Sunday Sept 24 in Rosolini is the day of the great celebrations in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; every last Sunday of September, a festival is celebrated very much felt not only by the entire city but by many devotees and faithful from all over Sicily. For the occasion, thousands of pilgrims, during the week preceding the great feast, flock to Rosolini to visit the Sanctuary where the prodigious image is kept and at its feet also the tomb of the foundress Mother Carmela Aprile.
Yesterday afternoon, amid the emotion and strong devotion of those present, Don Davide Olivo and Don Giorgio Parisi moved the prodigious painting of the Sacred Heart from the chapel where it is kept all year round and exposed it to everyone’s prayer. A moment of religious and devotional impact that will culminate tonight with the solemn Eucharistic Celebration presided over by the Bishop of Noto, Monsignor Salvatore Rumeo and with the procession of the Simulacrum that Video Region will broadcast live on channel 14 and on vrsicilia.it starting at 18.15.
Among the many stories that we will tell you this afternoon also that of Mr. Ignaccolo and his wife who every year prepare typical sweets and traditional biscuits as a sign of recognition for a grace received twenty years ago.
Devozione per la festa Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Rosolini (vrsicilia.it)
Video available at link https://www.vrsicilia.it/devozione-per-la-festa-sacro-cuore-di-gesu-a-rosolini/
Rosolini, celebrations in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Video Region (vrsicilia.it)