: Reflections:
How can we better “accept the cup” given to us?How might death be an opportunity for evangelization?If we have the hope of heaven for someone, why do we still grieve?Why was it so important for Jesus to experience death? Why not just come down and flash sin and evil out of the world?How can we help someone who is grieving who doesn’t have faith or if the person who passed away didn’t have faith?How would we survive the loss of all of our friends and family, as St. Francis suggests?
Nov 3, 6:06 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat Nov 5 at 730pm est
Nov 3, 6:06 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2023/11/newsletter-for-sun-chat-nov-5/

Newsletter for Sun chat Nov 5 | Visitation Spirit
v 5, 7:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): it seems each week , the chosen topic is excatly what I need to think about. kind of like , hearing a Homily and thinking it is just for me
Nov 5, 7:26 PM
Paula (Guest): I missed being here …good topics
Nov 5, 7:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That is the Holy Spirit working among us
Nov 5, 7:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sorry Paula, hope you are on the road to healing
ov 5, 7:27 PMDawn (Guest): that is a gift!
ov 5, 7:27 PM
Paula (Guest): Actually I don’t feel that bad…I think Jesus is carrying me through it all
Nov 5, 7:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q 1 How can we better “accept the cup” given to us?
Nov 5, 7:28 PM
Simone (Guest): Good evening everyone!
Nov 5, 7:28 PM
Paula (Guest): Surrender Prayer
Nov 5, 7:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Simone
v 5, 7:29 PMPaula (Guest): Sometimes it’s easier accepting than whining and complaining because that is not going to change anything
ov 5, 7:29 PM
Paula (Guest): And you waste time
Nov 5, 7:30 PM
Simone (Guest): I actually liked the “tension” in the soul of St. Francis’ mother.
ov 5, 7:30 PM
Simone (Guest): She grieved with tears – but did not give herself over ” to rebellion of the heart” – where she would have questioned the Good Will of God
Nov 5, 7:31 PM
Simone (Guest): I think that is a very commendable way to receive a cup
Nov 5, 7:31 PMDawn (Guest): A series of events has occurred these past 2 weeks in my personal life, as tho he allowed it to be repeated until I could resign myself to his will
Nov 5, 7:31 PM
Simone (Guest): oh Dawn, I am so glad to read that. In acceptance of God’s will is so much peace I find
Nov 5, 7:32 PM
Paula (Guest): It’s hard to accept tho when a person passes…especially if you talk to them daily
ov 5, 7:32 PMDawn (Guest): a powerful expression
Nov 5, 7:33 PMSimone (Guest): I often see in people who are “eager” to become holy – that they want to suppress every emotion; even grief.. but I do not think that holiness excludes emotions of deep sadness – we just often do not know how to reconcile them with the Joy God promises
Nov 5, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes , there is true peace
Nov 5, 7:33 PM
Paula (Guest): my Aunt had a hard time with the passing of my uncle and my mom with my dad
Nov 5, 7:34 PMSimone (Guest): grief is so individual.. like a fingerprint they say
ov 5, 7:34 PM
Simone (Guest): having a hard time dealing with the passing of a loved one – is not weakness in my eyes
Nov 5, 7:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): there is also loss of someone that does not mean their death
v 5, 7:35 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Dawn. deep losses without a passing of a person. so many ways of grieving.
