The lonely soul in Jesus
Solitude is the virtue of the strong! It is also, said St Bernard, the paradise of saints. Certainly it is not a question of solitude suffered but of solitude chosen. It is good for our spiritual growth to withdraw from vain things distractions from the world, to avoid useless and often sterile conversations and also to run away from ourselves through too much self-care, worry selfish…
Let us flee to the desert from time to time because that is where the manna falls from the sky. Far from this hectic world interior and exterior to ourselves which absorbs us so much, let’s enter the desert, let’s go up into the Breast of God and there, hidden in the hollow of the Heart of Jesus, let him perform small miracles that he will not fail to do in our soul if he finds it alone, available to grace!
Let’s get into the habit during our hour of duty, to have this time of interior retreat, to remain quietly in his presence, as silent as possible so that Jesus can speak to us from Heart to Heart. (According to the 1st series of zealot tickets written by Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)
“Your Heart, O Jesus, will be the sanctuary where I will live peacefully, in love and lonely. »