Regarding St. Jane de Chantal’s choice of St. Francis de Sales as a director, St. Francis mentions that the due diligence they took in deliberating about this decision are together as “infallible signs” of acting according to God’s will. Does this seem like a stretch? Or have we somewhat lost the ability to walk and act with confidence (contingent upon prayer and discernment) that we are doing God’s will in our life?How can we recognize the promptings of an evil spirit?How could prayer sometimes be nothing
more than pretense, as is mentioned in the letter?What is this great affection St. Francis has for St. Jane? Is he just a bit too emotional and excited to have her as a directee?Why is it significant that major prayers we know (the Our Father, Hail Mary, etc.) are worded in the plural, and are said as such, even when we are alone?What if we cannot find a suitable spiritual director? Are there others on whom we can rely for advice?
Dec 30, 3:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat Dec 31 at 730pm est
Dec 30, 3:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Sunday Chat Dec 31 | Visitation Spirit
Hello Sister Susan!
Dec 31, 4:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Hello viewers!
Dec 31, 4:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Dawn!
Dec 31, 4:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hello Simone!
Dec 31, 4:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Happy New Year Dawn and Simone!
Dec 31, 4:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Did you have a peaceful – and maybe even a joyful Christmas?
Dec 31, 4:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hello Sr Susan Marie!
Dec 31, 4:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I did, and a wonderful opening to the Jubilee Year of the Sacred heart on the 27th
Dec 31, 4:18 PM
Simone (Guest): Wonderful, What did you do for the opening?
Dec 31, 4:18 PM
Simone (Guest): of the Jubilee Year?
Dec 31, 4:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Has a prayer and worship service with music with the new album played by the composer
Dec 31, 4:19 PM
Simone (Guest): awe.. that sounds truly lovely.
Dec 31, 4:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The whole prayer service is on the Brooklyn Visitation website under the journal section
Dec 31, 4:19 PM
Simone (Guest): Thanks for the hint Sister
4 online
Dec 31, 4:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you, looking it up
Dec 31, 4:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): You can do it at home by clicking on the music links or in another place
Dec 31, 4:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I just said to Peter, that I do not like New Years party’s… but it would be so wonderful to come together as brothers and sisters – and pray and sing – and bring our hopes for the New Year to our Lord together. THAT’s a “party” I would attend.
Dec 31, 4:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes party with the Lord and his friends
Dec 31, 4:21 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly
Dec 31, 4:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we used to stay up til midnight with Jesus when we were younger
Dec 31, 4:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): Im playing Michaels music in the background
Dec 31, 4:22 PM
Simone (Guest): I cannot find the link on the website where it says “journal”
Dec 31, 4:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): its beautiful
Dec 31, 4:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): its a tab at the top
Dec 31, 4:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest):

Dec 31, 4:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): there!
Dec 31, 4:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): I received your email how he was inspired
Dec 31, 4:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Carol knows this musician tho he is in Brooklyn he works with John Michael Talbot who is leader of the community Carol belongs to
Dec 31, 4:26 PMSrSusan (Guest): q 1 Regarding St. Jane de Chantal’s choice of St. Francis de Sales as a director, St. Francis mentions that the due diligence they took in deliberating about this decision are together as “infallible signs” of acting according to God’s will. Does this seem like a stretch?
Dec 31, 4:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): this is a perfect way to bring in the evening of New Years
Dec 31, 4:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Talking of the Lord together, yes
Dec 31, 4:27 PM
Simone (Guest): I just thought the same.. the Lord has answered my desire for fellowship with our chat tonight.. and of all things Spiritual Direction!
Dec 31, 4:27 PMDawn (Guest): Praying to together and discerning, a good thing
Dec 31, 4:28 PMDawn (Guest): Simone, I too found this topic fitting
Dec 31, 4:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis took very seriously the discernment of St Jane being his directee
Dec 31, 4:28 PMSimone (Guest): As for the due diligence… I must say, at the first reading it really sounded for me like “a stretch”. But I know one priest -with whom I have a really good friendship – and if God would put it on my heart to have Spiritual direction from him, I also would pray very hard and long – to make sure that our natural spiritual friendship is not the motivation for this
ec 31, 4:30 PMSrSusan (Guest): I do not know how seriously directors today approach direction but I imagine they do pray about the people who approach them
Dec 31, 4:31 PM
Simone (Guest): yes they do – but often the discernment happens while you have your first three meetings
Dec 31, 4:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am rusty with direction- it is over 8 years sionce I had a director altho I do speak to my confessor
ec 31, 4:31 PM
Simone (Guest): If love for the soul of the directee does not develop -one should not direct a person
Dec 31, 4:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Good point
ec 31, 4:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and you have directed others I think.