Nov 5, 7:36 PM
Paula (Guest): but it makes us all realize we must rely and cling to God alone
Nov 5, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes. but in that grieving, as God allows it, can be many lessons
Nov 5, 7:36 PM
Simone (Guest): but one thing is true too I think.. the more we are leaning towards accepting the Will of God as best as we can .. the better we can cope with our deep sadness
Nov 5, 7:36 PM
Paula (Guest): God must be first over all else
Nov 5, 7:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, this is the great lesson Paula
ov 5, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we lost a 23 year old alum on Oct 15 and her friends are grieving deeply
Nov 5, 7:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How can we encourage young people to accept this It is so hard
ov 5, 7:38 PM
Simone (Guest): oh my. 23 years. God give peace to parents and friends
Nov 5, 7:38 PM
Paula (Guest): SFDS says in the Treatise we must not question Divine Providence
Nov 5, 7:39 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s a good question Sister Susan. I think spiritually maturity comes when we find ways to reconcile the reality of the brutality of life here on earth with the goodness of God and the Good of his Will
Nov 5, 7:39 PM
Paula (Guest): I think my one cousin was 19 when she passed. violent death
Nov 5, 7:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): young people may not understand not questioning, but in the loss they may come to learn
Nov 5, 7:40 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it is important to be present as Spiritual companions in these critical times though. Often they decide – very subtly – that this might not be a God who can be trusted.. very difficult to turn around in the future – this subtle mistrusts can become deep roots.
ov 5, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that must have been difficult for you Paula
Nov 5, 7:41 PM
Simone (Guest): it is important to point out – that God’s ways are truly higher than ours – we only measure with our human knowledge
Nov 5, 7:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q 2 How might death be an opportunity for evangelization?I
ov 5, 7:42 PM
Paula (Guest): Actually didn’t St. Francis say (not sure) that it is better to find the surest quickest way to Heaven with the Holy Spirit and get there than to stay her
Nov 5, 7:42 PM
Paula (Guest): here
Nov 5, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): I also liked this passage in our letter of the week in regards to an early death
Nov 5, 7:42 PM
Simone (Guest): How happy is this child to have been snatched from the world so that malice cannot pervert her spirit, and to have escaped the mire without being sullied! Strawberries and cherries are picked before even the most delicious kinds of pears and apples; but that is because they are in season at a different time. Let God gather to him whatever he has planted in his garden; he takes nothing out of season.
Nov 5, 7:43 PM
Paula (Guest): Look at all the young Saints what an inspiration!!!!
Nov 5, 7:44 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): We listen to the person who is in grief to give comfort.
Nov 5, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): As long as they are not your own child I guess
Nov 5, 7:44 PM
Paula (Guest): St. Agnes, St. Lucy, St. Cecillia
Nov 5, 7:44 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes, listening is so important. Really deep listening
ov 5, 7:45 PM
Paula (Guest): No…we should be like the mother of 7 sons in the old testiment who would rather see her son die than eat pork
Nov 5, 7:45 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): When I lost my husband , the prayers of the people around me was the most comforting. It led others to pray too even if they are not of the same faith.
Nov 5, 7:46 PM
Simone (Guest): as for the question. Death is always a natural way to evangelize.. because this is such a natural time to look beyond life on earth
ov 5, 7:46 PMSimone (Guest): That sounds lovely Rhodylyn.
v 5, 7:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): truly the young saints are such an inspiration for all of us
Nov 5, 7:46 PM
Simone (Guest): How did the people pray for you? Did they come to your house? or did you feel the peace because of their prayers for you?
, 7:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): Paula
Nov 5, 7:47 PM
Paula (Guest): Just being there beside a person can be a prayer
Nov 5, 7:47 PM
Simone (Guest): prayer of presence
Nov 5, 7:47 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): The people who knew me at church did a prayer novena in Zoom.
Nov 5, 7:48 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): They passed it on to others.
Nov 5, 7:48 PMSimone (Guest): what a lovely support for you.
Nov 5, 7:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q 3 If we have the hope of heaven for someone, why do we still grieve?
Nov 5, 7:49 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes and those who were at the novena who were of different faith continued to support until we did the forty days.
ov 5, 7:50 PM
Paula (Guest): we miss them
Nov 5, 7:50 PM
Simone (Guest): that is a very rare and really special scenario Rhodylyn. I am glad you experienced such a blessing.
ov 5, 7:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): I believe we grieve the loss of sharing daily life with them, the changes that occur
Nov 5, 7:50 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): A week ago one of them lost a loved one too and reached out to me to hold a prayer novena too.
