The generous soul
It sometimes happens that Jesus chooses us to be his victim associated with his suffering. Isn’t that a sign of great confidence on his part? In this way, he invites us to prove our generosity towards him.
What is love who has not been tested? The extent of our patience in bearing the vagaries of daily life and life in general, serves to strengthen us and make us grow in the faith. Nothing is in vain, nor sterile, everything contributes to our elevation.
As Jesus allowed himself to be led into silence on the path to his crucifixion, without never opening His mouth to complain, let’s keep quiet about all the good reasons for us to complain. Let us do every act, even the most difficult, as a virtue. Let’s enrich our soul under the sole gaze of the Lord. What consolation we will give him because alas, Jesus finds few friends generous enough who want to follow him to the death of themselves… even though this death gives access to happiness and life eternal. ! ( 1st series of zealot tickets written by Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)