Dec 31, 4:32 PM
Simone (Guest): I did
ec 31, 4:33 PMSrSusan (Guest): Superiors receive a grace to direct souls but not in a formal sense The Srs still should have a regular director if needed
Dec 31, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Or have we somewhat lost the ability to walk and act with confidence (contingent upon prayer and discernment) that we are doing God’s will in our life?
Dec 31, 4:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister Susan, I think you are in a setting where you have natural Spiritual direction implied
Dec 31, 4:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes that is a good way of seeing it
ec 31, 4:34 PM
Simone (Guest): My question is.. ” should we even have this confidence”?
Dec 31, 4:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): My first director was a very holy Jesuit and could read souls
Dec 31, 4:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): can you expand on your question Simone
ec 31, 4:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): do you mean we should onkly have confidence in God?
Dec 31, 4:35 PM
Simone (Guest): Well.. if I am feeling confident – that it is easy for me to know God’s will….it will reflect in my approach to discernment
Dec 31, 4:36 PMSimone (Guest): you said it better Sister
ec 31, 4:36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan I love divine mercy chaplet it is healing prayer from Jesus to us we need to pray this prayer it is wonderful healing our souls
Dec 31, 4:36 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Sr Susan, Betty, Dawn, Simone. Glad to join you. Important topic.
Dec 31, 4:36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Hi Ruth
Dec 31, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): It is true that a director must be attuned to the Holy Spirit and not try to control the person
Dec 31, 4:37 PMSrSusan (Guest): or impose personal thoughts
ec 31, 4:37 PMSimone (Guest): There are so different ways how Spiritual directors work. mostly according to their charism. I find that St. Francis de Sales had a very unique way of directing.
Dec 31, 4:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a genius for it I think
Dec 31, 4:38 PM
Simone (Guest): one of my biggest treasures on my book shelf is a dissertation from a Salesian priest in India – who wrote specifically how St. Francis directed people
Dec 31, 4:38 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Jesus direct us how to go to heaven
Dec 31, 4:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): oh I dont have that work-
Dec 31, 4:38 PM
Simone (Guest): I can send you the title.. not sure how it is available
Dec 31, 4:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Must be very enlightening
Dec 31, 4:38 PM
Simone (Guest): Just love it. So so love it
Dec 31, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): back to confidence..
Dec 31, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Can you remember any one insight from that book
Dec 31, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we do need confidence of a certain amount in the director or else why trust him/her
Dec 31, 4:40 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it is important to have self knowledge – and then knowledge of God..
Dec 31, 4:40 PMSimone (Guest): this is our confidence
Dec 31, 4:40 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry.. I think any shared insights would be too lengthy here.
Dec 31, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ok
Dec 31, 4:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): Know thy self
Dec 31, 4:41 PMSimone (Guest): yes, exactly
Dec 31, 4:41 PM
Simone (Guest): because whenever we interpret God’s actions in our lives – we must see it through the filter of our personality – or story of our life.
Dec 31, 4:41 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Why we make confession it is help you to know Jesus forgive you when you confession you sin
Dec 31, 4:42 PMSimone (Guest): so.. if St. Francis de Sales knew for example… that he really loved the company of women.. specifically when they are drawn to holiness.. it would be natural to really check in .. is the desire to direct this woman coming from my preferences or is that truly from God
Dec 31, 4:44 PMSrSusan (Guest): It is true he did direct many women but I imagine he prayed hard before taking on each one
Dec 31, 4:44 PMSimone (Guest): he certainly did
Dec 31, 4:45 PMRuth (Guest): Yes, Bettychao, preparing for confession and making a good confession, especially with an insightful confessor can help us a great deal to know ourselves better.