Nov 5, 7:50 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): We are on our 8th day now.
Nov 5, 7:51 PM
Simone (Guest): it seems you started a “tradition” now
Nov 5, 7:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): it was a seed planted
Nov 5, 7:51 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I am praying for conversion.
ov 5, 7:52 PM
Paula (Guest): I do a lot of that….and it works
Nov 5, 7:52 PM
Simone (Guest): Paula and Dawn.. I agree.. it is the “missing” that makes us grief. And in all fairness. Death is not natural in some way.
ov 5, 7:52 PMSrSusan (Guest): even Jesus cried over Lazarus
ov 5, 7:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes he did!
Nov 5, 7:53 PM
Paula (Guest): of course, it’s Adam’s punishment…it was not suppose to be
Nov 5, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): I often wonder.. did Jesus cry because Lazarus was dead.. or rather the sinful state that allows death
ov 5, 7:53 PM
Simone (Guest): or the pain on others that it brings
Nov 5, 7:53 PM
Paula (Guest): we should all be in Eden right now with God walking around
Nov 5, 7:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): good question to contemplate Simone
Nov 5, 7:54 PM
Dawn (Guest): good point SImone, somewhat answers the question Ive always had about why Jesus wept
Nov 5, 7:54 PM
Simone (Guest): although.. then we would not have a chance to have the Holy Spirit right in us.. So in the end.. it is an “upgrade”
ov 5, 7:54 PMRhodylyn (Guest): It is our human nature that allows us to grieve.
ov 5, 7:54 PM
Guest (Guest): I know people who are disappointed in God. I can’t even talk about God in their prescence. I worry about them.
Nov 5, 7:54 PM
Paula (Guest): Jesus loved Lazarus just as He loves each one of us
Nov 5, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): worry will lead you to the right prayer…
Nov 5, 7:55 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): But we must be careful not to give in to despair for Hope is the ally of the Holy Spirit.
Nov 5, 7:55 PM
Simone (Guest): good point. Yes – let Hope reign!
Nov 5, 7:56 PM
Guest (Guest): I worry about their souls. Someone I knew died this summer. I don’t know if he was disappointed in the Church or God. I prayed for him before he died and still now.
Nov 5, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Keep praying for the soul- could be in purgatory
Nov 5, 7:56 PM
Simone (Guest): The lovely thing about our Catholic Faith is that our prayers still can reach him
Nov 5, 7:56 PMSimone (Guest): or better said ‘ influence his destiny”
Nov 5, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why was it so important for Jesus to experience death?
Nov 5, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): how else could he have reached down into “human hell”?
Nov 5, 7:58 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Being able to pray for the soul of my husband is a great consolation for me and the hope in the Resurrection.
Nov 5, 7:58 PM
Paula (Guest): Don’t worry about where he is. Just pray for him. God is merciful and just.
Nov 5, 7:58 PM
Simone (Guest): I can imagine how consoling that must be Rhodylyn.
Nov 5, 7:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): when he desended into hell I think much even beyond our understanding happened there
Nov 5, 7:59 PM
Guest (Guest): I do pray for him but I hope he smiled and said yes to Jesus. He was a good man. This is what I find hardest about the death of a person who I knew but was not close to God. I worry about them.
Nov 5, 7:59 PM
Simone (Guest): I know a woman who lost her 4 year old son to cancer. She was devistated.. until she thought – my Son is with Jesus now – and when I take the Eucharist, I have Jesus in me . and I will as close to my Son as I can get here on Earth. She became a vivid Catholic after that
Nov 5, 7:59 PM
Paula (Guest): To experience our punishment/take it on….from our fall (of Adam)
v 5, 7:59 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Yes it is. So it’s the same thing I tell other Widows.
Nov 5, 8:00 PMSrSusan (Guest): Divine Mercy- pray the Chaplet
Nov 5, 8:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Divine Mercy- pray the Chaplet
Nov 5, 8:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jesus needs to sanctify every moment of our existence and our death and eternalize it
Nov 5, 8:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ive been revising Immaculee, the Rwandan survivor that lost her entire family during the genocide. Such amazing story in Left To Tell.
