a poem by St Margaret Mary Alacoque
translated by website
1 Behold, I am waking up, To offer in turn To this love doll My heart and my earTo hear it and love it And always set me on fire
.2 But I hear him crying , Because of the coldness That he finds in our hearts. I’m afraid he’ll die! Let’s love him quickly, For his lightening.
3 He’s left the glory To conquer our hearts And make yourself the winner. He will have the victory! Since he became a child He will be triumphant.
4 He wants sacrifices From the Heart and Mind: Let’s not be surprised Than by doing him a favor We found rigors For the mind and heart.
5 Ah! How happy I am, And how sweet fate is to me! I found my Husband…I’m so in love with it, That he will have forever My heart and my love.
6 I can’t live anymore This baby is going to die! He just languishes:Love will pursue him All the way to the Cross. That’s his whole job.
7 So we will die together, Since love is strong A hundred times more than death. To leave you I tremble; And I’d rather die To see you suffer!