serve you more faithfully. Amen.
Saint Jeanne de Chantal, you felt in your heart a call to consecrate yourself to God, while your children were still growing up. You then sought to discern what God wanted from you. THE day of Pentecost 1610, you consecrated yourself to God and you became with Saint Francis de Sales the co-foundress incredibly fruitful of the contemplative order of the Visitation whose gentleness of the rule allows the reception of all those who are called to God, whatever their physical constitution. ask God for priests, consecrated persons and young people called, the grace to live completely given! Amen.
Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: … Holy Mary, Mother of priests, deacons and consecrated persons: pray for us ! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Seventh day (Aug 9):
prayer for the people alone
Introductory Prayer
On this seventh day of the novena, we want to pray for all the people in our neighborhood who suffer from isolation. Lord, in the heavy loneliness of many people of our neighborhood, manifest the warmth of your love. Stay with them giving them companions of light and joy. guide them in the decisions they have to make. Grant them health so that they can do what they have to do. keep their spirits pure, their thoughts and their actions. Put in them all the kindness to meet the needs of others. Protect them from evil tongues, from suffering and fear and also of all the people who want to hurt them. When they are sick, Lord, be close to them by granting them the sacrament of anointing. When they will have an empty heart or will be close to despair, lift them up and hear their prayer. Amen.
Saint Jeanne de Chantal, you who found in the Virgin Mary a maternal presence and a gentle and kind company, ask her to be with the isolated people of our neighborhood a strong sign that God never abandons those who have recourse to Him. Amen.
Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: … Holy Mary, Mother of good help: pray for us! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Eighth day (Aug 10):
prayer for the less fortunate
Introductory Prayer
On this eighth day of the novena, we want to pray for all the poorest people in our neighborhood. Lord, Master of the world, thirsty for justice, listen a little to the cry of those who suffer from exclusion! You gave them life, but the life has often taken everything from them. Sometimes, for them, the night becomes deep. We beg you, protect them from evil and discouragement, give them to meet those who can make them good. In the most difficult times, make yourself present with a somehow to support them. Keep them healthy soul and body, so that they themselves can continue to do well around them. Amen.
Saint Jane de Chantal, patroness of the homeless, ablaze with an ardent charity, you had the poor, the abandoned, the sick, the infirm suffering from the most repulsive ailments, not content with housing them, consoling them, giving them your care, but cleaning their clothes and mending them. ask God for the poorest in our neighborhood the grace to find the warmth and practical help from generous hearts. Amen.
Together, let us pray the confident prayer that Saint Jane of Chantal: … Holy Mary, Mother of the poor: pray for us! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Ninth day (Aug 11
prayer for the sick
Introductory Prayer
On this ninth day of the novena, we want to pray for all people with illness in our neighborhood. Lord Jesus, let your grace come, O Jesus, that people patients in our neighborhood regain their health. With the same faith and the same love that dictated to Marthe and Mary this message: “Lord, the one you love is ill”, we too are sending you these words, because we feel the need for your help and your mercy. May they always find comfort in your presence, source of patience and hope.
Saint Jeanne de Chantal, you have experienced fatigue, trial and disease. Ask God our Savior to grant physical health and spiritual to those sick people who have placed their trust in you. With you, we rely on the Will of the Father who acts always for the greater good of his children. Amen.
Together, let us pray the prayer of abandonment of Saint Jane de Chantal: Holy Mary, Mother of consolation: pray for us! Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf