Sunday Feb 18
But Jesus answered: “It is written: Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. » (Mt 4:4)
God commanded Moses to speak to the rock, and water gushed out from it. It is therefore not surprising that he melted the soul of his lover when she heard him speak to her in his sweet voice. (TLG VI, 12)
Does God have a real place in my life? Do I take the time to examine my life in light of His Word? This Sunday, I calmly reread the Gospel and listen to what God says to me.
Source: Un mot de Dieu – Association Saint François de Sales (saint-francois-de-sales.com)
“[H]e remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. … [A]nd the angels ministered to him.” (Mark 1:13)
“The rebellious mind wants his heart to be autonomous and his will to be as sovereign as God’s will. He does not want the divine will to rule over his own, he does not want to depend on anyone.” (“Treatise on the Love of God,” Book VIII, Chapter 7)
Lord, let me accept the unexpected without being upset. Show me that my life depends on you in all circumstances.
Monday Feb 19
For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you welcomed me; I was naked and you dressed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me! (Mt 25:35-36)
When will we see the souls of our neighbors in the sacred chest of the Savior? Alas! whoever looks at his neighbor outside of there, runs the risk of loving him neither purely, nor constantly, nor equally. (To Mme de Chantal, May 15-17, 1616)
Lent is proposed to rediscover our heritage of holiness. Today I look, in a missal or a catechism, at the commitments that have been mine since my baptism.
Tuesday Feb 20
For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Mt 6:14)
We must never say that we cannot do something […] because we can do everything in the grace of God, who does not leave us in our necessities. (Interviews, Questions made to our blessed Father – Pléiade p. 1295)
This evening, before going to bed, I will take five minutes to review my day, identifying in what I did what Jesus would never have done.
Wed Feb 21
Seeing their reaction, and how they turned away from their evil behavior, God forsook the punishment with which he had threatened them.” (Jon 3, 10)
When our heart has committed some fault, let us rebuke it with gentleness and patience, with more compassion than passion, encouraging it to reform itself. The repentance he will feel will be much deeper than if we get angry and storm against ourselves. (IDL III, 9)
I spot in my heart an old remorse, a refusal to forgive myself, and I decide on a gentle gesture, an encouraging word or thought that will move in the direction of inner peace.
Thur Feb 22
With all my heart, Lord, I thank you: you have heard the words of my mouth. I sing to you in the presence of the angels. (Ps 137:1)
Lord ! When then will we sacrifice what we are after having sacrificed to you what we have? (TLGXII, 10)
During this day, I enter a church, I approach Mary and I sing (in my heart…) the Magnificat!
Fri Feb 23
So, when you go to present your offering at the altar, if there you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there, in front of the altar, first go and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and present your offering. (Mt 5:23-24)
Worldly people pride themselves on not forgiving; and Jesus Christ teaches: Blessed are the merciful, for they will obtain mercy, thereby showing us that if we do not show mercy, it will not be given to us. (Sermon of September 27, 1619)
I take the time to read and internalize “the Act of Charity”
Sat Feb 24
Today you have obtained this declaration from the Lord: He will be your God; you will follow his ways, you will keep his decrees, his commandments and his ordinances, you will listen to his voice. (Deut 26:17)
My God, what a pity to see a soul lulling itself with illusions, reassuring itself cheaply, no longer worrying, as if it had charity, and finally realizing that its holiness is feigned, that its peace in spiritual life is only apathy, and its joy, unconsciousness! (TLG IV, 10)
Today I remove the television and all other screens and I devote part of this time to taking stock of my Lenten efforts: are my fasting, my prayer selfless? Do I practice them to be a good person? or because God asks me to?