ec 31, 4:45 PMBettychao (Guest): Jesus gave power to the clergy to do the Eucharist job and forgive you sin
Dec 31, 4:46 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How can we recognize the promptings of an evil spirit?
ec 31, 4:47 PM
Bettychao (Guest): By doing some thing that Jesus dont want you to do by doing to disobey Jesus
Dec 31, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): this is critical for directors to be able to discern
ec 31, 4:48 PMSimone (Guest): I assume an evil spirit is at work – when self forgetting love is diminished
Dec 31, 4:48 PMSimone (Guest): love towards God and love towards neighbour
ec 31, 4:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): then, Satan can masquerade as a spirit of light
Dec 31, 4:49 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Pray to bible and chant chapter
Dec 31, 4:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): so deeper discernment is necessary
Dec 31, 4:49 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Pray to bible and chant divn
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Dec 31, 4:50 PM
Simone (Guest): but Satan hates self forgetting love and would never encourage anything that makes this love thrive or serving
Dec 31, 4:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone, would that, then, include the diminishing of self forgetfulness, that typically is included during illness and extreme pain.
Dec 31, 4:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): .
Dec 31, 4:51 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I type wrong word sorry we need to pray bible and say chaplet divine mercy jesus prayer
Dec 31, 4:51 PMSimone (Guest): Yes you are back Sister
Dec 31, 4:52 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How could prayer sometimes be nothing
more than pretense, as is mentioned in the letter?
ec 31, 4:52 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth.. I would see that as part of a mirroring of spiritual maturity and level of surrendering.
Dec 31, 4:53 PM
Ruth (Guest): Even the picture of Jesus heart on fire with live for people shows him looking at it.
Dec 31, 4:53 PMSimone (Guest): I think I know to which picture you refer Ruth.. but I do not understand what you mean
Dec 31, 4:54 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I saw heart of Jesus closed me when I deep sleep
Dec 31, 4:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): Love.
ec 31, 4:55 PMSimone (Guest): oh my… this last question – about prayer being “pretense”.. I have been guilty of that so many times.. but I honestly think I am doing much better in this regard now.
Dec 31, 4:56 PM
Simone (Guest): specially prayers before eating
Dec 31, 4:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): When I am rushed I fail in this regard
Dec 31, 4:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think it CAN be.
Dec 31, 4:56 PM
Simone (Guest): that’s a good point…with being rushed
Dec 31, 4:56 PM
Bettychao (Guest): St faustina say the love of Jesus deliver us away from sin and he’ll
ec 31, 4:57 PM
Simone (Guest): hurry can hinder us to connect with God’s heart
Dec 31, 4:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): True.
ec 31, 4:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): And yet there are situations in which speed is important.
Dec 31, 4:58 PM
Simone (Guest): absolutely – and these prayers can be powerful..
Dec 31, 4:58 PM
SrSusan (Guest): routine prayers can sometimes fall into this category when we dont pay enuf attention
Dec 31, 4:58 PM
Bettychao (Guest): St faustina say she saw Jesus show her why people went to hell because they listen and sale souls to devil those people went to help
Dec 31, 4:59 PM
Simone (Guest): I hear you Sister.. but when I catch myself that I just prayed a while a “routine prayer” without engaging my heart.. I console myself that my body was still saying holy words.
Dec 31, 5:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): true because if we pray in tongues we dont know what we are saying as well
ec 31, 5:00 PM
Simone (Guest): although.. the heart usually knows somewhat what is said.. even by praying in tongues..
Dec 31, 5:01 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We must watch our mouth just draw Jesus love in our mouth and heart and actions
Dec 31, 5:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I suppose thta is so or at least our soul or the Spirit within us yes
Dec 31, 5:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What is this great affection St. Francis has for St. Jane? Is he just a bit too emotional and excited to have her as a directee?
Dec 31, 5:01 PMSimone (Guest): I think he is excited that He sees that GOD has set it up.
Dec 31, 5:02 PMRuth (Guest): Maybe that is why the Rosary is a good prayer, precisely because, in a way it is our bodies praying the words while our minds are meditating on the mysteries.
