Where do desire come from? Do we have control over them?How do we discern between whether we have good versus bad desires?In another letter St. Francis de Sales says (quoting St. Bernard) that the hell is full of good intentions. How could the good kind of desire turn into these “good intentions”?In our pursuit to do God’s will, we might struggle. In effect, St. Francis asks us to pray, “Lord, I want to want what you want.” How can at least wanting to want something be a good beginning? And what does that e
that even mean?St. Francis says that we must “take our revenge by means of aspirations grounded on faith.” Why is it so important in the Christian life that this be how we battle evil (at least one means)?St. Francis says that some desires cannot be fulfilled, such as those of which we do not have the means. But what about the desires that we can follow through with, such as forgiveness of others, or renouncing our own legitimate desires? Where are we failing due to “cowardice, luke-warmness and lack of re
SrSusan (Guest): of resolution”?
Nov 24, 10:49 AM
SrSusan (Guest): NEWSLETTER FOR CHAT https://visitationspirit.org/2023/11/newsletter-for-chat-sunday-november-26/

Newsletter for Chat Sunday November 26 | Visitation Spirit
Nov 24, 10:50 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun Nov 26 730-830pm est
Nov 26, 7:07 PM
Simone (Guest): Sorry Sr. Susan, but I probably cannot join today. Have a great chat tonight !
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Nov 26, 7:31 PMSrSusan (Guest): thee 3 q’s go together so I start with 3: Where do desire come from? Do we have control over them?How do we discern between whether we have good versus bad desires?I
Nov 26, 7:31 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I think desires come from within us
Nov 26, 7:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes and sometimes prompted by outside influences
Nov 26, 7:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): good desires are a grace from God
ov 26, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): a good desire could be a prompting to grow in holiness
Nov 26, 7:33 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Our actions and not our desires should define us.
Nov 26, 7:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think the first rising of a desire is not too controlled but its extenuation can be
Nov 26, 7:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): StF says some desires have no effect at all. Hi Paula
Nov 26, 7:35 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): A mature conscience will help us discern between good and bad desires.
Nov 26, 7:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and then is it an inspiration of the Holy Spirit or not
Nov 26, 7:36 PMSrSusan (Guest): that helps to discern
Nov 26, 7:37 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): To discern is an inspiration from the Holy Spirit.
Nov 26, 7:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ah!
Nov 26, 7:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): insightful
Nov 26, 7:37 PM
Paula (Guest): I think desires come from ourselves….our wants….needs
ov 26, 7:37 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Our conscience is our spiritual heart.
Nov 26, 7:38 PMSrSusan (Guest): I like that phrase
ov 26, 7:38 PMPaula (Guest): but what we do with them depends on the influences the devil or the Holy Spirit
Nov 26, 7:38 PMDawn (Guest): and our will
Nov 26, 7:39 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Regular confession really helps.
Nov 26, 7:39 PMDawn (Guest): yes it does, very much
Nov 26, 7:40 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Helps channel our desires towards God’s glory.
Nov 26, 7:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis de Sales says (quoting St. Bernard) that the hell is full of good intentions. How could the good kind of desire turn into these “good intentions”?
ov 26, 7:41 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): By intending the desires towards love of neighbors.
Nov 26, 7:41 PM
Paula (Guest): To take action on good inspirations instead of just letting them pass us by
Nov 26, 7:42 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Take action.
Nov 26, 7:42 PMPaula (Guest): We can think all day but what did we do
ov 26, 7:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): good question Paula
Nov 26, 7:43 PM
Paula (Guest): We have to feed the hungry, cloth the naked
Nov 26, 7:43 PMPaula (Guest): like in the Gospel today
Nov 26, 7:43 PMRhodylyn (Guest): And see that we are doing it to Jesus.
Nov 26, 7:44 PMPaula (Guest): show your love ….even if you can’t due to no money…desire to at least
Nov 26, 7:45 PMPaula (Guest): desire to die a martyr’s death as St. Francis said
ov 26, 7:46 PMRhodylyn (Guest): There are many opportunities to help but we are limited by time and our own situations in life.
Nov 26, 7:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a good desire can be a good intention but not go further than that
Nov 26, 7:46 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): So we can also pray for those who are in need.
Nov 26, 7:47 PMSrSusan (Guest): q In our pursuit to do God’s will, we might struggle. In effect, St. Francis asks us to pray, “Lord, I want to want what you want.” How can at least wanting to want something be a good beginning?
Nov 26, 7:48 PMRhodylyn (Guest): It is the first step to surrendering your will.
Nov 26, 7:49 PMSrSusan (Guest): it shows that we are pointed in the right direction
Nov 26, 7:49 PMPaula (Guest): it means/admits that we are weak and cannot do it but we desire it
ov 26, 7:50 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Then the Holy Spirit can work in you.
Nov 26, 7:50 PM
Paula (Guest): and we still want to try it anyway
Nov 26, 7:50 PMPaula (Guest): even if we fail and fail miserably
ov 26, 7:51 PMSrSusan (Guest): it keeps us united to God on some level
Nov 26, 7:51 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): When we recognize our own weaknesses we rely on Him.
