The adoring angels
The Heart of Jesus is the sanctuary of Most Holy Trinity. He therefore deserves all men be in perpetual worship before Him. Alas, few are true worshipers in spirit and in truth, as He seeks them. During our times of Adoration, we are far too often turned towards ourselves, preoccupied with our desires selfish. The ideal would be to annihilate us deeply before the Heart of Jesus Eucharistic, that our whole being disappears to leave this divine Sun enliven our soul.
In imitation of the Holy Angels who stand in perpetual adoration, let us stand respectfully before the Blessed Sacrament, let us greet Jesus with the deep desire to adore him, to love him for all those who do not know him or who insult him in this Sacrament of love as it is so painfully complained to Saint Margaret Mary. Let us ask our guardian angels to accompany us during our hour of presence and invoke them at each of our adorations whether they are in spirit or in front of the exposed Blessed Sacrament. There are no more faithful worshipers than the angels! (From the 1st zealous notes of Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)