In the second paragraph of the letter, St. Francis suggests to St. Jane de Chantal that they mutually accept each other’s crosses. How can this be carried out with our friends? How is this helpful to both parties?St. Francis says that “How your letters consoled me, my dear daughter!” Is this just hyperbole, written in a time when much flourish was added to letters? Or was it a shadow from his past? Consider St. Francis’ youthful bout with depression, in which he thought his soul was damned.Assuming that bythe words the “great project of leaving all things and yourself for God,” the saint meant St. Jane’s foundation of the Visitation Order, talk about how important it is for any of our projects to follow the Lord where ever he leads. Why does St. Francis bring in the discussion of the good thief? How does it fit in with his message in the letter?In the last paragraph, that begins with “Even if we die….,” how is this an encouragement for us when things don’t go well?
Oct 5, 9:57 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, Sun Oct 8 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time
Oct 5, 9:57 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Chat Oct 8 | Visitation Spirit
Oct 8, 5:13 PM
Victoria_br: Hi, good evening everyone
Oct 8, 5:24 PM
Victoria_br: Chilly here today 40s and raining ☔
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Oct 8, 7:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Good evening!
ct 8, 7:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q In the second paragraph of the letter, St. Francis suggests to St. Jane de Chantal that they mutually accept each other’s crosses. How can this be carried out with our friends?
Oct 8, 7:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): this is one of the most enlightening letters. thank you
Oct 8, 7:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What struck you
Oct 8, 7:35 PM
Carol (Guest): That we are meant to share each others burdens
Oct 8, 7:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): 1st paragraph where he decribes ” I see crosses waiting for me at every turn of the road”
Oct 8, 7:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): aha
Oct 8, 7:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): like our lives maybe!
Oct 8, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes! My flesh shrinks at the thought but my hart adores it. a paradox!
Oct 8, 7:36 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, our lives are not meant to be easy. If we are not struggling then we are not trying
ct 8, 7:37 PMDawn (Guest): it seems the longer life, the more complex crosses. or sometimes repeating.
Oct 8, 7:38 PM
Carol (Guest): Which does not mean we are failing but that we are being called deeper
Oct 8, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a priest once told me that we get repeats on crosses and keep growing each time
Oct 8, 7:38 PMDawn (Guest): just the descriptions are gothic and beautiful.
Oct 8, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): perhaps until we complete learning …I will ponder that Sr
Oct 8, 7:39 PM
Carol (Guest): And we each get a share in His cross
ct 8, 7:40 PMDawn (Guest): can you imagine. what he suffered is shared with us
Oct 8, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): why does he say he adores her crosses?
Oct 8, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): A tiny portion, relative to our size
t 8, 7:41 PM
Carol (Guest): A tiny portion, relative to our size
Oct 8, 7:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): a tiny splinter
Oct 8, 7:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think St Francis was trying to show union of heart with her
Oct 8, 7:42 PM
Carol (Guest): But they are large to us
t 8, 7:43 PMDawn (Guest): ok, joining in her suffering to help endure
ct 8, 7:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How is this helpful to both parties?
Oct 8, 7:44 PM
Dawn (Guest): when you love someone, it is natural to desire sharing in their crosses. I just considered this
Oct 8, 7:45 PM
Carol (Guest): It is! And you have someone of like mind to talk to
ct 8, 7:46 PMDawn (Guest): empathy
ct 8, 7:47 PMCarol (Guest): Yes. There are some things that cannot be explained, only understood
ct 8, 7:48 PMDawn (Guest): yes, we could explain it but we can not understand it for another
ct 8, 7:49 PMCarol (Guest): Or also some experiences cannot be explained. Only those who share them get it
ct 8, 7:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think of tramatic things, like war. but it can aslo be something very beautiful!
Oct 8, 7:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis says that “How your letters consoled me, my dear daughter!” Is this just hyperbole, written in a time when much flourish was added to letters? Or was it a shadow from his past?
ct 8, 7:52 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, how do you explain mystical experience to someone who has not had one.
Oct 8, 7:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): !
ct 8, 7:53 PM
Carol (Guest): I think he might mean spiritual daughter and is being serious
Oct 8, 7:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): he says consoled, past tense. is it a shadow of his past?
Oct 8, 7:53 PMCarol (Guest): We say that too, to mean the pain is gone
Oct 8, 7:55 PMDawn (Guest): perhaps he means the same
ct 8, 7:56 PM
Carol (Guest): What do you think Sister?
