The Three Great Wounds of Jesus
The main purpose of the Honor Guard is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, everything converges towards Him and for him. As you know, members registrants undertake to bring honour, glory and reparation to his Heart visibly wounded by the spear, but also wounded invisibly by the sharp arrow of oblivion, ingratitude and sins of men. The Heart of Jesus, pierced with a spear, is worthy of all our adorations because his foreseen injury, wanted and accepted during his earthly life, was suffered after his death by a last excess of love for us. If because of this, He deserves all our consoling and restorative actions, He never ceases to deserve again and always because his Heart, living since his Resurrection, is perpetually wounded: – in his Paternity, by the oblivion and ingratitude of men: “I fed children and they despised me” (Is 1, 2) – in his Royalty, by the apostasy of the peoples who reject his social reign: “They have conspired against the Lord and his Christ” – in his Priesthood, by the profanation of his sacrifice and his sacrament of love, by the sacrilegious betrayals of those he has chosen to follow him in the priesthood or consecrated life: “Others strike my body, but these knock on my Heart” (Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary).
These Three Great Wounds crucify Jesus daily in his Heart as it was in his body. It is undoubtedly this What do the three nails driven into this adorable Heart symbolize? on the first image venerated by Saint Margaret Mary and her sisters in the novitiate. If the Guard of Honor is a means of consoling the Sacred Heart of Jesus, each going in spirit to the Tabernacle to fulfill his mission of his Guard Hour, the guard of honor will also have the concern to adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. 9 Indeed, the restorative dimension gives an increase of love to our adorations. It is adore God for God, and not for oneself (because it makes me feel good); It is to worship God for those (instead of those) who cannot; is to worship God with a heart all the more loving, and even compassionate to his pains, as He is insulted, despised, desecrated or simply ignored…