Dear friends, Leaders and Directors of the Guard of Honor,
We are pleased to announce that we are planning a large international gathering open to all Honor Guards from May 12 to 15, 2025. This gathering will take place in Bourg en Bresse, birthplace of the Guard of Honor. During this gathering, we will go for a day to the sanctuary of Paray le Monial and we will take the opportunity for a meeting of all national officials.
As this requires a huge organization, to help us carry out this project, we would be grateful if you could tell us approximately but very quickly (if possible before March 31) if you think you can participate and how many honor guards from your countries would be likely to accompany you.
We thank you for informing all those responsible for the different centers in your country or regions of this project. As soon as we have made progress on all the details, we will keep you informed in detail.
May the Lord bless you.
Well in communion with everyone Father Christian Catayée, General Director The Sisters of the Visitation: Mother Maria Guadalupe and Sr. Célina Garcia de la Mora,
delegate Geneviève VIGNES, coordinator-secretary for the Headquarters – Monastery of the Visitation Paray le Monial tel: 09 51 96 47 90 Our official website: https://gardedhonordusacrecoeur.org/