Zeal is to love what flame is to fire. Only the heart that loves ardently is devoured by this beautiful flame of zeal. If in fact we love it in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we will burn with the desire to make it known, to make it loved, because love cannot, any more than fire, remain without action.
Zeal, which is the flame, always needs matter to maintain itself. For that, let us first exercise this zeal on ourselves, being very faithful in doing everything, bearing everything with patience for the greater glory of the Sacred Heart and for the only reason for the immense Love that He has for us. Then around us, let us revive the devotion of this Divine Heart, let’s talk about it, let’s spread it, let’s train each other in sparking prayer groups.
And above all, never pass in front of a statue, an image, an icon of the Sacred Heart of Jesus without having an interior greeting: manifest a momentum of tender and filial tenderness. Let’s beg him to have pity on sinners and the entire world.
(According to the 1st series of zealot tickets written by Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)
“O Jesus, give me the ardor of an apostle to make your love known everywhere, adorable Heart! »