Nov 5, 8:01 PM
Simone (Guest): As for Jesus’ death.. The question is also. Why did Jesus had to die like he did. If it was only his death that was important.. he could have died as a baby – or even as an adult in a very peaceful manner. But it was more than just dying. It was laying down his life – it was the YES to love, that really brought on his death. In a way – it is not the death that saved us but this eternal love that lead to it.
Nov 5, 8:01 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes sister, I love the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.
Rhodylyn (Guest): I also pray the prayer of St Gertrude.
Nov 5, 8:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): She is Catholic and now lives in NY , has a ministry. I just bought a booklet from her, a prayer booklet which contains the Sorrowful
Nov 5, 8:03 PM
Dawn (Guest): sorry, I think the 7 Sorrows Rosary?
Nov 5, 8:03 PM
Simone (Guest): My husband once said.. “Jesus was so full of life . that he had to borrow death from us”
Nov 5, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): I often pondered about what God does with unbeliverers but we must trust God is good and just He knows everything and loves what He creates and trust God’s judgement in there regard and hope and trust and still pray for their soul
Nov 5, 8:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That’s an extraordinary statement Simone
Nov 5, 8:04 PM
Guest (Guest): Yes I will pray the Chaplet. Thanks for all the words of hope.
ov 5, 8:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can we help someone who is grieving who doesn’t have faith or if the person who passed away didn’t have faith?
Nov 5, 8:05 PM
Simone (Guest): And Dawn.. are you talking about the woman who prayed the rosary for a month or so in a hidden bathroom in Rwanda?
ov 5, 8:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, 90 days
Nov 5, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): uff.. I find it really hard to console a person who does not want to believe in God – or a life after. I mean.. what is there to say? But we can still be present in love. As Paula has said earlier.. this is a special prayer too
Nov 5, 8:06 PM
Simone (Guest): Dawn.. 90 DAYS !!!!!! can you imagine?
Nov 5, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): some people do not want to see
Nov 5, 8:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): Her story is compelling! I read it once, may again.
Nov 5, 8:07 PM
Simone (Guest): As for consoling someone – who lost someone who did not have faith.. I find that a bit easier – because together we can look at the God of mercy.. and pray for the soul
Nov 5, 8:07 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Sister I think we can offer sacrifices for the sake of these souls. We can just be present and listen.
Nov 5, 8:08 PM
Paula (Guest): Whether we have faith or not, we all must come to grips that one day we will die
Nov 5, 8:08 PM
Simone (Guest): So Rhodylyn.. do you mean for example.. fasting –
Nov 5, 8:09 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Fasting and prayers.
Nov 5, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): yes.. but with the longing of heaven in our heart .. it is not that hard for us..
Nov 5, 8:09 PM
Simone (Guest): But. – it is hard to lose someone.. while we are still on this side of heaven I find
Nov 5, 8:09 PM
Paula (Guest): and we must deal with that…..and if we can’t maybe it is a time to tray to have faith if you don’t have any
Nov 5, 8:11 PMRhodylyn (Guest): It is difficult for people to lose someone without the faith in God. They really go down to despair.
ov 5, 8:11 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. my heart aches just reading your lines Rhodylyn. You are so right.
Nov 5, 8:11 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): They think there is nothing more to life. We really need to pray for them.
ov 5, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): how do you pray for them? for softened hearts? For new eyes of the hear to understand?
Nov 5, 8:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): They may be saved because of the help of our prayers
ov 5, 8:12 PM
Simone (Guest): what a hidden – and yet life saving- ministry
Nov 5, 8:13 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Pray for their conversion.
Nov 5, 8:13 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): For their hearts to be open. For their eyes to see. For their ears to hear.