Nov 26, 7:51 PM
Paula (Guest): And God will help us because we want what He wants….and love Him
Nov 26, 7:53 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s like the saying God helps those who help themselves….we have to try like in school to meet God half way
Nov 26, 7:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): And what does that e
that even mean?
Nov 26, 7:53 PMSrSusan (Guest): I mean wanting to want what He wants
ov 26, 7:54 PM
Dawn (Guest): is this the same as desiring to do Gods will?
Nov 26, 7:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): it is close
ov 26, 7:54 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Desire what He desires. Desire what is not contrary to His Holy Will.
Nov 26, 7:54 PM
Paula (Guest): And carrying the cross
Nov 26, 7:56 PM
Paula (Guest): it is the same as the agony in the garden
Nov 26, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis says that we must “take our revenge by means of aspirations grounded on faith.” Why is it so important in the Christian life that this be how we battle evil (at least one means)
ov 26, 7:57 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): The enemy doesn’t want us calling on God. In faith, we are clinging to Him.
Nov 26, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Simone
Nov 26, 7:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): our daily circumstances can be different and even each day be different. Surprizing things can rise up from God, a stranger showing up, an accident, so for me I trust the Holy Spirit will move me to act as God desires
Nov 26, 7:57 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Sister and everyone else!
Nov 26, 7:57 PM
Paula (Guest): otherwise we are doing it out of spite or vainglory
Nov 26, 7:58 PM
Paula (Guest): Hi Simone!
Nov 26, 7:58 PMSimone (Guest): I feel so welcome.. thanks everyone
ov 26, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): what revenge is he talking? Sorry, did not read the letter – because I thought I cannot make it today
Nov 26, 8:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): I just remembered you have different Thanksgiving day.
ov 26, 8:00 PMRhodylyn (Guest): The way to battle evil is to be grounded in faith
Nov 26, 8:01 PMRhodylyn (Guest): That’s the revenge.
ov 26, 8:01 PMSimone (Guest): oh, I see .. Thanks Rhodylyn
ov 26, 8:01 PMRhodylyn (Guest): That is how I understood it.
Nov 26, 8:01 PMDawn (Guest): He says we must dodge our enemy and take our revenge by means of aspirations grounded on faith
ov 26, 8:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): Taking the enemys blows and turning them into prayer ?
Nov 26, 8:02 PMDawn (Guest): like the fuel of prayer
ov 26, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): No follow through on your good intentions
Nov 26, 8:03 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): In prayer we praise God
ov 26, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): I just have been to some seminars recently – where people learn spiritual warfare – and how to pray in spiritual warfare .. I had the feeling that some people used it almost as a superstitious tool – but it was not always linked with “rooted in faith’… I think there is nothing more powerful than stepping up to the enemy in our conviction that HE is our GOD – and we are HIS child
Nov 26, 8:03 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): We put our trust in Him.
Nov 26, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): not just talk the talk but walk the walk
ov 26, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): strong inspiration Simone!
Nov 26, 8:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales recommends this aspirations all day long
v 26, 8:04 PMSimone (Guest): Dawn.. your comment reminds me on comparing prayer to martial art. where you use the energy of the enemy for fighting back. I think Judo uses this
Nov 26, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): the dictionary gives a weird translation for the word “aspiration”.. can someone help me out to understand that word better please?
Nov 26, 8:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): I need to think this through.
Nov 26, 8:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and when we disagree with someone and want them to know the truth we can silently pray these aspirations for them
Nov 26, 8:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): short prayers, like My Jesus, mercy!
Nov 26, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): OK. thank you Sister
Nov 26, 8:06 PM
Paula (Guest): just ignore the enemy and keep busy….you could be preoccuppied with the enemy all day
Nov 26, 8:07 PMSimone (Guest): I agree Paula.. that sometimes – there is a temptation for some to see the enemy “behind every bush”.. not helpful either
ov 26, 8:07 PMSimone (Guest): I think – if we keep our mind – linked to the love of God – it becomes hard for the enemy to attack us
ov 26, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr, those are the apirations StF refers to….we can take our revenge by them
Nov 26, 8:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think that is what he means
Nov 26, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): grounded in our faith.
Nov 26, 8:08 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): When we remember God’s presence we sin less too.
Nov 26, 8:08 PM
Paula (Guest): Just know that God is in charge and with you….He concurred the enemy
Nov 26, 8:08 PM
Paula (Guest): and is with you
Nov 26, 8:09 PMPaula (Guest): not to fear…Jesus is here!
ov 26, 8:10 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): We must bring God with us wherever we go and whatever we do. Say “Let us go to to work now”
Nov 26, 8:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q ?St. Francis says that some desires cannot be fulfilled, such as those of which we do not have the means. But what about the desires that we can follow through with, such as forgiveness of others, or renouncing our own legitimate desires?
Nov 26, 8:10 PMSrSusan (Guest): Where are we failing due to “cowardice, luke-warmness and lack of re
SrSusan (Guest): of resolution”?
Nov 26, 8:11 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Then we must forgive and we must love the way He taught us. We do not have an excuse.
