What is abandonment?How do we set aside our own desires in order to surrender always to God’s will?When we surrender, we surrender to our Heavenly Father. How can we allow this to comfort us and assure us that we are in good hands, even if it is a course of suffering?What is equanimity, and how can we achieve it?With the insistence to abandon all to God, without reserve, is He merely a divine micromanager? Or does He actually want us to give up our free will and instead just do what He says?St. Francis explains that sometimes Our Lord wants us to fortify ourselves against “disgusts, aridities, repugnances,” and so on in our lives. How can we imagine ourselves as being deserving of no other treatment, as he suggests? And how can those afflicted with mental illness carry this out?
7:16 PM
Simone (Guest): also.. my consecration was wonderful
Sep 17, 7:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Oh yes- I’d love to hear about that
Sep 17, 7:16 PM
Simone (Guest): I was so so surprised how my “interior” changed. It is really like I was clothed anew with the love of God
Sep 17, 7:16 PM
Simone (Guest): really took me by surprise
Sep 17, 7:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Such grace!!
ep 17, 7:16 PMSimone (Guest): That’s the right thing.. such grace
ep 17, 7:17 PM
Simone (Guest): I feel a new apostolic mandate ever since – that also surprises me –
Sep 17, 7:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Did I tell you about my ring?
Sep 17, 7:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): No
ep 17, 7:18 PM
Simone (Guest): Several weeks before the consecration – there was the bible passage – about the pearl – where they sell everything in order to buy the field
Sep 17, 7:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Can you tell?
ep 17, 7:18 PM
Simone (Guest): and it just hit me – in the pew – that’s it .. The Lord has led me to “sell everything in the past years” to gain THIS PEARL.. and then I also loved that I am HIS pearl too – cause he gave everything up for me too
Sep 17, 7:19 PM
Simone (Guest): so I bought a simple gold ring with a pearl on top –
Sep 17, 7:19 PM
Simone (Guest): engraved is.. Song of Songs 3:4 ” I have found the one my soul loves”
Sep 17, 7:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Beautiful!
Sep 17, 7:19 PM
Simone (Guest): last year – when I had my operation – they had to cut off my wedding ring.. and we could not replace it yet
Sep 17, 7:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Heavenly replacement!
ep 17, 7:20 PMSimone (Guest): so – the plan is now – to buy two very thin gold bands – they go before and after my pearl ring – and actually will have a little “bow” in the them – so they “frame” the pearl.. and the meaning is –
ep 17, 7:21 PM
Simone (Guest): that my love for God and my life for HIM is lived in the context of my marriage. My marriage is “the frame” – so that this pearl is safe.
Sep 17, 7:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Perfect for you!
7, 7:21 PM
Simone (Guest): This simple visual – is actually one of my biggest prayer answers. Since I have prayed now for many years – how to place my marriage in regards to my – and Peter’s ministry
Sep 17, 7:21 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks for listening Sr. Susan
ep 17, 7:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Both of you consecrated now- so special
Sep 17, 7:22 PM
Simone (Guest): I got a Statue of St. Francis for my consecration… so special
Sep 17, 7:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Welcome to the Salesian family!
Sep 17, 7:23 PMSimone (Guest): awwww. Thank you Sr. Susan. I want to be a worthy member
Sep 17, 7:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What is abandonment?
Sep 17, 7:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): surrendering
Sep 17, 7:28 PM
Simone (Guest): in its very core meaning – it means “left behind”
Sep 17, 7:29 PM
Simone (Guest): but if I totally leave myself behind – then I enter the ground of surrender
ep 17, 7:29 PM
Simone (Guest): it says ” the fruit of perseverance”
Sep 17, 7:29 PM
Simone (Guest): I would not have made that connection
Sep 17, 7:30 PM
Simone (Guest): charity yes, humility yes, but perseverance surprised me
Sep 17, 7:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): I can know this in theory but not always able to follow thru in spirit. I believe ths also is for our good, to deepen us
ep 17, 7:31 PMDawn (Guest): in prayer, in perseverance
p 17, 7:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): abandonment is a high form of love
Sep 17, 7:32 PM
Simone (Guest): we need grace to trust and love our Lord so purely and deeply, that we joyfully abandon ourselves to Him
17, 7:32 PMDawn (Guest): how can abandonment be one day, then the next increased trials
Sep 17, 7:33 PMSimone (Guest): sounds like spiritual warfare to me
Sep 17, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): when you take one step closer to GOd and the enemy wants to drag you three steps back
Sep 17, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): even this is a grace from God, to help us to grow in virtue?
