Father François Corrignan was the most recent Assistant General of the Visitation Order of Holy Mary, from 2013- 2023. He died on August 25, in the hospital of Auray, in France. He had retired to the Maison Saint-Joachim a few weeks ago, after having been a canon of the Cathedral Chapter for 12 years.
His funeral was celebrated Thursday, August 31, at 3:00,PM in the basilica of Sainte Anne d’Auray.
Who was Father Corrignan?
Born on April 11, 1936, he was ordained a priest in 1961. He was a Priest of St. Francis de Sales. For many years he was general spiritual adviser of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales and then apostolic visitor of the Salesian congregations in Europe, a position that earned him many trips and meetings until recent years.
He accompanied the Visitandines to Rome in 2016 for the Year of Consecrated Life, and also to the General Assembly in Annecy in 2017. He was instrumental in following up with all the decisions of the Assembly.
Nourished by Salesian spirituality, Father Corrignan wrote two books to express, with today’s words, the heart of the spiritual teaching of St. Francis de Sales.
- Put your heart off: the spirituality of Francis de Sales. Editions Artège December 2017
- François de Sales: a path of life – Desclée de Brouwer (16/06/1992)
Source: In memory of Father François Corrignan (cathedrale-vannes.fr) + our memories