Nov 5, 8:13 PM
Simone (Guest): for a break through of God’s love in them – that will turn their lives and hearts around
Nov 5, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): AMEN sister
Nov 5, 8:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): I pray the Holy Spirit, adding a bit to say Come holy SPirit fill the hearts of those who do not know you and kindle in them the fire of your Divine Love
Nov 5, 8:14 PM
Simone (Guest): I love that prayer Dawn
ov 5, 8:14 PM
Guest (Guest): Love these prayers.
Nov 5, 8:15 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Ask for the intercession of our Holy Mother too.
Nov 5, 8:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen
Nov 5, 8:17 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How would we survive the loss of all of our friends and family, as St. Francis suggests?
ov 5, 8:17 PM
Simone (Guest): By knowing, that He would never take Himself away from us
Nov 5, 8:18 PM
Paula (Guest): Amen
Nov 5, 8:18 PM
Simone (Guest): which should give us the strength to survive
Nov 5, 8:18 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): One may grieve but continue to hope and believe in the Wisdom of God.
Nov 5, 8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen
Nov 5, 8:18 PM
Guest (Guest): There is a hole in our hearts but when we know they were close to God I feel ok.
Guest (Guest): There is a hole in our hearts but when we know they were close to God I feel ok.
Nov 5, 8:18 PM
Paula (Guest): by remembering God is always with us and He is all we need
Nov 5, 8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): I imagine there are many experiencing this during this time of war!
Nov 5, 8:19 PM
Simone (Guest): I had the same thought Dawn.. also thought of concentration camps – where people lost whole families. oh.. so hard to even write this down
Nov 5, 8:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is so hard to grasp!
Nov 5, 8:20 PMPaula (Guest): and remembering God will give us help thro others….even strangers
Nov 5, 8:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): the Gulags
Nov 5, 8:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I am sure – there is double grace in times of deep distress
Nov 5, 8:20 PM
Paula (Guest): because He loves us
Nov 5, 8:20 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): So many people are going through this that is why we need to offer more prayers, go to confession more often so that the Holy Spirit can continue to work in us.
Nov 5, 8:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes I find it so difficult to understand war
Nov 5, 8:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think so
Nov 5, 8:21 PMSrSusan (Guest): yes we need to carry all of them by prayer and sacrifice
Nov 5, 8:21 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): It is our sin of division causing all these wars.
Nov 5, 8:22 PM
Simone (Guest): For those of you- who intercede regularly .. are you keeping a list in your bible.. or devotional.. or are you praying what the Holy Spirit shows you in the very moment?
Nov 5, 8:22 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): God wants us to unite .
Nov 5, 8:22 PM
Paula (Guest): God wants us to love our brothers and sisters
Nov 5, 8:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): I do both, but mostly I pray what I am shown. and Rosaries.
Nov 5, 8:23 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): It is the greatest commandment.
Nov 5, 8:23 PM
Paula (Guest): our neighbors…and even pray for our enemies
Nov 5, 8:23 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I pray from the heart and also use my devotional prayers.
Nov 5, 8:23 PM
Simone (Guest): When you pray the Rosary .. do you start the decade with an intention?
Nov 5, 8:24 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): The Rosary is most powerful.
Nov 5, 8:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): I do on each Our Father, I will mention a name and what my intention is for.
Nov 5, 8:24 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes I start with the inten
Nov 5, 8:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I love the rosary too.. but I cannot bring myself to pray it for intercessory prayer.
Nov 5, 8:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): its always for conversions
Nov 5, 8:25 PMSimone (Guest): hmm. interesting
Nov 5, 8:25 PMDawn (Guest): how do you pray it?
Nov 5, 8:25 PMRhodylyn (Guest): For the conversion of sinners. For the Holy Souls in purgatory, for the end of all wars and all other intentions.
ov 5, 8:25 PMSimone (Guest): contemplative – to dwell on the individual mysteries.
Nov 5, 8:26 PM
Simone (Guest): I also ask Mother Mary to pray for the things Rhodylyn has mentioned, but I do not use the Rosary for that.