Sep 17, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How do we set aside our own desires in order to surrender always to God’s will?
ep 17, 7:34 PMSrSusan (Guest): grow in virtue thru trials
p 17, 7:35 PMSimone (Guest): Sometimes it is not even a matter of not wanting to surrender to God’s will.. I often need help from my Spiritual director to even detect, that I am pursuing my own desire … once I have seen that clearer – it is not so difficult anymore
Sep 17, 7:35 PM
Simone (Guest): not saying that it is easy..but.. easier than the foggy mud before I see clearly where my will ends and God’s will starts
Sep 17, 7:35 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Patricia!
ep 17, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): I always find that I am most strengthened for abandonment to God’s will – when I meditate often on the topic of the Holy Cross
Dawn (Guest): hi Ruth, hi Patrica but I dont see your name
p 17, 7:39 PMSrSusan (Guest): q When we surrender, we surrender to our Heavenly Father. How can we allow this to comfort us and assure us that we are in good hands, even if it is a course of suffering?
Sep 17, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): one more quote quickly to question above… “I wish Our Lord to will in me and for me,” .. isn’t that beautiful?
ep 17, 7:41 PMPatricia (Guest): When it is difficult, I remind myself God IS love & although I may not understand I know I can trust He always IS loving me
Sep 17, 7:41 PMDawn (Guest): yes it is beautiful
Sep 17, 7:41 PMSimone (Guest): totally agree Patricia. I also feel safe knowing that God IS love — not just loving.. but He IS LOVE
ep 17, 7:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): God hugs suffering out of us and makes it into Love
Sep 17, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): I don’t know when exactly it happened – but I was graced with this deep knowing that I am HIS….And this internal identity carries me often in these moments
Sep 17, 7:43 PM
Simone (Guest): interesting Sr. Susan.. how does GOd “hug suffering out of us”?
Sep 17, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): In our surrender and union with Him
Sep 17, 7:44 PM
Patricia (Guest): beautiful! I will think of that as it is comforting
ep 17, 7:44 PMSimone (Guest): The more I read it, the more I love it.
Sep 17, 7:45 PM
Simone (Guest): I can see how He embraces me – and I let go my ” right to deal with my suffering as I want”… and it transforms – and leaves my body as love
Sep 17, 7:45 PM
Patricia (Guest): does God test us once we’ve resolved to abandon our lives to His will? Or would that be the evil one tempting us?
p 17, 7:46 PM
Ruth (Guest): Beautiful sayings, Sr. Susan: God hugs suffering out of us and makes it into love.
Sep 17, 7:46 PM
Simone (Guest): I am not sure if that question can be answered generically
Sep 17, 7:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Depends on what it is
ep 17, 7:46 PMDawn (Guest): good question Patrica
ep 17, 7:46 PM
Patricia (Guest): Ok so it can be either then?
Sep 17, 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone, do you know the German expression for that identity as his?
ep 17, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): if He tests us – then only to propel us deeper into our faith.. so if we just have abandoned ourselves to God – and trials come – I would rather look into temptations – than faith testing.. just my opinion
Sep 17, 7:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think so Patricia
ep 17, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): No Ruth.. I do not know any German word.. at least it does not come to my mind
Sep 17, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): do you know it?
Sep 17, 7:48 PMPatricia (Guest): Thank you for your thoughts!
ep 17, 7:49 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What is equanimity, and how can we achieve it?
Sep 17, 7:51 PMSrSusan (Guest): or calmness and composure- how do wereach that
ep 17, 7:51 PMSimone (Guest): I think – equanimity is best shown- as Jesus talks to Pilate.. and Pilate asks him – why Jesus is giving such “short answers”.. if he would not know that he could let him killed.. Jesus has already died – died to himself in the Garden of Gethsemane – he had the equanimity – to show up as he did .. because he had fully abandoned himself already to death
Sep 17, 7:52 PM
Patricia (Guest): Equanimity is like the scripture “God works all thing for the good…” trusting that no matter the situation, Gods loving me in/through it & He will use it for His good purposes
Sep 17, 7:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): good reply thanks Simone
ep 17, 7:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): this is how we truly surrender when we die to our self
Sep 17, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): Patricia. this is my absolute favourite verse in the bible.. well .. one of them.. I don’t know why this one is not hanging in every room in the world
ep 17, 7:54 PM
Patricia (Guest): Agree Jesus is model of equanimity at His trial
Sep 17, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): but never forget the end of this bible verse… he works all things for good .. FOR THOSE WHO LOVE HIM
Sep 17, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): and to love him .. means to fully trust him and therefore surrender to him
p 17, 7:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q With the insistence to abandon all to God, without reserve, is He merely a divine micromanager? Or does He actually want us to give up our free will and instead just do what He says?
