November 2023 Departed souls
With what impatience the souls still waiting for Heaven await our prayers! This devotion is intimately linked to devotion to the Sacred Heart. Saint Margaret Mary practiced it to a heroic degree. She understood that one of the sweetest consolations to offer to the Heart of Our Lord was to return to Him the souls that His Justice did not allow Him to deliver.
If she had masses celebrated for “her good friends “suffering” as she called them, she also prayed and sacrificed a lot for them. To the extent of our strength, we will imitate his model by not losing any opportunity of merit for the souls in purgatory. All menus sacrifices, acts of charity, prayers or masses that we will do for the salvation of souls of our loved ones, but also for everyone the guards of honor who preceded us, are so many treasures who will be to us reused one day by them.
Did not the Lord say: “we will serve ourselves to you with the same measure that you will have used for others. » (Mt 7:2) For us who are honor guards, we will hasten to collect the very precious Blood and water coming out of the Wound of the divine Heart to spread them like a refreshing wave on these souls in order to hasten their eternal happiness. (According to Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, book Holy Year of the Guards of honor)