Dec 31, 5:02 PMSimone (Guest): I see it like this too Ruth
Dec 31, 5:03 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think it is contained emotion and joined to God
ec 31, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): I do not sense anything out of the norm. And St. Francis was a man who had a wide array of emotions.
Dec 31, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): nothing wrong with that
Dec 31, 5:04 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Jesus draw a ten commitments in our hearts and souls help us live good life
Dec 31, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): He was very open and human as he himself said
Dec 31, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and he had a mission with St jane
Dec 31, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jane
Dec 31, 5:05 PM
Simone (Guest): the special “emotions” he had for St. Jane were also – because this relationship was truly initiated by God. She was a special person for him. And he knew also – as for excitement – that God will speak through her to him.. even he was the director
Dec 31, 5:06 PM
Simone (Guest): Good spiritual direction often goes both ways
Dec 31, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes the mutuality was there
ec 31, 5:07 PMSimone (Guest): Hey Dawn.. you are so quiet..
Dec 31, 5:07 PMSimone (Guest): are you still here?
ec 31, 5:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): Im here. listening to all that is being said
Dec 31, 5:07 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Those saints have healing power is come from Jesus
Dec 31, 5:08 PM
Simone (Guest): Ok Dawn. all good.. Just wanted to make sure all is OK
Dec 31, 5:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you
The Living Jesus Chat
Dec 31, 5:09 PMSimone (Guest): going back to St. Francis “excitement” about St. Jane.. I think he truly had a holy love for her
ec 31, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes and that is so special
Dec 31, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): one saint recognizing another
Dec 31, 5:10 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s a really good way to say it
Dec 31, 5:10 PM
Ruth (Guest): I’m sure that my students and my patients have given me a good deal as well. And now David J does not hesitate to give me advice, though he came originally to help me get groceries!
Dec 31, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): reminds me of a photo of St John Paul 11 and St Teresa of Calcutta-
Dec 31, 5:11 PM
SrSusan (Guest): they looked at each other with tenderness- 2 saints
Dec 31, 5:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): a beautiful thought to ponder, Sr Susan. one saint reconizing another
ec 31, 5:11 PMSimone (Guest): aweee.. I can picture it. resting in the other’s love for God
Dec 31, 5:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The pic is in our sacristy
Dec 31, 5:12 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Her name is lo lan
Dec 31, 5:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): it must have been like that for St Francis and St Jane
Dec 31, 5:12 PM
Simone (Guest): Maybe I can see it one day.. the picture in the Sacristy
Dec 31, 5:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes if you are here or if I can take a pic of sa pic and post but my ipad died
5:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why is it significant that major prayers we know (the Our Father, Hail Mary, etc.) are worded in the plural, and are said as such, even when we are alone?
ec 31, 5:13 PM
Dec 31, 5:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): because we are praying with all the saints
Dec 31, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): I remember when I became Catholic.. I did not want to say ” pray for us”.. it was really difficult for me. I was so used to individual prayers only.
Dec 31, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): in the rosary
Dec 31, 5:15 PM
Bettychao (Guest): And holy bible
Dec 31, 5:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that is interesting, never heard that before
Dec 31, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): so.. how do I pray best to Mother Mary – when I want to intercede for my daughter Victoria?
Dec 31, 5:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, with the Church triumphant AND the Church militant .
Dec 31, 5:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): I pray they all may come into the fullness of the faith
Dec 31, 5:16 PM
Simone (Guest): I cannot say “us”
Dec 31, 5:16 PM
Simone (Guest): I like to pray the Memorare
Dec 31, 5:16 PM
Bettychao (Guest): But we need to pray to Jesus yeshua too he is the first one
ec 31, 5:17 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Betty… I do bring my prayers to Jesus..
Dec 31, 5:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): Simone, I ask Mother Mary to please bind my children to her Immaculate Heart, and lead them to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. this is how i insert in my Rosary
ec 31, 5:17 PM
Simone (Guest): thanks for sharing Dawn.. where in the rosary do you insert this?
Dec 31, 5:17 PM
Bettychao (Guest): That is why creed say I trust God into
Dec 31, 5:17 PMDawn (Guest): I say “with this Rosary”
Dec 31, 5:18 PMSimone (Guest): oh.. I see.. like an intention in the beginning of a decade
ec 31, 5:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): sometimes at the beginning of each decade.
