“Before the monastery, there was already a farm! And until 1995, the community exploited it. These facilities are our heritage” analyzes Sister Marie-Adrienne, Visitandine nun. A heritage that had been abandoned as the community aged. But the recent arrival of younger nuns from all over the world has changed the situation. “In Colombia, where I come from, we cultivated a garden. I saw the spiritual benefits” underlines the current mother superior, Sister Maria-Silvia.
The project is unique and resembles the community When the community was planning to reinvest its farm, families from Annecy came to offer help. Families who connected the nuns with Alice Ract-Madoux. The entrepreneur has just created Labora, a structure whose aim is to support religious communities in agro-ecological approaches. “I discovered their charisma, their founder, their aspirations. They showed me their 7 hectare park, the different workshops that can be found behind each door of the monastery. The project is unique and resembles the community and to the potential of the place” says the agronomist. A way of giving back to the community what it gives to us The reborn farm includes a henhouse, market gardening, an orchard, a workshop for manufacturing herbal products…
For the investment and work phase, the nuns resort to donations and voluntary investment from families. “It’s a beautiful way of giving back to the community everything it gives us, by praying and hosting retreats” underline Mélanie, Gabrielle and Etienne, all three participants in the projects. “It’s great to work in nature!” note Aurélien and Prisca, who are accompanying their parents. Seeing families believe in our vocation does us good! “The connection is what I like about this project” confides Mélissandre Gabet, Labora’s collaborating agronomist. “The farm creates a link between the community, lay people, professionals. And then, as was the case in history, the monasteries once again become places of experimentation, from which agricultural innovations can emerge. All this with respect for nature. The hens have given their first eggs. Parsley has already joined the religious books and candles on the shelves of the Visitandines store. And the nuns are already finding dynamism there: “Seeing families believe in our vocation does us good. And between us, participating in this work creates even more fraternity and joy,” conclude the nuns.
Source: Annecy : la ferme du monastère de la Visitation renaît ! | RCF