and with the words of Mother Anna Maddalena Benucci, VHM, Visitandine(1899-1993, Rome Visitation)
Source: “Image et paroles d’une Mere” (Monastery of the Visitation of Rome, private publication)

Week 2
Sunday Dec 10
While obedience is a virtue not perceived as “little” we often need to obey in “little things”!
“The first daughter of humility is obedience and interior fidelity; he who believes himself to be worthless adheres easily and wholeheartedly to the one who commands”
Mon Dec 11
Complete obedience is what the Lord asks, since he who only obeys exteriorly will be a hypocrite or a white sepulcher
Tuesday Dec 12 CHARITY
Pardon me, o Holy Love much beloved, for your precept that we mistreat, pardon my faults and like relief, accept the golden dove
that imitates you so well in charity.