Nov 5, 8:26 PM
Paula (Guest): just pray it at the beginning for your intentions…all of them then meditate as ususal
Nov 5, 8:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Grace and only grace can truly help us survive deep loss
Nov 5, 8:27 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I usually say all my prayer intentions at the beginning of my Rosary.
Nov 5, 8:27 PM
Paula (Guest): yep
Nov 5, 8:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): oh this is good, I think Mary will lead us in how to pray.
Nov 5, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): as for surviving deep loss.. I think St. Jane de Chantal was very familiar with this.
Nov 5, 8:27 PM
Simone (Guest): Are there any writings Sisters – where she tells about how she dealt with all her losses in prayer?
Nov 5, 8:27 PM
Paula (Guest): I offer all of mine for the intentions of Jesus’ Sacred Heart
Nov 5, 8:28 PM
Guest (Guest): There is a small book. Each bead you meditate on something in the mystery.
Nov 5, 8:28 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes sister, I am truly thankful to God for the grace he has showered me. I just lost my husband in May of this year.
Nov 5, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): you mean the scriptural rosary Guest?
Nov 5, 8:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): Meditating on the mysterys, isnt this the correct formal way to pray a Rosary!
Nov 5, 8:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think in her letters some of that is reflected St jane’s letters
Nov 5, 8:28 PM
Simone (Guest): Rhodylyn.. it is all so fresh for you.
Nov 5, 8:28 PM
Paula (Guest): yes Dawn
Nov 5, 8:29 PM
Paula (Guest): you are correct
Nov 5, 8:29 PM
Paula (Guest): meditate on the mysteries
Nov 5, 8:29 PM
Simone (Guest): Everything you have to experience the first time now this year, without your husband, May the grace continue Rhodylyn
ov 5, 8:29 PMGuest (Guest): I guess. I was at a retreat and a women showed me the booklet. I want to get it. It sounds beautiful.
v 5, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s one of my favourite ways to pray the rosary – Guest
Nov 5, 8:30 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes, He is my greatest consolation.
Nov 5, 8:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): I watched or joined Dr Taylor Marshall pray a rosary and each decade he mentioned name of one of his children. and then the mysterys
ov 5, 8:30 PMPaula (Guest): Sometimes there is scriptural rosary….a passage from scripture for each bead
ov 5, 8:30 PM
Simone (Guest): Sometimes.. when I meditate on the mystery in the rosary .. I pray that my daughter will embrace the truth of this mystery.. and in that way I pray for her
Nov 5, 8:31 PM
Guest (Guest): It sounds beautiful.
Nov 5, 8:31 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Sister, where can I get copy of the writings of St Jane de Chantal?
Nov 5, 8:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): Im expecting the booklet from Imacculee so maybe I will learn something new and better
Nov 5, 8:31 PM
Simone (Guest): may you be inspired Dawn
Nov 5, 8:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes Simone
Nov 5, 8:31 PM
Paula (Guest): my grandmother used to say a whole rosary each day for each of her children
Nov 5, 8:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Embraced by God- De sales Resources has books
Nov 5, 8:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): combining both, Simone, I like that.
Nov 5, 8:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): https://embracedbygod.org/

Nov 5, 8:32 PM
Paula (Guest): she prayed 8 rosaries a day
Nov 5, 8:32 PM
Simone (Guest): Paula.. you had a Saint in the making as your grandmother it seems
Nov 5, 8:32 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Oh, thank you Sister.
Nov 5, 8:32 PMDawn (Guest): Thank you Sr!
ov 5, 8:33 PMPaula (Guest): Padre Pio prayed 80 some rosaries a day
v 5, 8:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Let us keep each other in prayer this week.
Nov 5, 8:33 PM
Simone (Guest): how can you pray 80 rosaries a day? I guess, when you constantly recite it.. no matter what you do
Nov 5, 8:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I need to leave now. God bless!
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