Why do you think Our Lord chose to make Our Lady a pivotal part of our faith? Doesn’t it risk detracting from Christ as the focal point?Discuss St. Francis’s remarks that females should not be travelling excessively. He mentions there was a time and place for Paula and Melania. Do his words still hold true, or have we had a shifting tide again?What is so valuable about simplicity?What are the dangers of duplicity?Why does St. Francis (in the second to last paragraph) advise St. Jane not to “cling too much”
to the desire of being free from her old temptations? What kind of good can come from temptations?How do we put aside the desire for peace and focus on allowing God to bring us peace when, as St. Francis says, “we resign ourselves to live humbly and quietly in a state of war”? Isn’t this itself a form of desiring peace? Or is there a nuance?
Sep 7, 9:18 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat Sept 10th 730pm est
Sep 7, 9:18 AMhttps://digital.library.villanova.edu/Item/vudl:786873#?c=&m=&s=&cv=25&xywh=-2210%2C0%2C5807%2C2285
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/09/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-september-10/

Newsletter for Sunday Chat September 10 | Visitation Spirit
Sep 10, 7:26 PMSrSusan (Guest): q 1 Why do you think Our Lord chose to make Our Lady a pivotal part of our faith?
ep 10, 7:26 PM
Paula (Guest): She is a perfect human creature
Sep 10, 7:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Because every family needs a mother
ep 10, 7:27 PM
Simone (Guest): A rolemodel for a virtuous life?
Sep 10, 7:27 PM
Paula (Guest): Next to God she is God in perfection
Sep 10, 7:28 PMPaula (Guest): in obedience…in love in grace
ep 10, 7:28 PMCarol (Guest): God designed our human families to have father and mother. This somehow mirrors the love relationship within the Trinity
Sep 10, 7:29 PMSrSusan (Guest): Jesus loved is Mother so much He wanted to share her with us
Sep 10, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Doesn’t it risk detracting from Christ as the focal point?
Sep 10, 7:31 PM
Paula (Guest): I think because of her gentleness, caring, kindness and patience
Sep 10, 7:32 PMDawn (Guest): Ad Jesum per Mariam!
Sep 10, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): I think we can sometimes “forget” Jesus if we only ask His Mother for help
Sep 10, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Mary leads us to Jesus
Sep 10, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): I think Mary CAN lead us to Jesus – but some people get stuck at Mary I find.
Sep 10, 7:33 PM
Paula (Guest): true
Sep 10, 7:33 PM
Simone (Guest): We need a good solid love for Jesus – to place Mary well in our faith I find
Sep 10, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Mary always points to Jesus
Sep 10, 7:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I have not noticed that in the Monastery
Sep 10, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Well.. I assume that all the Sisters in the Monastery are deeply rooted in their love for Christ
Sep 10, 7:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that people get stuck I mean
Sep 10, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): you only get stuck – when you decide not to look where Mary is pointing towards –
Sep 10, 7:35 PM
Paula (Guest): i do…that’s why i recently quit the legion of Mary
Sep 10, 7:35 PMSimone (Guest): hm.. interesting
ep 10, 7:36 PMSimone (Guest): there are two different latin words for worshipping Jesus and “worshipping” Mary.
Sep 10, 7:36 PM
Paula (Guest): I love Mary but some of the things that Frank Duff said were way out of line….they were a put down of Jesus only to exult Mary more
Sep 10, 7:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): who is Frank Duff
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
Paula (Guest): the founder of the legion of Mary
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Oh!
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): on the cross Jesus gave us Marys maternal love and help
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): I do not know Frank Duff – but I have heard another priest preaching one day too – that it is a special way of temptation to elevate Mary to a point – where God has not placed her
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Lisa
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
Paula (Guest): non canonized founder
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Hi Mother, hi all
ep 10, 7:37 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Dawn.. and how I love this maternal love.. and how I need it
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Ruth
Sep 10, 7:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Lisa!
Sep 10, 7:38 PM
Paula (Guest): Hi Ruth!
Sep 10, 7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Ruth! Hi Lisa!
Sep 10, 7:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ruth!
Sep 10, 7:38 PM
Carol (Guest): Is there a point then when the best intended devotions go off track?
ep 10, 7:38 PMSimone (Guest): that’s a very good question Carol.. I like the way you word it..