Sep 17, 7:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone, in Bavarian dialect it is something like: Mir gehoeren einander. We belong to one another. Like an old couple whose love for one another is so present, obvious, close; the two are ONE. They finish one another’s sentences and correctly, knowing the other’s thoughts, not like an interruption.
ep 17, 7:56 PMSimone (Guest): oh yes.. I know that saying
ep 17, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): Also.. zwei Herzen – ein Schlag.. two hearts – one beat
Sep 17, 7:56 PM
Patricia (Guest): I have to jump off but wanted to thank you for delightful engaging with you about our Lord 🙏🏻 May God be praised! I hope to be able to join again next week. God Bless you, I pray you all have a blessed & beautiful week ahead 😇🙏🏻
ep 17, 7:57 PMSrSusan (Guest): Thank you for being here!
ep 17, 7:57 PMPatricia (Guest): Thank you all! 😇🙏🏻
Sep 17, 7:58 PMSrSusan (Guest): God is not a micromanager but He knows all the details of our lives
p 17, 8:00 PMSimone (Guest): I think He wants us to seek Him in everything. The searching for HIS divine will – strengthens our love for Him too.
ep 17, 8:00 PMSimone (Guest): I am not sure if we can give up our free will. It is a birth right as a human – but I can choose not to use that privilege – out of love..
ep 17, 8:02 PMSrSusan (Guest): Yes free will is essential to love
p 17, 8:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): I used the expression to a friend yesterday in an email that I want to be a good Stewart of the life, God gave me and of everything He has put here for me to care for.
Sep 17, 8:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Ruth one of your friends e mailed me she did not hear from ou lately Cant remember her name tho
Sep 17, 8:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I can look it up and e mail you later
17, 8:04 PMSimone (Guest): lovely Ruth, to be a good Stewart of your life
p 17, 8:04 PMSimone (Guest): When I do my examen – I ask myself once in a while.. ” Is my life the answer to what God is asking from me?”
ep 17, 8:06 PMSrSusan (Guest): your vocation are you questioning
Sep 17, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): no.. I do not question my vocation.. but I want to make sure that I am not spending massive time on things that are not related to my core mission in life
Sep 17, 8:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Ah yes
ep 17, 8:08 PMDawn (Guest): core issue is to become as Holy as he desires us to be? what I think of as lifes mission
ep 17, 8:09 PMRuth (Guest): She messaged me and I messaged her back, thank you. Phone service has been out, still is. Snowballing problems even getting in touch with the phone company, activating replacement credit cards, paying bills. I TRY just to DO what I can . . . and thank God that the new iPad at least keeps me from being entirely cut off.
ep 17, 8:09 PMSimone (Guest): I think you did great Ruth – getting back on technology
17, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): essential in rural area!
Sep 17, 8:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): Id prefer having a walkie talkie
ep 17, 8:11 PMSimone (Guest): but then you can only talk to one person
Sep 17, 8:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes there are downfalls!
Sep 17, 8:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis explains that sometimes Our Lord wants us to fortify ourselves against “disgusts, aridities, repugnances,” and so on in our lives. How can we imagine ourselves as being deserving of no other treatment, as he suggests? And how can those afflicted with mental illness carry this out?
17, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): I find it hard to understand this question. Can you please re-state it?
Sep 17, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): does it mean – we should embrace ” disgusts, aridities…etc”?
Sep 17, 8:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think he means being dry in prayer and annoyed with others and not being comfortable and how we can think we deserve this
Sep 17, 8:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not sure we should think this way actually
p 17, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): I never think ” I deserve bad things”. That is not what God wants for his children
Sep 17, 8:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I mean yes we should know we are small and insignificant and all we get is grace not something we deserve but we need to balance that with healthy self esteem
Sep 17, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): but we live in a fallen world – and even as children of God – we are here in the material realm touched by imperfection in everything
ep 17, 8:15 PMSrSusan (Guest): Ruth might be able to address this
p 17, 8:16 PM
Simone (Guest): I just realize.. I often think ” Simone – do not be tempted by thinking ” I deserve better” .. but I never switch to ” I do deserve this”
Sep 17, 8:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): what about purgation?