Oct 8, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Maybe his youthful past? when he suffered
Oct 8, 7:59 PMSrSusan (Guest): as far as mystical experience- not easy to express to another
ct 8, 8:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): He must have been reflecting on his past, and perhaps their letters helped him?
Oct 8, 8:00 PM
Carol (Guest): Unless you’ve had one. Then you can say some details to each other and the rest does not need to be spoken
t 8, 8:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): mystical. Im thinking how StTeresa of Avila described them…
Oct 8, 8:02 PM
SrSusan (Guest): he said How your letters consoled me, my dear daughter! They are full of good desires, courage and resolution.
Oct 8, 8:02 PM
SrSusan (Guest): maybe he needed those virtues at the moment
Oct 8, 8:03 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes! And encouragement
Oct 8, 8:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): welcome Victoria
Oct 8, 8:03 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes!
Oct 8, 8:04 PM
Simone (Guest): Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!
Oct 8, 8:05 PM
Carol (Guest): Simone! Happy Thanksgiving!
Oct 8, 8:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Happy Thanksgiving!
ct 8, 8:06 PMSimone (Guest): I am in a remote cottage on a lake here in Canada with 22 family members of my husband. Still wanted to say Hi because I haven’t been on the chat so long – with having been in Austria the last weeks
t 8, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks Carol and Thanks Sr. Susan
Oct 8, 8:06 PM
Victoria_br: That’s cool, I’m from Toronto
Oct 8, 8:07 PM
Carol (Guest): This sounds like great fun
Oct 8, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): You are Victoria ? I am living in Hamilton!!!!
Oct 8, 8:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Victoria!
8, 8:10 PMSrSusan (Guest): Consider St. Francis’ youthful bout with depression, in which he thought his soul was damned.Assuming that bythe words the “great project of leaving all things and yourself for God,” the saint meant St. Jane’s foundation of the Visitation Order, talk about how important it is for any of our projects to follow the Lord where ever he leads.
Oct 8, 8:12 PM
Carol (Guest): Sometimes we think a whole work is ours and He means for us to have only a portion
ct 8, 8:14 PMDawn (Guest): we can do nothing apart from him. it is vital we are with him, doing something, but esp doing nothing, I mean solitude but with him
8, 8:15 PM
Simone (Guest): St. Francis had some projects though – that didn’t work out either. Like the school – whose name I cannot remember now.
Oct 8, 8:16 PM
Carol (Guest): He can do the most with us when we are alone with Him. Though sometimes he gets me best when my hands are busy but my mind is free’
Oct 8, 8:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes I know what you mean- forget the name too
, 8:18 PMSimone (Guest): It is really hard sometimes to know – is it really my desire or is this God’s stirring in me? I find it hard to understand why the little school of holiness is not getting further – any time I lay the project down – i feel guilty – but then when I pick it up I am stuck again
t 8, 8:19 PMCarol (Guest): What part are you stuck on?
ct 8, 8:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): little school of holiness<3
Oct 8, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I am stuck mostly with technology.
ct 8, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): But the delay had something good too – i did change one important part of the school. And now I am trying it with this
Oct 8, 8:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh, hmm let me think who I might be able to hook you up with
Oct 8, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): Anyways. – don’t want to hog the time on this. But if you remember me once in a while – please pray for the little school of holiness
, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): Oh Carol – thanks for thinking on behalf of the school. Would love to receive help
Oct 8, 8:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes and let Him lead
ct 8, 8:25 PMSrSusan (Guest): Why does St. Francis bring in the discussion of the good thief? How does it fit in with his message in the letter?
ct 8, 8:27 PMDawn (Guest): I never thought about the thief going with Christ into hell. a profound thought ,to me
t 8, 8:28 PM
Carol (Guest): Did he? Because Jesus said this day you will be with me in paradise
Oct 8, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): I agrée Dawn – profound thought
ct 8, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): Paradise is where Jesus is. That’s how qi understand it
Oct 8, 8:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh, its 5:30, I see I must go
Oct 8, 8:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): oh yes for me too
Oct 8, 8:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Well, yes anywhere Jesus is is paradise
Oct 8, 8:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): last q n the last paragraph, that begins with “Even if we die….,” how is this an encouragement for us when things don’t go well?
:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): last q n the last paragraph, that begins with “Even if we die….,” how is this an encouragement for us when things don’t go well?
Oct 8, 8:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): no matter where Jesus is, is paradise! thank you
Oct 8, 8:32 PMCarol (Guest): We get to be with Him!
Oct 8, 8:32 PMDawn (Guest): if he had said even when we die, I would then say Memento Mori!