Dec 31, 5:18 PM
Bettychao (Guest): That is why we say our father first and creed first God is overnight
Dec 31, 5:18 PM
Simone (Guest): I see, thank you
ec 31, 5:19 PM
Simone (Guest): I am just so torn then while I pray the rosary to concentrate on the mystery – while my heart cries out for my daughter.. just a personal challenge for me during prayer
Dec 31, 5:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What if we cannot find a suitable spiritual director? Are there others on whom we can rely for advice?
Dec 31, 5:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): it has been a prayer in progress, over time
ec 31, 5:20 PM
Simone (Guest): personally I think.. if we pray sincerely to find a suitable Spiritual director – out of the desire to grow closer to God’s heart.. God will guide us
Dec 31, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): secondly.. I do not think that Spiritual Direction is only advice giving.
Dec 31, 5:21 PM
Bettychao (Guest): The rosaries have bible gospel too because Jesus and our father in the rosaries I believe why Mary gave rosaries to us because Jesus ask her gave rosaries to us for pray to him Jesus
ec 31, 5:21 PMSrSusan (Guest): agrees- much more profound than advice
Dec 31, 5:22 PMSimone (Guest): For me Spiritual Direction is being an extended voice of God – to give feedback of the development of one’s soul – to be part of the forming of holiness in one’s person –
Dec 31, 5:22 PMSrSusan (Guest): good definition
Dec 31, 5:22 PMSimone (Guest): also – it does need a special love for the directee to truly guide on this way. And you need a given authority over this person – holy love gives this authority to speak in someone else’s life I find
Dec 31, 5:23 PMDawn (Guest): I have not found a suitable spiritual director. but I have found God provides , in Scripture, or in my heart. sometimes someone will bring the direction , or place in my heart what I need to hear.Mostly, it is God that leads, the Holy Spirit. He tells is in JOhn 14:27 that the Father will send the counsler, the Holy Spirit, in his name
Dec 31, 5:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): and will remind us of all things he has said to us
Dec 31, 5:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): “direct” direction, straight from the Holy Spirit
ec 31, 5:24 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I remember when I hear a clergy died and Jesus show him heaven he’ll and he saw so many clergies do bad things went to hell. And that clergy wake up and he give testimonies what Jesus show him
Dec 31, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Dawn. Not everyone needs a Spiritual director. But there are sensitive times in our spiritual lives – when GOD initiates special “windows of grace” – and then it is good to have a Spiritual Director who already knows you and can guide you in these times.. ( and by the way ‘windows of grace can also be times of extreme drynes
Dec 31, 5:25 PMDawn (Guest): I have not thought of that Simone. Windows of grace
ec 31, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): beautiful phrase- meaningful
Dec 31, 5:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): spiritual directors are not always available
c 31, 5:26 PMSimone (Guest): priests are often not available.. but people who truly have a Charism for spiritual direction – make themselves available for it often.. because they know that this is what God wants them to do
Dec 31, 5:27 PM
Ruth 2 (Guest): It the Holy Spirit is always available!
Dec 31, 5:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): there is formation involved
Dec 31, 5:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes Ruth!
Dec 31, 5:28 PM
Simone (Guest): yes.. and formation is longterm.. a spiritual director can observe from the outside things – how God takes a hold of your heart – often much better than we can see in ourselves
Dec 31, 5:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you Betty for sharing
Dec 31, 5:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and everyone!
Dec 31, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I will have to go now too. United in prayer!
Dec 31, 5:29 PM
Simone (Guest): Blessed New Year everyone! Thanks for making my New Years eve special with being on our chat!
Dec 31, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I will have to go now too. United in prayer!
Dec 31, 5:29 PM
Simone (Guest): Blessed New Year everyone! Thanks for making my New Years eve special with being on our chat!
Dec 31, 5:29 PM
Simone (Guest): Sending my love to all to you.. and to many more chats in the New Year!
Dec 31, 5:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr, a Blessed New year to you and all the Sisters!
Dec 31, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): for all of us- very special!
The Living Jesus Chat