Sep 17, 8:16 PM
Simone (Guest): can you explain Dawn?
ep 17, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): periods where God allows things to cleanse our soul. I think Mother Angelica spoke of this, where I heard it
Sep 17, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. yes.. I understand purgation.. but what exactly is your question – around it.. I don’t understand
ep 17, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): we can do it here or do it later
Sep 17, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. you mean. .our cooperation with purgation?
ep 17, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): we can do it here or do it later
Sep 17, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. you mean. .our cooperation with purgation?
Sep 17, 8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, you explain so well
p 17, 8:19 PMRuth (Guest): Purgation. Good way of putting it Dawn.
p 17, 8:20 PMDawn (Guest): some people may have more need of this than others
p 17, 8:20 PMSimone (Guest): true…
Sep 17, 8:21 PMSimone (Guest): purgation is an ongoing process – and progress can be seen when you often look back a couple of years.. but we are not supposed to live in a constant state of dryness.. The Carmelite writings suggest – that any dryness in prayer should be looked at closely – not easily taken for granted as part of the holy life
p 17, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): I would really be interested though in the connection with mental illness.
Sep 17, 8:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Well with that p
Sep 17, 8:22 PMSrSusan (Guest): Well with that people may be depressed or delusional or have very low esteem
ep 17, 8:22 PMSimone (Guest): I am currently trying so hard to stay on top of my mental health. The sadness is a constant companion – and it is so hard to get through the day – and being productive
ep 17, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): I am currently trying so hard to stay on top of my mental health. The sadness is a constant companion – and it is so hard to get through the day – and being productive
Sep 17, 8:23 PM
Simone (Guest): only prayer and gazing at my Lord – can bring times of relief sometimes
Sep 17, 8:23 PM
Simone (Guest): or talking about our Lord.. like now
Sep 17, 8:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes that’s how I started out until He healed me
Sep 17, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): oh Sr. Susan.. that is wonderful that He healed you. PRAISE BE TO GOD!
17, 8:24 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, that was one way I managed to get through a lot of the suffering related to the chemotherapy and even more so two failures of nursing staff or doctors. In the way I thought, if my purgatory is here and now, maybe I’ll get to see by Lord face-to-face sooner, that is spend less time in purgatory – Although I’m not sure that the word “time” there is appropriate. More like God knows I want to get it “right” here on Earth, that is learn to Love well, love more like HE does, and he knows I am a slow
Sep 17, 8:25 PM
Simone (Guest): I would love to be healed. Oh my.. would I ever love to be healed
Sep 17, 8:25 PM
Ruth (Guest): So this is like extra help for the kid learning the important lessons : To TRUST him and love others.
ep 17, 8:26 PMSrSusan (Guest): we will keep praying for that
ep 17, 8:26 PMSimone (Guest): oh please. As you remember probably.. Life feels so very heavy – when our joy is so dragged down
ep 17, 8:27 PMDawn (Guest): yes.
p 17, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): I remind myself every day. what St. Francis said .. that we should stand against sadness and anxiety. And I do.. but I wish for days in a row – where it is not such a chore
Sep 17, 8:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we will also pray for safe journey for you tomorrow
ep 17, 8:27 PMSimone (Guest): thank you Sr. Susan.
ep 17, 8:27 PMDawn (Guest): I look at those around me, esp in my family, and I pray much for conversions because Jesus would set things in order
ep 17, 8:28 PMDawn (Guest): simone, yes you are traveling tomorrow.!
ep 17, 8:28 PMSimone (Guest): Dawn – do not underestimate the power of your prayers. Do not question them. You are a St. Monica in your family
ep 17, 8:29 PMSimone (Guest): I am not looking forward to the trip. So exhausted always.. with the sleep interruption.
ep 17, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you. there is one against it, activity and it is discouraging at times
Sep 17, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): my fatigue and probably body pain for some days – I will embrace this time more intentionally.
Sep 17, 8:29 PM
Carroll V (Guest): Sorry to join at the end of the chat, but need to beg your prayers- has been 8 weeks since I have received tge Sacraments- feel frozen each time I start to go…. even if I have to drive to tge Church at midnight to be tgere for Confesdion at 6:30am, I am resolved to be there… miss you all immensely… thank you for your fidelity!
Sep 17, 8:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Carroll- big temptation I guess
ep 17, 8:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): do rejoin us next Carroll and all
Sep 17, 8:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): God bless all of you!

Sep 17, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): God bless you too Sr. Susan