Sep 10, 7:38 PMSimone (Guest): best intended devotions…
Sep 10, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): maybe the Rosary is the answer…
Sep 10, 7:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis’s remarks that females should not be travelling excessively. He mentions there was a time and place for Paula and Melania. Do his words still hold true, or have we had a shifting tide again?
Sep 10, 7:39 PMLisa C (Guest): I think if someone were devoted to Blessed Mother she would send corrections when we were not directing our faith to God
Sep 10, 7:40 PMDawn (Guest): ah, good insight Lisa
Sep 10, 7:40 PM
Carol (Guest): Do you know anything about the Legion if Mary Lisa?
Sep 10, 7:40 PM
Paula (Guest): yep….the Legion of Mary has good ideas/evangelization/etc. but not good in some doctrine plus Frank Duff never wanted his book corrected
Sep 10, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Lisa.. but it needs a person with good discernment and spiritual sensitivity to recognize that
ep 10, 7:40 PMLisa C (Guest): She is active in direction
Sep 10, 7:41 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I can feel her guidance
Sep 10, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): How so?
Sep 10, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): Mary called me back to the Church
Sep 10, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): guided me
Sep 10, 7:41 PMLisa C (Guest): It is like a strong conscience
Sep 10, 7:41 PMLisa C (Guest): ….but you can tell it is from her
Sep 10, 7:43 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, I believe you. I guess in the context of this conversation there were some things that are not perfected
ep 10, 7:43 PMPaula (Guest): the rosary is the answer and it’s not just from Mary but Jesus….He want’s it….Fr. Mike Schmit
ep 10, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): repeating: St. Francis’s remarks that females should not be travelling excessively. He mentions there was a time and place for Paula and Melania. Do his words still hold true, or have we had a shifting tide again?
Sep 10, 7:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): interesting question #2
Sep 10, 7:45 PMLisa C (Guest): Mother, women travel and work, but I am not sure that it is the best thing for children or families
0, 7:46 PM
Paula (Guest): I think it’s always a man’s world….unless you are a famous little quiet sister like Mother Teresa
Sep 10, 7:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): Perhaps there is sometimes a time and place women need to travel, but also a time when they are close to their home
Sep 10, 7:46 PMCarol (Guest): I would think pilgrimages would be okay, but maybe not gadding about to no purpose
Sep 10, 7:47 PMSimone (Guest): Travelling for fun – is not in my cards really anymore. It violates my promise of simplicity I find
Sep 10, 7:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): keeping the home for the family is SO important
Sep 10, 7:47 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The world has become too complicated
ep 10, 7:47 PMDawn (Guest): agree
Sep 10, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): I have to fly to Europe in 9 days.. because I need to go and visit my Dad. But this is more of a “penance” than a holiday really
Sep 10, 7:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): there is a false belief if you run around you are free. but this is not where freedom is
Sep 10, 7:48 PM
Simone (Guest): travelling is often a get away from your duties –
Sep 10, 7:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ties in to the next q about simplicity: What is so valuable about simplicity?
Sep 10, 7:48 PMSimone (Guest): It leaves room for Jesus
ep 10, 7:49 PM
Carol (Guest): I travel a lot for work, so right now it is my duty
Sep 10, 7:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): Simplicity is beautiful!
Sep 10, 7:49 PM
Paula (Guest): don’t have to worry about accomidations
Sep 10, 7:49 PM
ruth (Guest): In Manhasset, Long Island in the 1950s a public school teacher , by law, had to be a single woman. If she married, she had to retire from teaching.
Sep 10, 7:49 PM
Lisa C (Guest): no distractions when things are simple
Sep 10, 7:49 PM
Simone (Guest): seriously Ruth?
ep 10, 7:50 PMDawn (Guest): this is intersting Ruth! when there was more common sense
ep 10, 7:50 PMSimone (Guest): which is kind of hard too though – when you love your profession
Sep 10, 7:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): simplicity keeps us focused
Sep 10, 7:51 PM
Paula (Guest): you don’t really hear about dutchesses and queens, those of royalty traveling about much
Sep 10, 7:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): and acknowlegment that children need a mother at home
Sep 10, 7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): did you mean Paula, that royals travel a lot?
Sep 10, 7:52 PM
Paula (Guest): simplicity reduces worry and strengthens our faith in God
ep 10, 7:52 PMSimone (Guest): I agree
ep 10, 7:53 PM
Paula (Guest): i’m sure they do….but you don’t heard about it much in the news
Sep 10, 7:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What are the dangers of duplicity?
0, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry, but I was not sure if I understood the word duplicity in the context.
Sep 10, 7:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): from the newsletter: Offensive duplicity is when you have a good action prompted and, as it were, lined by a bad or vain intention
Sep 10, 7:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): so it can seem simple but the motive is not simple
Sep 10, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): so kind of double faced?
Sep 10, 7:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Sep 10, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): oh. now I get it..
Sep 10, 7:55 PM
Carol (Guest): An ulterior motive then
Sep 10, 7:55 PM
Paula (Guest): yes
ep 10, 7:56 PM
Paula (Guest): but not the main motive
Sep 10, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): well – then the danger is hypocrisy
Sep 10, 7:56 PMSimone (Guest): non truth – in front of other or self even
Sep 10, 7:56 PMCarol (Guest): If the main motive is oure, then duplicity cannot co exist
Sep 10, 7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): If the main motive is oure, then duplicity cannot co exist
Sep 10, 7:57 PM
ruth (Guest): Yes, I mean if the teacher was a woman. A man could also be a teacher single or married. I read that law in the original law books. It surprised me so much that I really remembered it. I was a teacher I. The sixties, but not in Manhasset.
Sep 10, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): St F is speaking about the serpent and the dove
Sep 10, 7:57 PMPaula (Guest): not as much focus for the main motive and loss in charity
Sep 10, 7:57 PM
Paula (Guest): not as much focus for the main motive and loss in charity
Sep 10, 7:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think the answer is someplace in the newsletter, but where/
ep 10, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I for my part would not like to give the dove’s simplicity to the serpent, for the serpent would remain a serpent; but I should like to give the serpent’s prudence to the dove, for it would still be beautiful.So much then for holy simplicity, the sister of innocence, the daughter of charity. However, the action you describe does not seem to be marked by any great duplicity, at least the inside of it does not seem to be of such bad fabric; for what were you trying to gain for yourself when you said that the
Sep 10, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): when you said that the count was in the habit of fasting? Offensive duplicity is when you have a good action prompted and, as it were, lined by a bad or vain intention.
, 8:00 PMruth (Guest): And I suspect that a lot of the time many people have more than one motivation for their actions, often without even realizing it themselves.
ep 10, 8:01 PMSimone (Guest): I had the same thought Ruth. It is hard to dissect the clusters of motives. That’s when a good Spiritual Director is very helpful I find
ep 10, 8:01 PMPaula (Guest): duplicity …having selfish intent….or self-centeredness in the other motive
ep 10, 8:02 PMSimone (Guest): that’s why loss of charity is the real danger
ep 10, 8:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): of haveing charity for a selfish motive
Sep 10, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): yes
ep 10, 8:03 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Duplicity… I need to ask myself what is my intention…God knows my heart
ep 10, 8:03 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Anna-Marie< yes that is a good idea
Sep 10, 8:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why does St. Francis (in the second to last paragraph) advise St. Jane not to “cling too much”
to the desire of being free from her old temptations? What kind of good can come from temptations?
Sep 10, 8:04 PM
Paula (Guest): problem is….things can start out ok…then the alternate motive can become the primary motive
Sep 10, 8:04 PM
Carol (Guest): Temptations keep us humble
Sep 10, 8:04 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): The devil can trick us here and we may justify a good action but have an ulterior motive
Sep 10, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): it can become a sense of pride, thinking you are beyond temptations
Sep 10, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): It’s also that the leaning in – into loving God more than our temptations – makes us grow in love for GOD
Sep 10, 8:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes, he is cunnin
Sep 10, 8:05 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): I really like how St. Frances sheds light on this
Sep 10, 8:06 PMPaula (Guest): we will always have temptations until the day we die…..it’s our battle
Sep 10, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): so – can anyone give an example how we can hide from ourselves that we are attacked by our temptations?
Sep 10, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr have you read Spiritual Combat?
Sep 10, 8:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): just excerpts
Sep 10, 8:07 PM
Paula (Guest): we have to learn to keep battling them and get up when we fall
ep 10, 8:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): it sounds interesting. did St F write it?
