In December the Jubilee of the Heart of Jesus will begin. It is the Commemoration of the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Heart of Jesus to Saint Marguerite-Marie Alacoque in Paray-le-Monial and therefore of the Jubilee of one and a half years which runs from December 27, 2023, the anniversary date of the first main apparition , to June 27, 2025, date of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.
As the Pope’s Global Prayer Network we wish to support this Jubilee of the Heart of Jesus. Our mission has privileged links to Paray-le-Monial. Not only is it with the help of Saint Claude La Colombière, Jesuit, that Saint Marguerite-Marie Alacoque will make known the depth of the mercy of the Heart of Jesus, but also, during her last vision, recognized by the Church , the Lord entrusted the Sisters of the Visitation and the Fathers of the Society of Jesus with the task of transmitting to all the experience and understanding of the mystery of the Sacred Heart. Two hundred years later the Society of Jesus officially accepted this “pleasant mission” (munus suavissimum), by decree 46 of the 23rd General Congregation (1883) and then entrusted it, by decree 21 of the 26th Congregation ( 1915), to the Apostleship of Prayer, today the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. See the articles written on this subject on the international site.
This jubilee of the Heart of Jesus comes at a time when we are going to celebrate, in December 2024, the 180th anniversary of the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostolate of Prayer groups, Eucharistic Youth Movement, communities, etc.). Our training program, The Path of the Heart, is a renewal of devotion to the Heart of Jesus in the light of the Spiritual Exercises. It will be an opportunity for us to deepen our spiritual foundation, our own way of living devotion to the Heart of Jesus, with its apostolic dimension, in connection with the Sanctuary.
- We are going to organize an international pilgrimage in July 2025 . It will also be an opportunity for our MEJ teams, coming from various countries around the world, to deepen the MEJ pedagogy in connection with The Path of the Heart (which is the spiritual treasure of the Apostleship of Prayer articulated with devotion to the Heart of Jesus, in the light of the Spiritual Exercises).
The dates of the pilgrimage to Paray-le-Monial, the city of the Heart of Jesus: July 15 to 20, 2025.
As was also the case during WYD, we invite, during this Jubilee, or during the dates of the international pilgrimage, to organize a local event to allow as many people as possible to celebrate this event.
- On Wednesday December 27, 2023, the anniversary of the first apparition, the Sanctuary of Paray-le-Monial will join the Pope’s World Prayer Network . Official membership will take place during the Eucharistic celebration. The international director, Father Frédéric Fornos SJ, will be present to represent our entire network. Other Sanctuaries have joined the World Prayer Network, such as the Sanctuary of the Heart of Jesus in Barcelona, or the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Silence in Italy.
This Jubilee can be an opportunity, through the Episcopal Conferences of your countries, to contact the rectors and priests of the sanctuaries and parishes of the Heart of Jesus. The Sanctuary of Paray-le-Monial has contacted the principals, but you could in your respective countries offer them spiritual retreats of the Way of the Heart or other proposals, and invite them to join the Pope’s World Prayer Network. We are not a movement but the official prayer network of the Pope, any Catholic who wishes to pray and mobilize for the challenges of humanity and the mission of the Church, expressed by the prayer intentions of the Pope, participates in this network. It is a network which promotes communion, in the diversity of our ecclesial affiliations, through common prayer for the mission of the Church.