Why is it important to ask God what He will do with us?How can we confidently know God’s will for us?With the aids of the sacraments, why can following God still be difficult?What advantage does foregoing delights and pleasures have in our spiritual life?How can Christ’s “incomparable sadness” and “terrible desolation” of the crucified Jesus be our joy?The second paragraph talks about “our sisters who are in need may find compassionate help….” Would St. Francis be addressing some problems among the sisters
Jan 25, 10:22 AM
SrSusan (Guest): that St. Jane, as superior, would have to deal with? What are the needed qualities of a superior, parent, or supervisor in listening to the complaints of those under us?What do you think of the idea of including in a letter to a friend a prayer to God? Have you ever done this?
Jan 25, 10:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for hat https://visitationspirit.org/2024/01/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-jan-28/

Newsletter for Sunday chat Jan 28 | Visitation Spirit
Jan 25, 10:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat 730-830pm est
Jan 26, 12:40 PM
: How can we confidently know God’s will for us?
Jan 28, 7:48 PM
Bettychao (Guest): By accept his mercy
an 28, 7:48 PMSrSusan (Guest): yes He wants us to accept His Mercy!
an 28, 7:49 PMBettychao (Guest): And he want his mercy to be share with friend
an 28, 7:50 PMSrSusan (Guest): With the aids of the sacraments, why can following God still be difficult?https://www.telegraphherald.com/news/tri-state/article_43cde04c-b161-11ee-aa64-4b072c974b9a.html
an 28, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What advantage does foregoing delights and pleasures have in our spiritual life?
Jan 28, 7:56 PM
Jan 28, 8:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): helps us concentrate on Jesus I think
Jan 28, 8:00 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I love to read Bible and to study the book call to know jesus
Jan 28, 8:02 PM
Bettychao (Guest): It is chinese
an 28, 8:03 PMSrSusan (Guest): What are the needed qualities of a superior, parent, or supervisor in listening to the complaints of those under us?
28, 8:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What are the needed qualities of a superior, parent, or supervisor in listening to the complaints of those under us?
Jan 28, 8:04 PM
Bettychao (Guest): To focus in Catholic faith and bible and have faith live with jesus
Jan 28, 8:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): perfect!
8:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What do you think of the idea of including in a letter to a friend a prayer to God? Have you ever done this?
Jan 28, 8:06 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Live in you life with holy Eucharist of christ
an 28, 8:08 PMSrSusan (Guest): I have included a prayer once or twice but mostly just say to the person that I will pray for them
n 28, 8:08 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan i love to do holy Eucharist adoration
Jan 28, 8:09 PM
SrSusan (Guest): me too best thing you can do!