Sep 10, 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): By turning to Jesus in prayer when we feel one
Sep 10, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): No – St. Francis did not write the Spiritual Combat
Sep 10, 8:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no but it was his favorite and he carried it at all times
Sep 10, 8:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): by Scupoli I think
Sep 10, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): yes
Sep 10, 8:08 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I do not think the devil can send a temptation without permission from God
Sep 10, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you
ep 10, 8:09 PMLisa C (Guest): I suppose if He is allowing a temptation, there must be a purpose
ep 10, 8:09 PMDawn (Guest): those combats or temptations are to help us grow
ep 10, 8:09 PMDawn (Guest): my understanding
Sep 10, 8:09 PMSimone (Guest): every temptation is a Sacred Invitation to choose our love for God
ep 10, 8:09 PM
Paula (Guest): well….he used to throw Padre Pio around
Sep 10, 8:09 PM
ruth (Guest): I wonder if the various church congregations do not encourage a sort of duplicity about charity by having fund-raiser raffles, especially when the tickets are, e.g., like ours $100 each and you are mailed two. Thanks more than I would put in the collection basket. And we are asked to “sell” the second one to a relative or friend.
ep 10, 8:10 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I think we can get lax if we don’t practice virtue… a habit.. an example for me is falling into trap of reading news on internet.. before you know it I am captivated by story of some famous person… truly in my heart I don’t care to read this but I fall into temptation
Sep 10, 8:10 PM
Paula (Guest): yes Simone
ep 10, 8:10 PM
ruth (Guest): that’s more than.
Sep 10, 8:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): good point Anna Maria
p 10, 8:11 PMDawn (Guest): right, isnt it for every sin there is a virtue?
Sep 10, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): well – at least for the seven deadly sins
Sep 10, 8:11 PM
Paula (Guest): yep
Sep 10, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): virtues and vices
Sep 10, 8:12 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, and we are in the school of life to learn them
Sep 10, 8:13 PMPaula (Guest): Spiritual Combat does a good job at explaining…virtues to use against vices
ep 10, 8:14 PMDawn (Guest): Our Lord will give us his peace when we resign ourselves to live humily and quietly in a state of war. wow!
ep 10, 8:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): Our Lord will give us his peace when we resign ourselves to live humily and quietly in a state of war. wow!
Sep 10, 8:14 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): If St. Graces carried this book around for 18 years it is worth paying attention
Sep 10, 8:15 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Frances*
Sep 10, 8:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How do we put aside the desire for peace and focus on allowing God to bring us peace when, as St. Francis says, “we resign ourselves to live humbly and quietly in a state of war”? Isn’t this itself a form of desiring peace? Or is there a nuance?
Sep 10, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it was his “spiritual pep-talk”
ep 10, 8:15 PMPaula (Guest): think about how meek and peaceful Jesus was in His passion…Lamb of God
Sep 10, 8:16 PMPaula (Guest): Embracing God’s will
Sep 10, 8:17 PMCarol (Guest): Jesus gives the supernatural peace when we stop striving and surrender
ep 10, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): I think – that we all desire peace – but we can “subconsciously” DEMAND peace – but when we give our permission – to live in the tension – then we receive peace at God’s time
Sep 10, 8:17 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I believe we can ask for grace to trust in the midst of war… thinking of book I am about to read on priest who survived Dachau, concentration camp
ep 10, 8:18 PMPaula (Guest): embrace our crosses and trials as they come
ep 10, 8:19 PMDawn (Guest): supernatural peace, this is the key
Sep 10, 8:19 PMPaula (Guest): look at Padre Pio….he was always battling the devil….yet how much peace
ep 10, 8:20 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): It’s like we have to detach .. ask for grace to detach in sorrow and joy
Sep 10, 8:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): We can force a false peace but God gives us true peace
ep 10, 8:20 PMSimone (Guest): I like both — detachment from peace.. but also “false peace”…
ep 10, 8:21 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): “Peace be with you, my peace I give to you”
Sep 10, 8:21 PMPaula (Guest): Peace from the Eucharist as well
ep 10, 8:22 PMDawn (Guest): sanctifying graces
ep 10, 8:23 PMDawn (Guest): please say a little prayer I make it to Mass tomorrow, thank you
p 10, 8:25 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks Dawn. what a sacrifice you do.. You shame me.. I live beside a church.. and often don’t make it to morning mass.
Sep 10, 8:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, but a beautiful ride thru the mountains
Sep 10, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): please smile for us – when you step into the bus tomorrow I have faith in our prayers
Sep 10, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you all!
ep 10, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): I will say a prayer for all of you!
Sep 10, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you Dawn. So much appreciated
Sep 10, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): I will visit the Visitandes in Vienna
Sep 10, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): Shall I bring greetings?
Sep 10, 8:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Wonderful! Yes please!