Nov 26, 8:11 PM
Paula (Guest): by putting things off to another day or time
Nov 26, 8:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): these would be good to bring to Confession if we are tempted to un forgiveness, or luck warmness. I believe the enemy scatters!
Nov 26, 8:12 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): If not we are accountable to God in the end.
Nov 26, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): and if we forgive we must forget…stop ruminating about it in our thoughts
ov 26, 8:12 PMDawn (Guest): lack, not luck
ov 26, 8:14 PMPaula (Guest): it’s more than confession we must put an effort to actually do better
Nov 26, 8:14 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Yes, resolve not to sin anymore.
ov 26, 8:14 PMDawn (Guest): remembering…apart from Him we can do nothing
Nov 26, 8:15 PMSimone (Guest): sometimes.. I simply think.. when we truly lean into love.. loving God – then we do not have to “work” so hard to be better – it just becomes a desire of us. I do not think so highly of harsh spiritual exercises or practices – I think – love molds us into “perfect” shape
ov 26, 8:15 PMPaula (Guest): say an act of contrition and as my grandmother would say….”let’s get a move on…” ….get going
ov 26, 8:16 PMSimone (Guest): the famous saying from St. Francis ” all out of love.. nothing of consttraint” – applies to our relationship with God most of all
Nov 26, 8:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): good reminder
Nov 26, 8:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you
Nov 26, 8:17 PM
Paula (Guest): love does….but there are still things to let go of…our self will…especially in times of physical desires such as hunger, illness, etc
ov 26, 8:18 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think our desires are often greater than our performances or actions but still we do respond
ov 26, 8:19 PMSimone (Guest): I think.. the action itself does not show if it is done out of love. It can be a beautiful sign of love to fast and it can be a proud thing to do – or even a manipulative one. Only God can judge this.
ov 26, 8:19 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Yes we do especially when we have discerned well.
v 26, 8:20 PMRhodylyn (Guest): True also that God knows our heart.
ov 26, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): i think that even little acts done with great love can be as beneficial as great acts done with love in God’s eyes
Nov 26, 8:21 PM
Simone (Guest): I like what you said Paula. about letting go our “self will”.. that is truly the core of a genuine life with God
Nov 26, 8:21 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Sometimes a mere sigh says a lot already.
ov 26, 8:21 PMSimone (Guest): sighs – can be such big prayers of the heart
Nov 26, 8:22 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I agree Simone.
Nov 26, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): and as we read in Romans .. the Holy Spirit translates these sighs perfectly to God
Nov 26, 8:23 PMPaula (Guest): I think St. Faustina….wrote something about our smallest act of turning to God for mercy
ov 26, 8:24 PMDawn (Guest): oh! and St Therese
Nov 26, 8:24 PMPaula (Guest): And there was another St. Seethlos….(new saint) about small acts done with great love
Nov 26, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I have a card hanging over my desk it says ” It is not important that we do great things for God – it is important that the GREAT GOD does things through us. ” and He is LOVE.. so these things will always carry love in the center
Nov 26, 8:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): tell us about this saint
Nov 26, 8:25 PM
Paula (Guest): and yes Dawn…St. Theresa
ov 26, 8:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): I like this sign Simone
Nov 26, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Next week starts Advent so I hope we all have time this week to prepare for it
Nov 26, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): it is in German.. so sorry – if I butchered the translation a bit
ov 26, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): how do you prepare for Advent Sr. Susan?
Nov 26, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ruth would know
Nov 26, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): yes she would Dawn
Nov 26, 8:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Starting with looking for a Advent spiritual reading book, and then trying to be more silent
Nov 26, 8:27 PMPaula (Guest): fast & abstinence….like Lent
ov 26, 8:28 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Going to confession.
Nov 26, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): I am not sure if I mentioned it here yet.. but if you like a good Marian book for Advent.. the book ” The reed of God” would be a good reading
Nov 26, 8:28 PM
Paula (Guest): patient waiting
Nov 26, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): only eating half the chocolate I would like to eat
ov 26, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): I just received the Advent Liturgy of the Hours book. I do not know excatly how to read it in order, but the readings are always perfect
Nov 26, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): Did you get the one from Bishop Barron Dawn?
Nov 26, 8:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): follow the weeks wk 1-4
Nov 26, 8:29 PM
Paula (Guest): chocolate only on Sundays
Nov 26, 8:29 PMSimone (Guest): Paula – I do not guarantee that.
ov 26, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): so, this Sunday will be Week I ?
Nov 26, 8:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I believe so I ccan check the ordo and e mail you but pretty sure
Nov 26, 8:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): or look it up on internet
Nov 26, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): Because Christmas is on a weekend this year – everything is so “squished”
Nov 26, 8:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Dear friends, have a good week and we will try to meet again first Sunday of Advent
Nov 26, 8:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes only 3 weeks I think actually
v 26, 8:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes only 3 weeks I think actually
Nov 26, 8:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): God bless!
Nov 26, 8:31 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you Sr. Susan for the chat – and yes.. only 3 weeks.. the fourth week is only a couple of hours in a way
26, 8:31 PMPaula (Guest): God Bless! Have a great week all!
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